Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Hello, Welcome! (Introduce yourself)


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
OK Tony. Thanks for that.

I have no problems with you answering questions, but please don't post excessive links (I've removed them from the post above).
Hey guys! I'm an aspiring engineer in Mississippi. Although my discipline is chemical engineering, while on a Co-Op in Pennsylvania, I was tasked with designing a few safety interlocks, and found a great interest in electronics tinkering.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Hi bonafidetinkerer, welcome to Electronics Point. If you have any questions we can assist with, please don't hesitate to ask.
hello. I'm here to try to learn something about electronics, as well as asking for help whenever I need to fix something. Thanks in advance.
Hello everyone. I am Adam from Manchester, England. I am interested in music, photography, snowboarding, computers, doing things the hard way and all sorts of geekery. I have finally decided to try to finish all the odd ends of projects left incomplete over the years and I hope to find some useful information here. Wish me luck : )

coffee climbing ? Is that an Olympic Sport ?


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I seem to have lost the thread we used to have for people to introduce themselves.

I'm making this one a sticky so that new members can find it easily and post a message here.

Note that there are some things that you can't do until you've got a few posts under your belt. So if you've come here with a burning desire to ask a question with an image/link, but can't until you post a message, here is the place to do it!


I'm Steve, currently the newest moderator here. I have a long-term interest in electronics (almost 40 years), but I am not formally employed in this field.

Since this is the introductions area, please feel free to start your own thread (it's good practice). If, for some reason you'd prefer not to, feel free to use this thread.

Hello, i came upon this site after googling "TV remote, batteries overheating" and was fascinated by the useful and sensible comments; so i though i'd sign up. Now that I have, I realise that TV remotes is the limit of my interest in electronics! so I shall retire graciously.
PS liked that post from the bloke who has that great aquarium!
Hi. I'm an electrical engineer whose been at it since 2001. My three jobs I've had in the field have been at a company that makes enterprise level servers, one that makes research farm equipment and now I'm at a small contract design/manufacturer that specializes in mobile computing. I haven't done a lot of hobby type work, though.

Most of my non-work time is spent looking (chasing) after a 3.5 year old and a 16 month old.


hi ya garublador

welcome to Electronics Point :)

my days of chasing young ones around the house have long gone ...
