Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Most awful hack job, but my kid likes it


Jim Thompson

Hey, when I was a kid we had these hot-dog cookers that just put 120VAC
through the hot dog. I think later models had a door with some kind of
interlock on it.

Same here... don't remember one with a door.
And way before that I figured out that with a filament transformer and
a battery that you can make some semi-impressive voltages, enough to
give someone a good jolt.

I discovered that with the motor that came with my erector set.
Never mind the Number 6 cell hooked up to the nail file to make sparks
and a good amount of RFI as you drag the wire across it :). For some
reason the FCC doesn't require Part 15 certifcation of nail files but I
can guarantee you I made a lot more RFI with those than with anything
else I ever made!


I just loved screwing up AM reception on the sly ;-)

...Jim Thompson

Jim Thompson

I would agree that Bush is again drinking....and has been for quite
awhile. In my opinion, I suspect that he never stopped. Alcoholism is
never cured...only controlled day by day.

Remember the choking preztel? One very bad episode where the babysitter
supplied by the public almost lost a President.

Ever notice the dozens of vacations to his ranch to "clear bush"? All
opportunities to drink and dry out...the signature of an alcoholic
falling off the wagon and then getting back on.

Presidental staffs have a long history of hiding health problems from
the public. Don't think for a moment that this administration is any


Nonsense. Way too many public appearances to be just drunk in

Ever lived in D.C.? I have. A sheer garbage hole... even worse than
Boston ;-) I too would get away from that shit as often as I could.

...Jim Thompson



The D.C. that you experience is not the one the President does.

His needs and wants are supplied by others...he never gets to
experience the real world like you or I.

In a recent news story Bush revealed that he only carries a hankerchief
in his pockets...he has no need for anything else since others provide
it to him with your and my tax dollars.
From a personal example, for years I was the next door neighbor and
good friend of a highly regarded (Republican if matters) politician
whose name you would recognize. In public, he is "sober" and idolized.
In private, he is a fall down, pee in your pants drunk.

The vast majority of alcoholics are "functional alcoholics" where the
public (and many times their own families) never know the extent of the
illiness. I have also had family members, who only after many years
later, did I fully realize the extent of their problem.

As I said before, alcoholism is never cured...only controlled day by


Jim Thompson


The D.C. that you experience is not the one the President does.

He can smell it ;-)
His needs and wants are supplied by others...he never gets to
experience the real world like you or I.

That why he goes back to the ranch. You easterners can never
understand how pleasant the southwest is.
In a recent news story Bush revealed that he only carries a hankerchief
in his pockets...he has no need for anything else since others provide
it to him with your and my tax dollars.

Yep. Remember the movie, "The American President". He had to ask his
secretary for his credit card ;-)
From a personal example, for years I was the next door neighbor and
good friend of a highly regarded (Republican if matters) politician
whose name you would recognize. In public, he is "sober" and idolized.
In private, he is a fall down, pee in your pants drunk.

The vast majority of alcoholics are "functional alcoholics" where the
public (and many times their own families) never know the extent of the
illiness. I have also had family members, who only after many years
later, did I fully realize the extent of their problem.

As I said before, alcoholism is never cured...only controlled day by


I think this "Bush drunk" is just more mean-spirited shit generated by
the Democrat dolts.

...Jim Thompson

John Woodgate

I read in that Jim Thompson
I think this "Bush drunk" is just more mean-spirited shit generated by
the Democrat dolts.

Whatever it is, it's his personal misfortune, and not something to make
political arguments about. In the same way, you can take David Blunkett
to task for being a 'bearded, power-crazed sex maniac' (and
pathologically stupid, as are all politicians who think they won't be
found out), but his blindness is not a subject for discussion.


No Jim, reread my're making excuses...location and
culture have nothing to do with it...he is insulated from anything
unpleasant. If you accept a job, the location goes with it....ever try
telling a future employer "Yeah I want the job but I won't move"...LOL.

You also may want to consider that making excuses for the alcoholic's
behavior is a common reaction by those "enablers" who permit the
behavior to occur.

It's a sad situation but it is common for those around the person in
question with vested interests to allow them to continue their
destructive behavior to a miserable end....remember Elvis?



"Whatever it is, it's his personal misfortune, and not something to
make political arguments about"

John, you can't be serious when you say that.

Not when among other things this individual has his finger on the
button that can end the human race.
From my experiences I have sympathy for those who have chemical
dependancies but it does not cloud my judgment that if they have a
problem, you don't put them in positions where they can seriously
injure others.

Unannounced drug tests with public disclosure of the results would be a
great idea for politicians and one that I seriously doubt our President
would pass.


John Woodgate

I read in that Too_Many_Tools
"Whatever it is, it's his personal misfortune, and not something to
make political arguments about"

John, you can't be serious when you say that.

I carefully wrote 'political arguments'. If you claim he is incompetent
to continue as President due to alcohol dependence, then proceed
according to the law. Don't chant, effectively, 'Yah, boo! Look at the
drunk!' It isn't polite or even effective, and it says a lot about the
mentality of the chanter.


Okay John, I want an unannounced drug test and I want you to personally
go get the sample...need a cup?

I am not being meanspirited or poking fun at what I consider to be a
very sad situation...trying to paint my discussion as such says much
about you. I am stating my opinion and have every right to it as you do
to yours. The man is a self admitted alcoholic and should be subject to
random drug tests to insure that a relapse has not occurred.

Why don't we wait for the truth to come out years from now... long
after the harm has been done.


Richard the Dreaded Libertarian

No Jim, reread my're making excuses...location and
culture have nothing to do with it...he is insulated from anything
unpleasant. If you accept a job, the location goes with it....ever try
telling a future employer "Yeah I want the job but I won't move"...LOL.

You also may want to consider that making excuses for the alcoholic's
behavior is a common reaction by those "enablers" who permit the
behavior to occur.

It's a sad situation but it is common for those around the person in
question with vested interests to allow them to continue their
destructive behavior to a miserable end....remember Elvis?

Actually, Bush's alcoholism or not, if he's not doing a competent job
he should be fired. It shouldn't matter if somebody's drunk or stoned
or a porno-watcher on his own time, if he does the job he's being paid
for; and there seem to be those who say Dubya's not doing the job of
president very well.



I think that it is helpful to separate reality from feelings. For
example, if a person has pro-republican feelings, that person could
still recognize the [unpleasant] real possibility that Bush has
relapsed into drinking again. I am disappointed that for some people,
their political affiliation (republican or democratic) makes them
blind to unpleasant facts. I cannot believe that any good consequences
could come from ignoring reality.



and there seem to be those who say Dubya's not doing the job of
president very well.

There are those who say that about any president.

The fact is, he could be doing a better job if he'd just stop trying to
appease the unappeasable liberals.


Richard Henry

Jim Thompson said:
Yep. Remember the movie, "The American President". He had to ask his
secretary for his credit card ;-)

Secretary of the Treasury? Secretary of the Interior?

John Woodgate

I read in that Too_Many_Tools
I am stating my opinion and have every right to it as you do to yours.

Who said you hadn't? I maintain only that it's not a topic for political
The man is a self admitted alcoholic and should be subject to random
drug tests to insure that a relapse has not occurred.

Why? Does it matter if he has a drink? It matters if he appears drunk in
public so as to disgrace his office, but that hasn't happened yet and
isn't likely to.
Why don't we wait for the truth to come out years from now... long
after the harm has been done.

The time to raise his competence to continue is when you see harm done.
Before that you have no case.

John Woodgate

I read in that Ignoramus13880
I think that it is helpful to separate reality from feelings. For
example, if a person has pro-republican feelings, that person could
still recognize the [unpleasant] real possibility that Bush has
relapsed into drinking again. I am disappointed that for some people,
their political affiliation (republican or democratic) makes them
blind to unpleasant facts. I cannot believe that any good consequences
could come from ignoring reality.
Provided he doesn't do anything to disgrace his office, he should be
left alone on this score.

I don't know what happened in the past in USA, but some of the best and
best-loved politicians in UK were sober only just long enough for it not
to show.

Jim Thompson

No Jim, reread my're making excuses...location and
culture have nothing to do with it...he is insulated from anything
unpleasant. If you accept a job, the location goes with it....ever try
telling a future employer "Yeah I want the job but I won't move"...LOL.

I do it all the time ;-)
You also may want to consider that making excuses for the alcoholic's
behavior is a common reaction by those "enablers" who permit the
behavior to occur.

It's a sad situation but it is common for those around the person in
question with vested interests to allow them to continue their
destructive behavior to a miserable end....remember Elvis?


Bush ain't Elvis ;-)

Stop being a leftist weenie, parroting everything you've been trained
to spout; otherwise...

I have just as much accurate evidence that you're queer as you have
that Bush is drinking again.

Keep pushing the envelope and you will lose ;-)

...Jim Thompson


"their political affiliation (republican or democratic) makes them
blind to unpleasant facts."

I agree Ig...and for the record I was not happy with Clinton's behavior
while on the public clock either.

When you are in public office, you are there to do your job and not to
take endless vacations or to play house with the hired help.



Pushing the envelope....LOL...sorry Jim, I call them the way I see
them..didn't know that one could win or lose when expressing an opinion
based on supporting data.

As for being a leftist weenie, that's really LOL. The liberals that
know me think I am extremely conservative to the point that I drive
them nuts.

As for evidence as to my sexual persuasion versus Bush falling off the
wagon, Bush is a self confessed alcoholic. Once an alcoholic,
unfortunately always an alcoholic. As for me being queer...well if you
listen carefully you should be able to hear my wife laughing right now
after reading your comment. ;<)))

Your right about Bush not being Elvis...sometimes even conservatives
are right. ;<)))



"The time to raise his competence to continue is when you see harm
done. Before that you have no case."

Seen the latest polls recently?

The majority of Americans are not happy with the job performance of the
big guy in the front office.

If he were an employee he would have been already discharged.

As it is, Republicans are getting nervous about the 2006 elections.

I think they are a reason to be nervous.

