Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Hello, Welcome! (Introduce yourself)

Hello everyone, starting a HNC in C&I soon and since I've not been at college for a while will need some help with the basics to help prepare for it.

Looking back at electronics, there are quite a few things I'm having difficulty in so hopefully I can get help and sort myself out.

Pleased to meet you all!
hi lonetraider
welcome to EP :)

what is a traider ?

Lol, it's a wrongly spelt trader with raiding mentality

It's simply a login ID for a well known trading website (don't want to break any forum rules by mentioning it), lonetrader was taken, so I thought I'll just make a play on raider and trader.

Anyway, it stuck so I continued to use it. Most online folk just call me lone - prob because they think I've made an embarrassing mistake :p
10 The last time I bumped a topic was in 96 ;)
20 But please take me as a nX_Xb as I say :
30 Hi there, I am taking part in an arduino (I have a pi too) experiment of my own, so therefore I am now wishing to learn the dark matter that is ELECTRON.
40 So I come here to join your community and start my experimentation's in your hands.
50 So step one for me will be to start making schematics of the things you need to see when I go "Now what's wrong? - s01 ep01" I suppose..
60 We do like schematics here I seem to see.
70 But yes, Hello world.
I404There4IAM a moment ago
Hello, I am electronic entrepreneur and I hope I'll get some useful information and share also useful information with you :D


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Hi vbolt.

Just to let you know. We're not part of the dark net.

But welcome to Electronics Point.
My name is Jan (but friends call me Slavek) and my field of interest is HW / SW design and automatization. I am from Czech Republic, Brno (so called small silicon valley ^^).
I often work on various projects using microcontrollers and stuff like that.



My name is Jan (but friends call me Slavek) and my field of interest is HW / SW design and automatization. I am from Czech Republic, Brno (so called small silicon valley ^^).
I often work on various projects using microcontrollers and stuff like that.


hi ya Jan
Welcome to EP :)

look forward to seeing what you get up to in the electronics field

Hey! I'm fairly new to electronics in general, and I'm really just interested, at the moment, in trying to upgrade or tinker with my old electronics to give them a nice touch. Also, I need help with one of my current projects that I just started today, and I have a link to it. You can view the thread here.


Hey! I'm fairly new to electronics in general, and I'm really just interested, at the moment, in trying to upgrade or tinker with my old electronics to give them a nice touch. Also, I need help with one of my current projects that I just started today, and I have a link to it. You can view the thread here.

hey there jek

welcome to EP :)

Hey Guys,

I have joined because I am looking for a better understanding of how electronic circuit boards work. I collect old Macintosh Computers and Jamma Arcade boards.

I would like to at least learn some of the basics and be able to better troubleshoot circuit boards.