Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Hello, Welcome! (Introduce yourself)

Hi everyone!
I'm Brian. I have a BS in MET and an MBA. I've worked in controls and electronics a bit and currently at JCI, but I'm here for hobby purposes. I've emailed help lines and exhausted all avenues for help and thought this type of forum might be just the help I need!
Hi all,

I have joined this forum as it looks like a great place to start, as I would like I learn electronics and possibly do repairs on damages circuit boards. I’m an IT Manager by profession but like to get my hands dirty with the insides as well. I would rather not have to do swap outs and be able to repair circuit board/motherboard issues.

Hope I will be welcome.


Hi people,

I`m just someone who is trying to help in a school fixing stuff. Unluckily, my knowledges of electronics are pretty basic and my english is even worse, so i ask the gods of electronic, you, to help me in my search
Hi All,

I do some electronic projects at the moment. Purely as a hobby.
My current projects are a room temperature logger using a ESP8266 and a drone.
Hi all,
I am a bit of a kleptomaniac (!) and seem to accumulate "things" which I am convinced can be repaired, but usually, the repair shops turn me away when there are no longer spares available from the OEM.
I distrust these "part fitters" and usually keep the stuff until I can "get around to fixing it myself".
Now my wife has issued an ultimatum; fix it and sell it or throw it out...

Expect a few new threads from me on how to go about testing and repairing various bits of junk!

I can solder, have a good multi-meter but have done no electronics work since my school technology exam project when I was 16 (nearly 20 yrs ago...), I made a Scalextric starting system with a jump start detection using photocells, it worked, once, when inspected by the examiner, but never again!!
Hi all!

It's been many a year since I dabbled in electronics, but I've found myself in a position where I can't just buy something to do the job I want, and think the only way forward is to make it myself, and this seemed like a great place to get some advice.

Go easy on me though- I can still solder but have forgotten most of what I used to know about electronics- as I say, it's been a long time. In fact, now I come to think of it, about 20 years!

I'm looking forward to having another go and re-learning, and look forward to your input.

Thanks all,



Hi all!

It's been many a year since I dabbled in electronics, but I've found myself in a position where I can't just buy something to do the job I want, and think the only way forward is to make it myself, and this seemed like a great place to get some advice.

Hey Rob
welcome to EP :)

happy new year to you

Hello Everyone,

I am Ian. New to this community site.I am Ian owner of Simultech. A leading suppliers of environmental simulation and measurement equipment to various industries across Australia and New Zealand. our product range covers test chambers, heat technology/industrial ovens, sport and nutritional science, solar instruments and equipment specially designed for use in the defence sector.

My name is Joel and I'm from Canada.
I'm a power engineer by trade, but my real passion lies in innovation and problem solving. I've never patented any of my inventions because it's complicated where I live and I don't have the head for law.
Also most of my projects involving electronics never leave the starting gate since my experience in this field is limited to small repair knowledge.
I am here mostly to learn and converse so I can eventually take my ideas to the next level.
Hello - I'm Michael. I live near Lewes, Sussex, UK, and have an interest in Electronics (sound equipment) and Location Live Recording with all the necessary gear (Mics &c.) to back this up. Principally my interest lies in recording full Orchestras as well as small musical ensembles. I worked at Glyndebourne Opera for many years but am now retired.

I am Ike Mhlanga an Electronic Engineer from Harare Zimbabwe. I design and build my own circuits. Mainly Audio.
I am currently dabbling with micro processors.

Hey, guys. Just wanted to drop a line here first. This is Tony from South Florida. I am delighted to be here. Thank you for the opportunity to be a part of this noble group!
Hello Tony. I like the 'Aeronautician' bit! Me? I'm just 'Retd.' but with this wretched Denon 1912E2/EA is giving me some grief. This is a pretty long thread and I'm currently checking the ESR's of all the Electrolytics. Fuse 105 and 106 blew - so I had to source some spares - 1.6A at 240V. They've arrived and been installed - but not been tested as all the pcb's are out. I had to replace the Darlington pair of Xistors in Channel SBL as they had shorted out and taken the four 47Ω 2W resistors with them. More sourcing. I'm trying to find what caused the two fuses to blow before applying power again. Michael Studio1 UK 16:45BST