Maker Pro
Maker Pro

lateral mosfets vs. bjts in audio amplifier design



Jamie said:
I did a project years!!!!!!!!!! ago using a ISA bus card in a 486
computer that sampled up to 500K, this was used for harmonic spectrum
analyses reports using DFT/IDFT which later on was translated into
a FFT with coefficient tables.

And the connection with audio reverb is ?



Michael A. Terrell said:
The audio industry is run by empty suits these days.

I understand where you're coming from better than you might imagine, but
thankfully no 'suit' knows how to mix.

I loathe the 'suits' too.
Rarely is anything produced that is fit to listen to.

There's a lot of that going on for sure. I prefer LIVE music myself
(including reverb and compression) and I might be mixing it myself..

I have, and I didn't like it.

I'm surprised. I doubt you've heard mine.

It's not springs any more you know.

Up yours.

Childish comment.



Eeyore said:
Jamie wrote:

Really ?

Mine was 32 bit code. Work out how to do that eh ?

Any one that can't do higher precision in Uc's other than
what is supplied natively, does not belong coding in uc's

you're hitting bottom!..

and for you info, that was a 8 bit Uc but the FFT was 16 bit,.
more than enough."


Jamie said:
Any one that can't do higher precision in Uc's other than
what is supplied natively, does not belong coding in uc's

you're hitting bottom!..

and for you info, that was a 8 bit Uc but the FFT was 16 bit,.
more than enough.

FFTs have nothing to do with it.



Jamie said:
What a pig shitting BS'er you are..

Go away!...

You're treaded on thin ice you old crony!

You're the fool. You are nothing more than a disgusting piece of pig

You're just jealous because you can't do it. Bloody typical of idiots.


You have also now shown you don't know what a live performance is.

Jolly well done I say. Even orchestras have amplification these days.



Michael A. Terrell said:
He's too stupid to understand that concept and too childish to admit

You and Fields really are utterly out of touch with pro-audio. You're in no
position even to comment on it.


Jasen Betts

One of the few truly vile people round here is you.

Did you even bother following the links ?

he only posts links, he never even checks them.


Kevin Aylward

Jamie said:
Cough, Cough.................................

Jesus Christ...

Who the hell would want your reverb code.

Do you honestly believe people out there can not do their
own DSP coding?

Choosing the right co-efficient could take a month of Sundays though, so not
surprising one don't want to tell anyone what they are.

Like, the basics of a nuclear bomp are pretty trivial, but its the final
details that matter.

I have tried quite a lot of digital delays, and it is somewhat surprising
that many, many of them, still sound like shit. Not one usable setting.
Trust me.

Like, do you know the one about the Coke A Cola formula....that's not rocket
science either.

I don't have the time to read most of this thread, Graham, but...

Kevin Aylward

Kevin Aylward

AMS-Neve don't seem to have that problem. Read the client list.


I am *really* loving my new tascam digital multitrack. Its a joy to record
and randomly seek to any point in the song. The digital saving and operation
of tuneable tone controls are magic. Now I want a digital desk, with
infinite rotate pots with position lights on each channel. Like, there is no
going back once one has the digital controllability.

Kevin Aylward

Kevin Aylward

Eeyore said:
It did one my models by an arm and a leg. Exactly where I wanted it.

Speed is good.

Yes. I always use emitter resister now. It does help the matching problem
tremendously. I have some sim results of diff pair distortion with mismatch
Who said it had to be in the same overall loop ?

Not sure I understand what you are saying here.
Well, I made a QSC-lokalike design perform far better by applying
those techniques of mine.

Including 2 stages of pole zero compensation.

Yes, if one has N rolloffs, then take them all but one out at the UGF, then
these higher order systems can be compensated. Discretely, this is not too
difficult, in ic's it can be really hard to get the compensation due to cap
size. But note, thes higher order systems still have a net lower BW. You get
all the loop gain up to a frequency point, then kill it all very quickly.
Its still a trade off of speed verses accuracy in the chosen BW.

Kevin Aylward

Eeyore said:
I don't disagree with you overall Kevin. I keep a little trick up my
sleeve with power amps that changes the game somewhat and eliminates
any such 'expenses'. However it's absurdly obvious (when you think
about it) and consequently couldn't be patented I'm sure and the
moment the 'secret' gets out everyone will be doing it. It's insanely
simple too. You just have to have the wits to think of it.


Note, as in the mosfet 1000, basically a stolen idea from Hitachi. The
second stage is a diff pair. This diff pair has less distortion inherently.
Don't know why D.Self don't use it in his Blameless amp. Keep everything
differential is one of my mottos. The current mirror load gives the prior
post mentioned push/pull drive to the output buffer. The current source
loads (CMFB) on the 1st stage, rather than resisters, makes the total LF
loop gain, truly huge, making LF distortion, vanishing small.

Kevin Aylward

Kevin Aylward

John said:
What I was responding to was Graham's:

"I confess I do that kind of thing. Just not put op-amps round the
actual output devices myself so far but it sounds interesting. They'd
have to be damn fast though."

The way I see it is that the MOSFETs are one amplifier comprising
complementary emitter followers surrounded by another amplifier (the
opamp) which sets the closed loop voltage gain at 5.

Obviously some genuine confusion here. This is not what amp
designers mean. We assume from the outset there is a standard main gain
stage already in the system. I think I can speak for Graham and myself on
this one. A proposed amp around the output devices is an additional amp.

One only wants at most two gain stages. Having more, even in disguise as a
unity gain buffer, is a major problem in stability. Of course, multiple
rollofs can be handled in principle, but its another complication.

Kevin Aylward

Kevin Aylward

John said:
On Mon, 20 Oct 2008 19:34:52 GMT, "Kevin Aylward"
Well, neither. I was suggesting a fast opamp *per fet*, with feedback
from the source, to make each fet look like an ideal transconductance
device, perfectly linear, no offset or threshold, all exactly matched,
with very low input capacitance.

But how does improving and parallelizing gate drives cost speed? It

I made no criteque on parallelising gate drives. Bigger drive is usually
makes my amps faster and a lot more stable. Your amp (the one you
never built) has a couple of wimpy current sources driving 10 fets in

No its doesn't. Its a push/pull class AB current drive to the mosfets, and
secondly, you don't need much. 20ma class drive is way more than enough for
at least 500w at 200Khz power BW.
I'm suggesting a beefy voltage source per fet gate, with
local feedback.

Its the local feedback, within another overall loop that is the problem.
Despite the apparent closed loop nature of the second buffer, it is still an
opamp with an inherent main pole, plus higher order poles within the main
loop. All these poles matter, unless you seriously clobber the whole
response. That is you get better accuracy at LF, but the amplifier will
always be slower than if the amp dd not have that extra op-amp. well not
unless you 100Ghz opamps or such like.

I am addressing the basic concept here. Things are not what they might seem
from an initial examination.

Kevin Aylward