Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Most awful hack job, but my kid likes it


Jim Thompson

Regarding Bush, calling him a liar is simply stating the facts. (and
yes, I think that Clinton was a liar too, just stating the obvious).

I also suspect quite strongly that Bush resumes drinking again.


You read too many scandal magazines ;-)

...Jim Thompson


Gunner wrote...

You, Gunner, can take a flying leap...

And in advance, to those who rise to criticize me for making
a strong remark, consider the mean-minded provocation, and how
very ugly it appears to anyone to the right of George Bush.

"Flying leap", was a strong remark??? Gads man...are you new to
Btw...did you notice the <G>?

Gunner, casting and retrieving, casting and retrieving....there! got
a hit.....
Confronting Liberals with the facts of reality is very much akin to
clubbing baby seals. It gets boring after a while, but because Liberals are
so stupid it is easy work." Steven M. Barry

Winfield Hill

John Woodgate wrote...
I read in that Winfield Hill

Can any such person be postulated, though? (;-)

My error, of course.


You, Gunner, can take a flying leap...
And in advance, to those who rise to criticize me for making
a strong remark, consider the mean-minded provocation, and how
very ugly it appears to anyone to the right of George Bush.

That's not a strong remark. Strong remarks are terms like lib-tard,
brain-dead leftie, pinko-commie-socialist-welfare freak, repug,
shrubbie (actually kind of mild), neocon, whacked out left winger,
right wing liar, left wing liar...


Robert Swinney

OK! I can hold it no longer! The OP's asinine opening with an insipid pix
of some brat holding a potentially dangerous device was merely a tool used
to hone his trolling ability. Apparently, many RCM subscribers were
"trolled up" by this expert. No matter that the basic premise gravitated to
other subjects, as RCM posts nearly always tend to do,
many otherwise intelligent posters went for this particular bit of troll
bait. Further supporting my contention is the greatest "troll master" of
them all, the ubiquitous "Cliff", was notably absent from the generated

Bob (calls a troll by any other name a troll) Swinney

Jon Danniken

Robert Swinney said:
OK! I can hold it no longer! The OP's asinine opening with an insipid pix
of some brat holding a potentially dangerous device was merely a tool used
to hone his trolling ability. Apparently, many RCM subscribers were
"trolled up" by this expert. No matter that the basic premise gravitated to
other subjects, as RCM posts nearly always tend to do,
many otherwise intelligent posters went for this particular bit of troll
bait. Further supporting my contention is the greatest "troll master" of
them all, the ubiquitous "Cliff", was notably absent from the generated

Iggy might be a lot of things, but he isn't a troll. As a matter of fact,
he is to be commended for not stooping to the level of those who obsess over
any opportunity to slander him (you know who you are), and for honestly
trying to learn a new thing or two. He also doesn't waste bandwidth on the
incessent political prattling that has sent so many here into the bit

The thing about him is that he isn't afraid to try and learn new things,
even making a few mistakes along the way. This is what absolutely
infuriates some "men" who have been conditioned their whole lives to live in
the little box of a self-imposed prison.



Iggy might be a lot of things, but he isn't a troll. As a matter of fact,
he is to be commended for not stooping to the level of those who obsess over
any opportunity to slander him (you know who you are), and for honestly
trying to learn a new thing or two. He also doesn't waste bandwidth on the
incessent political prattling that has sent so many here into the bit

The thing about him is that he isn't afraid to try and learn new things,
even making a few mistakes along the way. This is what absolutely
infuriates some "men" who have been conditioned their whole lives to live in
the little box of a self-imposed prison.

Thank you.



"Flying leap", was a strong remark??? Gads man...are you new to

No, acually Win is not new to the Usenet at all. He's a well respected
author and engineer, but for some reason he thinks he must defend Rich,
the SED drunk-n-druggie. Oh, and he's also a leftist Masshole.
Btw...did you notice the <G>?

Of course not. Lefties never smile.


Like Time, NewsWeek, WashPost, and the NYT? ;-)

I recall (perhaps incorrectly) that I read an article about that in
either WP or Salon. It made me think about it and I think that it is
more likely than not that indeed Bush resumed drinking.



I recall (perhaps incorrectly)

that I read an article about that in either WP or Salon. It made me
think about it and I think that it is more likely than not that indeed
Bush resumed drinking.

Please do find another "news" source.


You read too many scandal magazines ;-)
Like Time, NewsWeek, WashPost, and the NYT? ;-)

Yeah, like those. We all know how accurate the NYT is, don't we.
Yellow Journalism, alive and well in 2005 America.



tillius said:
Yeah, like those. We all know how accurate the NYT is, don't we.
Yellow Journalism, alive and well in 2005 America.


So Tilly.... this begs the question... What are *your* favorite news

Gunner Asch

That's not a strong remark. Strong remarks are terms like lib-tard,
brain-dead leftie, pinko-commie-socialist-welfare freak, repug,
shrubbie (actually kind of mild), neocon, whacked out left winger,
right wing liar, left wing liar...


Actually..those are hardly strong remarks either. Pointed, pithy and
often derogotory..but..shrug

"Now if some briaindead Marxist faggot wants to spew shit and piss all
over the net...he can kiss my rosey red rectum, and enjoy all the nuts
and dingleberries he can scrape off the rim." And so forth. Those
would be considered strong remarks. And of course..if one simply goes
to Google Groups and enters the word will find the
largest number of folks using those two terms alone, are Leftwingers



"Pax Americana is a philosophy. Hardly an empire.
Making sure other people play nice and dont kill each other (and us)
off in job lots is hardly empire building, particularly when you give
them self determination under "play nice" rules.

Think of it as having your older brother knock the shit out of you
for torturing the cat." Gunner


Well, I watch Fox news and CNN, both of which tend to editorialize the
news. I just try to filter out the noise by doing a little research on
their 'sources'.

Written, none of the rags impress me. I get the AP News Wire in raw
format. Sure, the stories are by people and still tend to be
editorialized with either a Right or Left slant, dependent upon the
originating reporter/news organiation, however, the raw stories on the
AP wire usually have verifiable sources that you can qualify on your

Not giving any of them a buy here.



OK! I can hold it no longer! The OP's asinine opening with an insipid pix
of some brat holding a potentially dangerous device was merely a tool used
to hone his trolling ability.

Nope. He's just a little less inhibited than most when it comes to
writing about his projects. It's a likeable quality.


Tim Shoppa

hacked-up toy that's plugged into live 115VAC
line current (with nothing but some flimsy
cardboard and packing tape for insulation)?

Hey, when I was a kid we had these hot-dog cookers that just put 120VAC
through the hot dog. I think later models had a door with some kind of
interlock on it.

And way before that I figured out that with a filament transformer and
a battery that you can make some semi-impressive voltages, enough to
give someone a good jolt.

Never mind the Number 6 cell hooked up to the nail file to make sparks
and a good amount of RFI as you drag the wire across it :). For some
reason the FCC doesn't require Part 15 certifcation of nail files but I
can guarantee you I made a lot more RFI with those than with anything
else I ever made!



I would agree that Bush is again drinking....and has been for quite
awhile. In my opinion, I suspect that he never stopped. Alcoholism is
never cured...only controlled day by day.

Remember the choking preztel? One very bad episode where the babysitter
supplied by the public almost lost a President.

Ever notice the dozens of vacations to his ranch to "clear bush"? All
opportunities to drink and dry out...the signature of an alcoholic
falling off the wagon and then getting back on.

Presidental staffs have a long history of hiding health problems from
the public. Don't think for a moment that this administration is any



I would agree that Bush is again drinking....and has been for quite
awhile. In my opinion, I suspect that he never stopped. Alcoholism is
never cured...only controlled day by day.

I could believe that he was not drinking during his first term, but
now I have little doubt that he has resumed drinking.
Remember the choking preztel? One very bad episode where the babysitter
supplied by the public almost lost a President.

Ever notice the dozens of vacations to his ranch to "clear bush"? All
opportunities to drink and dry out...the signature of an alcoholic
falling off the wagon and then getting back on.

Presidental staffs have a long history of hiding health problems from
the public. Don't think for a moment that this administration is any



Jim Thompson

OK! I can hold it no longer! The OP's asinine opening with an insipid pix
of some brat holding a potentially dangerous device was merely a tool used
to hone his trolling ability. Apparently, many RCM subscribers were
"trolled up" by this expert. No matter that the basic premise gravitated to
other subjects, as RCM posts nearly always tend to do,
many otherwise intelligent posters went for this particular bit of troll
bait. Further supporting my contention is the greatest "troll master" of
them all, the ubiquitous "Cliff", was notably absent from the generated

Bob (calls a troll by any other name a troll) Swinney

And who-the-**** IS "Bob (calls a troll by any other name a troll)

Go away!


...Jim Thompson