Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Most awful hack job, but my kid likes it


Gunner Asch

There's a difference, though - Churchill never hid his drinking or
claimed he was sober, while Bush has based all his claims to the moral
high ground on being a born-again Christian and a reformed alcoholic.

And your evidence to his diving off the wagon, is what again?

Did you ever get a grip on your methamphetamine addiction? Its obvious
to everyone you have one.



"Pax Americana is a philosophy. Hardly an empire.
Making sure other people play nice and dont kill each other (and us)
off in job lots is hardly empire building, particularly when you give
them self determination under "play nice" rules.

Think of it as having your older brother knock the shit out of you
for torturing the cat." Gunner

Gunner Asch

Being a born-again Christian (or being vociferously affiliated with any
religion) alone proves massive brain damage, which may or may not have
been caused by alcohol or drug consumtion. A woman I know turned
religious after a large portion of her skull's content was removed
during a tumor resection.


Your opinon is noted. Fatally flawed..but noted. Shrug.


"Pax Americana is a philosophy. Hardly an empire.
Making sure other people play nice and dont kill each other (and us)
off in job lots is hardly empire building, particularly when you give
them self determination under "play nice" rules.

Think of it as having your older brother knock the shit out of you
for torturing the cat." Gunner

Gunner Asch

The Miers nomination was indeed a poor one. If he'd just stop trying to
appease the left wingers, we'd end up with more SCJ like Roberts.


Indeed. Now its fun watching the Left scream and spew over Alito..even
when they approved him twice before with 100% of the vote.


"Pax Americana is a philosophy. Hardly an empire.
Making sure other people play nice and dont kill each other (and us)
off in job lots is hardly empire building, particularly when you give
them self determination under "play nice" rules.

Think of it as having your older brother knock the shit out of you
for torturing the cat." Gunner

Jim Thompson

Pushing the envelope....LOL...sorry Jim, I call them the way I see
them..didn't know that one could win or lose when expressing an opinion
based on supporting data.

You totally missed my point. "I have just as much accurate evidence
that you're queer as you have that Bush is drinking again" means I
have no such FACT, as you have no such FACT about Bush. You're just
being a parrot.

I will ask the question, under what circumstances did Bush decide to
quit drinking? You clearly don't know... you just running on parrot
As for being a leftist weenie, that's really LOL. The liberals that
know me think I am extremely conservative to the point that I drive
them nuts.

So you're a mean-spirited MODERATE weenie ?
As for evidence as to my sexual persuasion versus Bush falling off the
wagon, Bush is a self confessed alcoholic. Once an alcoholic,
unfortunately always an alcoholic.

Based on what FACTS? See above.
As for me being queer...well if you
listen carefully you should be able to hear my wife laughing right now
after reading your comment. ;<)))

Well, 'twere I a mean-spirited leftist weenie, I'd say your wife's
statement proves you're bi-sexual.

See how easy it is to twist statements around?
Your right about Bush not being Elvis...sometimes even conservatives
are right. ;<)))


Bush is closer to Elvis than you'll ever be ;-)

...Jim Thompson

John Woodgate

I read in that Gunner Asch
"Pax Americana is a philosophy. Hardly an empire. Making sure other
people play nice and dont kill each other (and us) off in job lots is
hardly empire building, particularly when you give them self
determination under "play nice" rules.

Think of it as having your older brother knock the shit out of you for
torturing the cat." Gunner

Very good. When will the Secretary of State affirm it as irrevocable US

Rich The Philosopher

If that's what you consider proof, consider this:
I knew a guy who was stuck by lightning on the golf course after taking
God's name in vain.
He said, "God-Damn, that's a huge f_ckin storm cloud". and WHAM!

Now, I'm not claiming that as proof of anything, but if we apply your
'logic', it proves a whole bunch.

Yeah, well, by this logic, I was _missed_ by a ground stroke when I
was very young - 3ish or 4ish, I think - but I have a very clear
memory of it. At the time I had no idea that I should have got statements
from the witnesses to corroroborate it - hey, I was a KID! But,
not too many years ago, my Mom did acknowledge that, yes, one day
when there was a storm a-prewin', I came to the back door frantic that
I had just almost been hit by lightning.

So, what can you say about that? Maybe that's why I'm so crazy, or
maybe God wanted to wipe me off the planet but Mother Earth protected



Poor, poor Jim....he wants to fight with someone and this poster won't
play. ;<)))

Why don' t we let Ig have his discussion back?

TMT ... working on the next Elvis sighting

David Brown

Gunner said:
And your evidence to his diving off the wagon, is what again?

Read my post and the rest of the thread again - you'll see that was my
only other post in this thread, and I've made no claim to know whether
or not Bush is drinking again. My point is not that he is (or is not)
drinking - but that it is very relevant if he is. What an individual
gets up to in private, in his own time, is his own business - but not
when it is part of his public persona. What Clinton did after hours in
his own office with another consenting adult is his own business - lying
in court is a public affair. If any of the other top government people
get drunk at the weekend, that's their own affair - but Bush has
publicly committed himself to his born-again Christian non-drinking
image. A substantial proportion of his vote was based on the theory
that God is on his side, so a lapse becomes a big lie to a great many

If he is in fact getting drunk (rather than just having the odd drink),
then it is a very different issue again. Being the president of the USA
is rather different from other jobs - there is no such thing as being
off duty. He is "on call" all the time - whether he is at the office or
on his ranch. He is responsible for immediate action of devastating
consequences at extremely short notice - and should therefore never be

John Woodgate

I read in that David Brown
A substantial proportion of his vote was based on the theory that God
is on his side, so a lapse becomes a big lie to a great many Americans.

If God didn't want people to get drunk, he wouldn't have designed
alcohol to do that. (;-)

Jim Thompson

I read in that David Brown

If God didn't want people to get drunk, he wouldn't have designed
alcohol to do that. (;-)

Yep. Alcohol must fall into that "intelligent design" category ;-)

...Jim Thompson

Steve W.

David Brown said:
Read my post and the rest of the thread again - you'll see that was my
only other post in this thread, and I've made no claim to know whether
or not Bush is drinking again. My point is not that he is (or is not)
drinking - but that it is very relevant if he is. What an individual
gets up to in private, in his own time, is his own business - but not
when it is part of his public persona. What Clinton did after hours in
his own office with another consenting adult is his own business - lying
in court is a public affair. If any of the other top government people
get drunk at the weekend, that's their own affair - but Bush has
publicly committed himself to his born-again Christian non-drinking
image. A substantial proportion of his vote was based on the theory
that God is on his side, so a lapse becomes a big lie to a great many

If he is in fact getting drunk (rather than just having the odd drink),
then it is a very different issue again. Being the president of the USA
is rather different from other jobs - there is no such thing as being
off duty. He is "on call" all the time - whether he is at the office or
on his ranch. He is responsible for immediate action of devastating
consequences at extremely short notice - and should therefore never be

Talk about a hypocritical person.

"What Clinton did after hours in his own office with another consenting
adult is his own business "

BUT then in the same paragraph.

"Being the president of the USA is rather different from other jobs -
there is no such thing as being off duty."

So which is it, Presidents are responsible for their actions Full time,
Or they are not responsible for the actions that happen after hours"?
It is IMPOSSIBLE to have both.

Rich Grise, Plainclothes Hippie

Yep. Alcohol must fall into that "intelligent design" category ;-)

Heh. Yabbut, look at all of the rigamarole you have to go through to
_get_ the alcohol, from fermenting to distilling. (or brewing, or
zymurgy in general)

Marijuana, however, just grows up from the ground, ready to use.
That's why I believe Mother Earth loves us. :)


Rich Grise, Plainclothes Hippie

Talk about a hypocritical person.

"What Clinton did after hours in his own office with another consenting
adult is his own business "

BUT then in the same paragraph.

"Being the president of the USA is rather different from other jobs -
there is no such thing as being off duty."

So which is it, Presidents are responsible for their actions Full time,
Or they are not responsible for the actions that happen after hours"?
It is IMPOSSIBLE to have both.
I think his point was, if you get the call that the missiles are coming
and you're only getting a blow job, you can be back on the job in
seconds, ready to go to work. If you're dead drunk, you won't be fit for
duty for hours.



I read in that Gunner Asch

Very good. When will the Secretary of State affirm it as irrevocable US

He hasnt? You didnt get the memo?


"Pax Americana is a philosophy. Hardly an empire.
Making sure other people play nice and dont kill each other (and us)
off in job lots is hardly empire building, particularly when you give
them self determination under "play nice" rules.

Think of it as having your older brother knock the shit out of you
for torturing the cat." Gunner


Read my post and the rest of the thread again - you'll see that was my
only other post in this thread, and I've made no claim to know whether
or not Bush is drinking again. My point is not that he is (or is not)
drinking - but that it is very relevant if he is. What an individual
gets up to in private, in his own time, is his own business - but not
when it is part of his public persona. What Clinton did after hours in
his own office with another consenting adult is his own business - lying
in court is a public affair. If any of the other top government people
get drunk at the weekend, that's their own affair - but Bush has
publicly committed himself to his born-again Christian non-drinking
image. A substantial proportion of his vote was based on the theory
that God is on his side, so a lapse becomes a big lie to a great many

If he is in fact getting drunk (rather than just having the odd drink),
then it is a very different issue again. Being the president of the USA
is rather different from other jobs - there is no such thing as being
off duty. He is "on call" all the time - whether he is at the office or
on his ranch. He is responsible for immediate action of devastating
consequences at extremely short notice - and should therefore never be
Im sure that it would be relevant to your employers if they find out
about your addiction. Or the fact that you, like Bush, are simply
puppets, influenced by mind control rays operated by Grays, from their
black helicopters in L5.

Its absolutely fascinating to watch the Bush haters drift off into
whimsey...or rather , an attempt to demonize, simply because they are
still suffereing angst that they are no longer controlling the
country, and are not likely to do for any foreseeable future.

Its actually quite pathetic. They simply cannot understand that the
People have rejected them and their failed policies of the past 40+
yrs, and rather than use a bit of introspection and self examination,
continue to spew the same vitrol filled mantras, and push the same
failed policies, but now even more shrilly, that cost them more and
more elections.

I should mention at this time, that even the Conservatives are not
happy in full, with Bush. He is too moderate for most. So while you
are hoping and praying that the next election cycle will return you to
the Shining TImes of are ignoring the simple
fact..that the next election cycle will see a change alright..but it
will be a change ever farther to the Right, not to the Left.

You may wish to self terminate, or learn to suck it up, ruck up and
drive on.


"Pax Americana is a philosophy. Hardly an empire.
Making sure other people play nice and dont kill each other (and us)
off in job lots is hardly empire building, particularly when you give
them self determination under "play nice" rules.

Think of it as having your older brother knock the shit out of you
for torturing the cat." Gunner


Talk about a hypocritical person.

"What Clinton did after hours in his own office with another consenting
adult is his own business "

BUT then in the same paragraph.

"Being the president of the USA is rather different from other jobs -
there is no such thing as being off duty."

So which is it, Presidents are responsible for their actions Full time,
Or they are not responsible for the actions that happen after hours"?
It is IMPOSSIBLE to have both.
It is, if your a Leftist and your guy is in

They are indeed a hypocritical bunch. Demonstrated every day, post by


"Pax Americana is a philosophy. Hardly an empire.
Making sure other people play nice and dont kill each other (and us)
off in job lots is hardly empire building, particularly when you give
them self determination under "play nice" rules.

Think of it as having your older brother knock the shit out of you
for torturing the cat." Gunner


I think his point was, if you get the call that the missiles are coming
and you're only getting a blow job, you can be back on the job in
seconds, ready to go to work. If you're dead drunk, you won't be fit for
duty for hours.


But doing coke is ok? What was that that convicted drug dealer Roger
Clinton said about his brother Bill..something to the effect that he
had a nose like a Hoover?

Btw...we are still waiting to have all of his medical records
released. We would like to know how that burned out septum was


"Pax Americana is a philosophy. Hardly an empire.
Making sure other people play nice and dont kill each other (and us)
off in job lots is hardly empire building, particularly when you give
them self determination under "play nice" rules.

Think of it as having your older brother knock the shit out of you
for torturing the cat." Gunner


You may wish to self terminate, or learn to suck it up, ruck up and drive on.

Or the could stop being left wingers and get on the RIGHT side of the
issues. <g>



I read in that Gunner

HE???? What do you know about Ms Rice that we don't?

Mea Culpa. She indeed.


"Pax Americana is a philosophy. Hardly an empire.
Making sure other people play nice and dont kill each other (and us)
off in job lots is hardly empire building, particularly when you give
them self determination under "play nice" rules.

Think of it as having your older brother knock the shit out of you
for torturing the cat." Gunner