Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Hello, Welcome! (Introduce yourself)

Hi, I am Samson Adeyekun from Nigeria. I am interested in discussions relating to electronics and industrial equipment issues. I look forward to enriching interactions.
Hello all. Stumbled across this forum whilst researching a source for Microtech connectors. Having success in my search I thought I would return to share the fruits of my labor to all who may have interest.
Howdy Everybody. I'm Matt, from North Carolina, USA. I've been playing around with basic electrical/electronics for a while, half-way decent with a soldering iron (but only when I need to be). Most of what I prefer to mess with is 12v LED lighting and HAM radio. Just now getting into learning about Integrated Circuits (was up until 0400 hrs one night trying to figure them out, in order to replace the one I have posted about in the repair forum). The thought has crossed my mind to build a few of my own boards, but have yet to jump into that. It may well be coming soon once I get all my strobe lights wired up and mounted...I can see a custom control box in my Thanks for any and all help and ideas I may receive from anyone, and also patience. I will try and lend a hand where I may be able to. Thanks!
I seem to have lost the thread we used to have for people to introduce themselves.

I'm making this one a sticky so that new members can find it easily and post a message here.

Note that there are some things that you can't do until you've got a few posts under your belt. So if you've come here with a burning desire to ask a question with an image/link, but can't until you post a message, here is the place to do it!


I'm Steve, currently the newest moderator here. I have a long-term interest in electronics (almost 40 years), but I am not formally employed in this field.

Since this is the introductions area, please feel free to start your own thread (it's good practice). If, for some reason you'd prefer not to, feel free to use this thread.
Hi im brad nice to meet you all .how do i post a thread?
(Sorry Kris; thought I'd done this when I first signed up a while ago, but apparently not. Must be getting a little :confused:...)

Hi there!

Been an electronics hobbyist since I was a kid in the 70's, joined the Big Yellow T as an apprentice tech (one of the last!) in the 80's, drifted away from the hobby when the job turned stupid/evil in the 90's, left there as a senior tech when the Grim Beepa started nipping at my toes in the 00's, did a degree in an unrelated field after that, and went on to do a postgrad in the 10's. When I finally had some free time again after all that I bought an Arduino kit and a cheap soldering station, and got sucked in all over again.

Currently SWL is my hobby-related hobby, so I'm usually buying, building, or planning something to do with that - radios, test gear, add-ons, improvements, etc. Not really into SDR (though I have a small setup), since I much prefer things with knobs on e.g. a Yaesu FRG-7700, an old ex-army "Reception Set R210" I'm doing a rolling restoration on, and a small variety of homebrew bits & pieces.

Mostly happy to sit back & read & learn, but also happy to step in & help if I can (as long as you can put up with my sometimes ponderous prose ;)).

Anyway, thanks for having me!
Electronics interests
Built my first radio, a single-transistor super regen for AM broadcast band with some help, of course, when I was in fourth grade. I learned algebra to use Ohm's Law.
B.Sc. computer science with courses in electronics, also continued college courses in electronics after graduating. Fluent in C, TTL, digital electronics, general electronics. I speak a little linear control theory and DSP. Amateur radio interest and job experience with RF. Assembly language experience in PIC, ATMEL, Z80, 8051, MC6800 family, and some others.