Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Contract circuit board maker source?


Robert Monsen

JeffM said:
:I do get hits for futurlec on google all the time,
:so I suspect they've somehow overcome that problem if it exists.
: Robert Monsen
I Googled the site and it looked like a normal HTML site
so I went to the site again.
Guess what--it's not a Flash site any more.

So, do those guys read this group?
Were they coincidently trying something foolish
at the exact moment they were getting free advertisement here?

It's exactly the same as the last 100 times I've been there, which has
been during the last few years. I don't really know what 'flash' sites
look like, so I didn't really know what you were talking about, and took
you at your word. Perhaps they changed it at some point and I didn't
notice. However, I do remember getting search hits for the last few
months at least.

So, you have been whining about this site without having tried it
recently, calling them and anybody who uses them (that would be me)
morons. Now, you imply that your failure to do adequate research before
attacking them is due to some evil plot for free publicity (further
implying that I'm somehow to blame for this). It's clear you believe
they tricked you into making a public ass out of yourself.

Ok, that is good to know. From now on, I'll just assume whatever you say
is wrong until independently verified. Thanks for the heads up...

Robert Monsen

"Your Highness, I have no need of this hypothesis."
- Pierre Laplace (1749-1827), to Napoleon,
on why his works on celestial mechanics make no mention of God.

Michael A. Terrell

Robert said:
That is overly restrictive.

Yes, considering that was the one who wrote and maintained somne of
the test software, and the production floor computers were not part of
the corporate, or any other network.

Michael A. Terrell

fengjianqing said:
Why you can see so many websites have flash. Because the servicer tell to
the owner of the website-- the flash is beautiful and wonderful for
others' first eye to see you website. And from this feather the servicer
company can earn more.

For the beginning business with China, I also 100% agree you should take
care about the quality, the price, the time... But if you do not to try
you do not know, you will lose chance. More and more company purchase
directly from China. Why? It is not only because the lower price, also
because you pay the lower money you can get the same quality products or
the higher quality. This is true!
So at first give yourself chance to try. You will earn from China.


I generaly close the home page of any website that starts with a
Flash animation and go elsewhere.

Fred Abse

JazzMan said:
[quoted text muted]

Try It may be cheaper to put a bunch of them on a
board, and then cut them up later. Send them email, they may be willing
to help out with that.

There are two URLs here. One with, one without an "e".

The one "without" is a straight HTML site and will display in Dillo, which
has no bells or whistles. Not even frames.

The one "with" is 99% Flash.

This may account for the differing experiences of subsequent posters to
this thread

Robert Monsen

Fred said:
JazzMan said:
[quoted text muted]

Try It may be cheaper to put a bunch of them on a
board, and then cut them up later. Send them email, they may be willing
to help out with that.

There are two URLs here. One with, one without an "e".

The one "without" is a straight HTML site and will display in Dillo, which
has no bells or whistles. Not even frames.

The one "with" is 99% Flash.

This may account for the differing experiences of subsequent posters to
this thread

I guess that means I need to take credit for this mess. Sigh. Apologies
to all concerned. It is

No 'e'.

Robert Monsen

"Your Highness, I have no need of this hypothesis."
- Pierre Laplace (1749-1827), to Napoleon,
on why his works on celestial mechanics make no mention of God.

Roger Johansson

There are two URLs here. One with, one without an "e".
The one "without" is a straight HTML site and will display in Dillo,
which has no bells or whistles. Not even frames.

A nice and well functioning site, I wish more companies had so good
sites. Honors to the web designer at and sorry for the
The one "with" is 99% Flash.

The one with e is a french site based in Marseille, and the site does not
seem to be functional at all, as far as I can see. The flash animation
just sits there and blinks a little, showing some phone numbers in
Useless flash animation, he could have shown the same phone numbers with
a 100 byte pure text file.


I went to the site again.
So, you have been whining about this site
without having tried it recently
Robert Monsen
I didn't know it existed until you mentioned it.
I followed YOUR LINK.
On my return visit the next day (after Googling them),
it appears they had returned to normal HTML.

It's exactly the same as the last 100 times I've been there,
which has been during the last few years.
It's just their bad luck to be monkeying with it
at the same time you were praising them.

I don't really know what 'flash' sites look like,
On my box with Mozilla and the FlashBlock plug-in
a Flash presentation looks like a square with a stylized F in the
On a Flash site, that's all I see.

Michael and I seem to have had similar experiences with Flash.
In my years on the Web, I have only seen only 1 Flash presentation
what I thought was worth the bandwidth:
A company's HTML page had 6 links, each of which showed
a colorized line-drawing animation of part of their process.
Vector graphics is what .SWF does well,
but few who use Flash are doing that.
Mostly Flash is someone trying to impress you with how cool he is.
(Rarely is he cool.)

Encountering Flash reminds me of when my non-techie friends
who had recently gotten an Internet connection and had figured out
wanted to see what the Web was about.
I was with them when they went to the site of an acquaintance
where they encountered a link to a video.
To view it they would have to download and install a VIVO player.

No thanks. I can do without proprietary formats
and yet another install every time I try to do something.

From now on, I'll just assume whatever you say is wrong
I'm crushed.

Robert Monsen

JeffM said:
I didn't know it existed until you mentioned it.
I followed YOUR LINK.
On my return visit the next day (after Googling them),
it appears they had returned to normal HTML.

No, Fred A has pointed out that I typed in an 'e' by mistake. There were
two links in my message, one of which was typed properly, the other of
which was typed incorrectly. Thus, which link one clicked on defined
which side of the argument one was on, and neither side understood what
the other was talking about.

The site 'futurelec', with the 'e', uses flash. I dont' know what that
site is, and don't care to. The component/board prototype one, named
futurlec, doesn't. Thus, the entire argument is due to my faulty typing
skills and your heated reaction to seeing (or not seeing, I guess) a
flash site, which I thought was totally unjustified, because I hadn't
had any problem with them...

Somewhat comical. Apologies for starting a war.

Robert Monsen

"Your Highness, I have no need of this hypothesis."
- Pierre Laplace (1749-1827), to Napoleon,
on why his works on celestial mechanics make no mention of God.


So if everyone interesting for Chinese products just contact with me. We
can help you.
Our products include printed circuit boards, inverter, solar charge
regulator, DC lamp, converter, adapter, etc.
If you need such products, please contact with me.
Best regards,

John Fields

So if everyone interesting for Chinese products just contact with me. We
can help you.
Our products include printed circuit boards, inverter, solar charge
regulator, DC lamp, converter, adapter, etc.
If you need such products, please contact with me.

Fred Abse

Useless flash animation, he could have shown the same phone numbers with
a 100 byte pure text file.

You'd be doing some spotty-faced web "designer" out of his exorbitant fee :)

Rich Grise

No, Fred A has pointed out that I typed in an 'e' by mistake. There were
two links in my message, one of which was typed properly, the other of
which was typed incorrectly. Thus, which link one clicked on defined which
side of the argument one was on, and neither side understood what the
other was talking about. ....
Somewhat comical. Apologies for starting a war.

"Have you ever known what it is to be an orphan?"
"<sigh> Often."
"Yes, orphan. Do you know what it is to be one?"
"I say, often. Often!"
"I ask if you know what it is to be an orphan, and you're
simply repeating the word, 'orphan'"
"I didn't repeat the word 'often'. I only repeated it
"Yes, but you repeated it!"


Rich Grise

So if everyone interesting for Chinese products just contact with me. We
can help you.
Our products include printed circuit boards, inverter, solar charge
regulator, DC lamp, converter, adapter, etc. If you need such products,
please contact with me. Best regards,

If I give you an idea for a billion-dollar seller, do I get a piece
of the action?


Rich Grise

Yes! Sure! If you can give!

Microwave Oven with the Door Hinge at the Operator's Right-Hand Side,
And Control Panel and Door Opening at the Operator's Left.
Copyright (c) 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997,
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Richard M. Grise.

Use email [email protected] but elide ard, leaving nicknamesurname.


Roger Johansson

Rich Grise said:
Microwave Oven with the Door Hinge at the Operator's Right-Hand Side,
And Control Panel and Door Opening at the Operator's Left.

It is a bit strange if "leftie" versions are not produced already,
considering that different kitchen layouts may need such versions, and
there is probably a market for lefthanders.

John Fields

Please leave a little bit of the message you're replying to in your
reply so we can see what you're replying to.

How do you know?

In the case of the US, have you searched the USPTO's archives for
possible infringement from each of your products for at least
seventeen years prior to the date you announced that that product was