Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Hello, Welcome! (Introduce yourself)

I am zeropond, I am introduced myself, I am working at Mech Limited Company at the post of Excuestive Engineer. I have doing BE in Mechanical Engineering in India. I am interested to Machine design, Power Plant, Thermal Engineering, Fluid Mechanics, Basic Electrical Engineering etc.
Thank you
Hi, I'm David. I've studied mechanical engineering in Ireland and worked in 3D printing for a little while. Now however I'm just trying to get a motor to spin :mad:.

I also like long walks on the beach, pina coladas and getting caught in the rain :D
I seem to have lost the thread we used to have for people to introduce themselves.

I'm making this one a sticky so that new members can find it easily and post a message here.

Note that there are some things that you can't do until you've got a few posts under your belt. So if you've come here with a burning desire to ask a question with an image/link, but can't until you post a message, here is the place to do it!


I'm Steve, currently the newest moderator here. I have a long-term interest in electronics (almost 40 years), but I am not formally employed in this field.

Since this is the introductions area, please feel free to start your own thread (it's good practice). If, for some reason you'd prefer not to, feel free to use this thread.
Hello everyone.

This is Cannonball. I am interested all electronics. It is my HOBBY and was my profession until I retired 3 years ago. I have over 40 years experienc.
HI, I'm Phil and I've been posting and mostly lurking here for several years now, but I've never formally introduced myself. My knowledge of electronics is extremely rudimentary, but I'm an expert in North American security alarm systems for homes and business, with about 40 years experience.

I've worked with nearly all the professional-grade brands, so I can offer my expertise here for the occasional alarm system problem, where knowledge of electronics does little good without knowing the specific configurations, programming and protocols used in the various alarm systems.

Note that alarms for premises are NOT the same as car alarms. They're as different as fish and crayfish. I don't do car alarms.


I've worked with nearly all the professional-grade brands, so I can offer my expertise here for the occasional alarm system problem, where knowledge of electronics does little good without knowing the specific configurations, programming and protocols used in the various alarm systems.

your help in those threads hasn't gone un-noticed, thankyou :)

Newly interested in electronics. Abandoning a lifetime of playing videogames to do something more constructive. 30 years working as a software developer on embedded systems, finally looking at the hardware side of things. Seems nice here. Expect many questions from me very shortly.
Hello there! Engineer and just finished my Masters a few years back. Microcontrollers, reading, playing music, occasional gym and swimming are what I do! :)
Hello, im new to the fourm and would love help from others and to possibly help resolve whatever I can. Current age 14, IQ ~130, 1 of the top 3 smartest of 9th grade when based on electronics
HEY ! Fffyyyss . . . . . ( Pronounced . Fffyyy . . . . as in FINE . .ss as in S EE. . . . . . . . . . Eee ddd ddd here.
How long do you think that it will be, until you get your third s ?
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Hi All,

I am an electronics novice, but have always found electronics interesting. My only experience is with those old Radio Shack electronics learning labs as a child. I've recently started learning more about components and circuits in an attempt to repair an old turntable of mine which stopped spinning. I will post in the repair thread soon with what I've garnered so far and I hope that you all can help me get it working again!