Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Most awful hack job, but my kid likes it



"their political affiliation (republican or democratic) makes them
blind to unpleasant facts."

I consider myself very conservative and for the most part was happy
with the job the president did on his first term. Near the end of his
first term and this term, he has given entirely too much to appease the
liberals. That and the fact he's too loose with illegal immigration

If he is in fact drinking again, I'd have even more of a problem with

As far as Republicans being nervous about 2006, I think they're more
unhappy with the lack of conservative action on the part of Congress
and the White House than they are nervous. I believe conservatives
still have the voting power to keep congress in the hands of
Republicans, and they certainly won't be replacing them with liberals.

I do hope we can find a 'real' conservative candidate for the
Whitehouse in 2008. If not, I fear a lack of enthusiasm may keep enough
conservatives home from the voting booths that the libs may have a
chance, even with Hillary.



"their political affiliation (republican or democratic) makes them
blind to unpleasant facts."

I agree Ig...and for the record I was not happy with Clinton's behavior
while on the public clock either.

And I, for the record, was more tham not happy with Clinton and, to my
current regret, voted for Bush (mostly for gun related reasons).


John Fields

And I, for the record, was more tham not happy with Clinton and, to my
current regret, voted for Bush (mostly for gun related reasons).

"For the record???" LOL, Like someone's keeping track of your
moronic drivel? If you had anything important to say it might be
worthwhile to put it "on the record", but so far it's just more crap
so stop flattering yourselves with your self-serving off-topic shit,

Dave Hinz

"For the record???" LOL, Like someone's keeping track of your
moronic drivel? If you had anything important to say it might be
worthwhile to put it "on the record", but so far it's just more crap
so stop flattering yourselves with your self-serving off-topic shit,

So if his posts bug you so much, killfile him. Here, I'll show you how
it's done.


Dave's right...should have kept on topic...sorry Ig for sidetracking
your interesting thread.


Gunner Asch

Nope. He's just a little less inhibited than most when it comes to
writing about his projects. It's a likeable quality.


Indeed. Its a rather refreshing trait.


"Pax Americana is a philosophy. Hardly an empire.
Making sure other people play nice and dont kill each other (and us)
off in job lots is hardly empire building, particularly when you give
them self determination under "play nice" rules.

Think of it as having your older brother knock the shit out of you
for torturing the cat." Gunner

Gunner Asch

I could believe that he was not drinking during his first term, but
now I have little doubt that he has resumed drinking.
And you base this on what again?


"Pax Americana is a philosophy. Hardly an empire.
Making sure other people play nice and dont kill each other (and us)
off in job lots is hardly empire building, particularly when you give
them self determination under "play nice" rules.

Think of it as having your older brother knock the shit out of you
for torturing the cat." Gunner

Gunner Asch

I think that it is helpful to separate reality from feelings. For
example, if a person has pro-republican feelings, that person could
still recognize the [unpleasant] real possibility that Bush has
relapsed into drinking again. I am disappointed that for some people,
their political affiliation (republican or democratic) makes them
blind to unpleasant facts. I cannot believe that any good consequences
could come from ignoring reality.


And you base your claim that Bush has fallen off the wagon, on what


"Pax Americana is a philosophy. Hardly an empire.
Making sure other people play nice and dont kill each other (and us)
off in job lots is hardly empire building, particularly when you give
them self determination under "play nice" rules.

Think of it as having your older brother knock the shit out of you
for torturing the cat." Gunner

Gunner Asch

I read in that Ignoramus13880
I think that it is helpful to separate reality from feelings. For
example, if a person has pro-republican feelings, that person could
still recognize the [unpleasant] real possibility that Bush has
relapsed into drinking again. I am disappointed that for some people,
their political affiliation (republican or democratic) makes them
blind to unpleasant facts. I cannot believe that any good consequences
could come from ignoring reality.
Provided he doesn't do anything to disgrace his office, he should be
left alone on this score.

I don't know what happened in the past in USA, but some of the best and
best-loved politicians in UK were sober only just long enough for it not
to show.

Churchill for one.


"Pax Americana is a philosophy. Hardly an empire.
Making sure other people play nice and dont kill each other (and us)
off in job lots is hardly empire building, particularly when you give
them self determination under "play nice" rules.

Think of it as having your older brother knock the shit out of you
for torturing the cat." Gunner


And you base this on what again?

The Miers story especially was very telling to me. I cannot believe
that a sober person could nominate her.


Harold and Susan Vordos

Gunner Asch said:
Indeed. Its a rather refreshing trait.


And he responds with manners. If he's a troll, he's a pleasant one. I
say power to him.


Gunner Asch

The Miers story especially was very telling to me. I cannot believe
that a sober person could nominate her.


So then the only citation you have, is you opinion, based on his pick

Be careful of how you set the rules for the playing could
become 3rd base, if biased opinion becomes the only criteria of proof.


"Pax Americana is a philosophy. Hardly an empire.
Making sure other people play nice and dont kill each other (and us)
off in job lots is hardly empire building, particularly when you give
them self determination under "play nice" rules.

Think of it as having your older brother knock the shit out of you
for torturing the cat." Gunner

David Brown

Gunner said:
Churchill for one.


There's a difference, though - Churchill never hid his drinking or
claimed he was sober, while Bush has based all his claims to the moral
high ground on being a born-again Christian and a reformed alcoholic.


The Miers story especially was very telling to me. I cannot believe
that a sober person could nominate her.

The Miers nomination was indeed a poor one. If he'd just stop trying to
appease the left wingers, we'd end up with more SCJ like Roberts.



The Miers story especially was very telling to me. I cannot believe
that a sober person could nominate her.

The Miers nomination was indeed a poor one. If he'd just stop trying to
appease the left wingers, we'd end up with more SCJ like Roberts.



There's a difference, though - Churchill never hid his drinking or
claimed he was sober, while Bush has based all his claims to the moral
high ground on being a born-again Christian and a reformed alcoholic.

Yeah, and Clinton smoked pot but he didn't inhale.

The real problem the lefties have with Bush is he isn't a left winger,
and, of course, anyone who claims to be a Christian is a magnet for the
ire of the left.


Robert Latest

There's a difference, though - Churchill never hid his drinking or
claimed he was sober, while Bush has based all his claims to the moral
high ground on being a born-again Christian and a reformed alcoholic.

Being a born-again Christian (or being vociferously affiliated with any
religion) alone proves massive brain damage, which may or may not have
been caused by alcohol or drug consumtion. A woman I know turned
religious after a large portion of her skull's content was removed
during a tumor resection.



A woman I know turned religious after a large portion of her
skull's content was removed during a tumor resection.

If that's what you consider proof, consider this:
I knew a guy who was stuck by lightning on the golf course after taking
God's name in vain.
He said, "God-Damn, that's a huge f_ckin storm cloud". and WHAM!

Now, I'm not claiming that as proof of anything, but if we apply your
'logic', it proves a whole bunch.
