Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Changes to Canadian monitoring contract law



Yes, the southern USA has a totally different attitude towards
firearms than the Eastern and Northern parts of the US. I can get my
Florida concealed carry permit with a Florida drivers license and a
Florida residence. The local sheriff down there (a shooting buddy)
also said that if he signed for me, I didn't even need those
qualifications; just pass a two hour test and pay my $30. I guess as
much as I hate the gun laws in Canada, I am still very much a Canadian
in my attitude towards carrying a firearm for use as a weapon. We
don't need to do that here, and even if we wanted to, the law simply
doesn't allow it. And I have no problem with that personally since I
could never under any circumstances use a gun as a weapon against
another person. It just ain't in me, and it also goes against every
bit of safety training I've had over the last 40 years.....(and that's
a bundle believe me....)

But using handguns as implements of sport, I can't see once I pass all
the original qualifications to even own one in Canada (criminal
background check, permission of your spouse, a two day safety course,
gun safe for storage), why they continue to harass you when you simply
want to move around from match to match. Christ, the damn things are
unloaded and locked in a sealed case with a trigger lock on it, TWO
padlocks on the case, and concealed in the trunk of a vehicle ! Give
me a break....:(( I can't remember the last time someone shot anyone
with an IPSC race gun (that looks more like something out of a
Starwars movie). I guess it could be worse; I could live in Britain
where the bastard politicians STOLE all the legal handguns in the name
of public safety....@##$%%$#

I have been told by other experienced IPSC shooters who move around
the world all the time, that the best way to cross into the USA is to
also have a concealed weapons permit from either Florida or Utah, both
of which cover the vast majority of other states. So if you get
hassled at the Canada / USA border by Homeland Security (a law unto
themselves it seems these days) even with the proper ATF permit, they
ease up considerably if you have that type of permit as well. So I'll
likely get one this winter when I am down there although I'll never
use it......

Some days, I think I should take up a new tiddly winks.
It seems there are only three things in life that are inevitable:
death, taxes and bad gun laws..:((


Robert L Bass

Well, if you think Florida is okay come to Texas...

No, thanks. :^)


Robert L Bass

Bass Home Electronics
4883 Fallcrest Circle
Sarasota · Florida · 34233


No, thanks. :^)

Yeah, I can understand that.

You can't own a firearm ANYWHERE because you're a convicted felon and
in Texas, you'd be afraid someone would be able to shoot you for being
such an asshole.