Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Hello, Welcome! (Introduce yourself)

Hello everyone, I'm Jack from Miami. I came here with a specific question in mind to ask in another thread, but I'm also looking to learn more about electronics/circuits in general (a field I've always been extremely interested in, but haven't had as much time for in the past few years-my soldering iron has been cold for far too long). My favorite components tend to be those related to older, relatively short-lived technologies—especially vacuum and display tubes.

Not much else to say to be honest, but I read in another thread that I should introduce myself here first, so, just saying hi!
Hi, my names Bill and live in NW Arkansas. Many years ago I worked in commercial audio mainly concert sound. Handy with a DVOM but that's about it. Been an avid audioholic for over 45 years. Did a recent stint in residential home energy audits.
Current Project: Bought my first NAD STERO RECEIVER IN 1982 and still have it. I purchased a T765 AV Receiver f5-6 years ago. Way too often it's been a pain in the ass.

Did some browsing around and figured I needed to join you folks!
Greetings! So glad to be here! Finding this forum allowed me to breath a sigh of relief! I have no working knowledge in electronics but am wanting to tinker.
My interests in the past lay mostly in mechanical and ascetics and now would like to infuse various electrical devices into that mix. I also have a nice, older basestation CB with burnt out finals I'd eventually like to repair, build an array for, and put into use.
I'm still in the process of getting my electrical bench set up, but have been collecting basic electronic instructional material and stockpiling scavenged electrical goodies for a couple of years already. I was needing a forum like this where I could access answers to the usual noob quandaries and occasionally ask specific questions. Thanks for being here and being welcoming to beginners such as myself!

I am a 32 year old 3D CAD designer and I run my own IT company.

I have been doing AVR and ARM for some years now, and as I am writing this, I am trying to learn how to use ladder logic and PLCs. This really looks convinient, but at the same time, very limited. Fun non-the-less :D

Beside electronic fun, I enjoy music, and in the world of audio production and especially in DJing, these two worlds sort off collide :D Which in it self is great fun! Custom MIDI controllers can be made in a day or a very good one in a weekend! So my spare time goes into all of this :)

Other than that, I really enjoy a walk in the forrest or a mountain hike.
Hi Everyone,
My name is Iris Reid. I am a professional blogger. I love to do blogging and writing. I am very crucial about learning new things such as HVAC systems, Start run capacitors, technology and etc.
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Hi my Name is Florian I'm from Austria I'm 12 years old and I'm very intrested in electronics and I'm still working on my coilgun 400V 1000uF :D

And I've done puting four times "I'm" in one sentence ;P
Hello, Mech engineering student. Need to learn about electronics and want to learn by playing with stuff (mechatronics projects).

I have a bunch of questions and don't know where to start for my first project.

off road (enduro) fly by wire throttle with a bunch of features
electronic oil pump for my 2 stroke bike to go premix less
Beam balance (for Uni)

A few others that i dont know what to choose from.
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Hi Reino. Just post it in the area that is most suitable. But dont worry too much. We have great moderators that will move it.