Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Hello, Welcome! (Introduce yourself)

I live near Niagara Falls.

I tinkered with Radio Shack kits and whatnot when I was a kid, so I have some experience with electronics. I am reasonably handy and I enjoy building ROVs. I have one ready to go in the water soon. That one made use of motor controllers and an Arduino. Some day I'll go simpler and just go with H-bridges.



Hey maintenance engineer here in the food industry in Cornwall UK. Looking to become more electronic and moving away from the food industry. Any advice or tips would be great and the best way to get into the electronics/circuit board repair design etc industry.
Hello am Komalbarun, from the paradise island of mauritius xD. My hobbies consist mostly of online gaming and electronics ( And looking for infos an knowledge about nearly everything xD).
Fail and Fail often to be good in electronics =D
Im new to the forums
I have posted in Electronics Repair about a digital O'scope Im having troubles with

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¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Hi testjack,

Welcome to the forums. You posted your message in an existing thread so I moved it to its own thread.
Hi, folks,
My name is Gyuri.
Sorry for me, because of my weak english.
And because I'm knowing so much in electronics, like hen in alphabet.
These things don't bother me to build amplifiers, DACs and speakers and so on.
I'm a member of Diyaudio, with the same name:
I'm a Nelson Pass fan.
I like music as well.
I have successfully repaired some Tektronics scopes, like a 2467B, 2445B and a 2440.
But I don't know, what to do with a 2465.
I don't have any ideas now.
I'm a member of also, username tgyuri59.
But there I doesn't get help in this particular case.
So I think I'm starting a thread on this here.
Maybe I will be lucky in here.

Kind regards,

Hello, I'm from Ireland and have done a bit of work with electronics. Currently not doing much but am thinking of a career change towards robotics.
HI all

HI I am new here. Just finished reading how to diagnose and fix everything electronic, was hoping to take my repair skills and understanding to a higher level.

I have CRT TV which I am trying to fix. Doesn't really matter if I can't, using it for experience and to learn more about fixing CRT TV's in general..

Would have liked to have started with a faulty Flat screen but couldn't get my hands on a donor.

I will post under the fault section.

Many thanks.:):):)


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Hi, and welcome to Electronics Point.

HI I am new here. Just finished reading how to diagnose and fix everything electronic

I've really got to ask (because I don't know how to diagnose and fix everything electronic) what was the advice? Was it to "Find people who know how to do this stuff and ask them?"
