Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Hello, Welcome! (Introduce yourself)


Hi, my name is Chris. Admittedly, I have a very specific project in mind - the first part of which I want to try to repair a board which is broken, possibly because I'm an idiot. The second part is making a new board which takes the signals (that the original board uses) and transmits them into a standard wireless protocol.

The board is the pcb inside an SRM Powercontrol V head unit which presents the data sent to it from a power meter (bicycling stuff). The new project is to take that feed and sent it over the ANT+ standard.

I'm a mechanical systems architect with some amount of electronics background. I once built a circuit board around an AVR microcontroller based on stuff I gathered around the web to interface to the J1850 bus in my car to automatically route my handsfree bluetooth through the Onstar system). However, while I'm ok taking bits and pieces of stuff I can find existing and piecing them together for a slightly different need, I'm not very strong when it comes to repairs and knowing what circuit tricks to use to make a brand new circuit design work well... Fortunately for me, I work at a major semiconductor test company and have access to lots of tools that I expect will make this project possibly successful - along with the help of all you knowledgeable folks of course.

Thanks for providing such a helpful forum!



hi ya chris

welcome to the forums :)

there is a repair section ... post all the relevent infor on the bit of gear you are looking at in a thread on there

introduction 101

I am Abdul Adejoh Edibo of Nigeria in Africa the land of spirits.I have burning desire for electronics engineering,that brought me into contact with many site(this site included) finally i choose this site.
I have no doubt that I am in good hands.
I will like to thank u(adminstrators) for accepting me into ur fold.
As am a novice in this field(electronics) I will lyk to take it from basics.
I have myriad of problems on electronics-Am sorry to start with this-reading metres-sorry to bother you with one of my lil problems.
If there is a thread for that could somebody pls help post d link.
Hello everyone. My name's Sarah and I'm new to electronics and all that jazz. I took a lower division E&M class, but I've been having a really hard time grokking how actual electronics components fit in to the simplistic circuit diagrams that I spent so many hours laboring over in that physics class.
I'm hoping that I can find some guides or tutorials that explain the practicalities of electronics, so that I can make some cool things.

I myself am working on a BS in pure math and I'm hoping to go on to graduate school and eventually obtain my PhD. It would be a dream come true if I could become a professor/researcher, but I've heard that actuaries have one of the highest job satisfaction rates in the world.... hmmmmmmm....

Other than that I also really enjoy crafting and sewing. I guess you could say I just really like making things!

My username is a reference to the fact that in my E&M class there were three things that a V could stand for- velocity, volume, or voltage, and my instructor wrote all three the same and left it up to us to figure out which one it was! It's also one 'v' short of being a really great video game.

Nice to meet you all!


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Hi Abdul and Sarah. Welcome to Electronics Point.

Please feel free to ask questions and we'll do our best to assist you.

Sarah, I guess that m^2, m/s, and (kg.m^2)/(C.s^2) would have been the dead giveaway!
Dear All ,

I am Working for Electronics embedded Manufacturing Company . I have worked with major EMS manufacturer like Jabil and OEM SHARP and Videocon. and some of small companies.

My major experience is with SMT and Automatic placement. and further I switch over to entire Electronics manufacturing Activity.

Reason for Joining this group to Interact for Embedded product testing methodology and get new Ideas for jig. and also to interact answer for the best of my knowledge .
Shrikant Borkar
How u doin?

Hello Guys! I am from Honduras, my first language is spanish so I beg your apologies for any misspelled word in my threads. I am a Chemichal Engineer, but I do like electronics and from time to time I make, or at least attempt :(, eletronic repairs on phones, laptops, xbox, etc.

I hope to learn a thing or two on this forum :)
Hello all.

Jim from Joplin. Just ran across this forum while searching for some parts. I have had an active interest and career in electronics for over 40 years, and bit by the bug since age 10. Although retired, I still design circuits, write microcontroller code, and build stuff. I've been an active amateur radio operator since 1970. I love regens, and use them to introduce kids to radio and the hobby.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Hi, and welcome to electronics point.

You sound like you have a profile similar to a number of our members. Many of the others are the "kids" you speak of too.
Bonjour tout le monde

Je suis électronicien de la vieille génération et de plus à la retraite
J'habite en Belgique, un petit pays à côté de la France
J'aime dépanner pour faire plaisir et pour éviter de toujours tout jeter ;)
Je cherche les plans d'une unité PC40 de power source
Si quelqu'un pouvait m'aider


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
JI am of the older generation electronics and more retired
I live in Belgium, a small country next to France
I love to please and help to avoid always throw everything
Looking for plans for a PC40 unit power source
If someone could help me

Salut MeV,

Bienvenue à Electronics Point!

Je ne suis pas sûr que nous avons trop de francophones ici Electronics Point. Mais nous vous avoir une bonne collection de membres qui, en vertu de leur âge pourraient être considérés comme "matures".

Si vous ne pouvez pas poster en anglais, nous pouvons essayer de vous aider via Google translate, mais il pourrait ne pas être trop efficace.

Je ne suis pas certain de ce que une unité de puissance PC40 est, mais cette question est peut-être mieux de réponse dans un autre domaine des forums.

Hi Mev,

Welcome to Electronics Point!

I'm not sure we have too many french speakers here on Electronics Point. But we sure do have a good collection of members who by virtue of their age could be considered "mature".

If you can't post in English, we can try to assist you via Google translate, but it may not be too effective.

I'm not certain what a PC40 power unit is, but this question is perhaps best asked and answered in another area of the forums.