Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Yea! Another one read the contract!


Frank Olson

Nathan said:
thank you for the information. im still trying to "learn" everyone in here
before i formally introduce myself to the group.

A colleague of mine recently posted into the group as well. He was
"briefed" on "mr. bass" well before hand too. "mr. bass" accused him of
being "me". His first name is "Frank" too. Google "firetek" in this
newsgroup. I don't figure it's going to be long before he accuses you
of being a liar and a fraud. He will see your response to the "flame"
he directed at "BDEBJ" as confirmation that you work for Brinks as well.
While I don't hold with Brinks views (or their Lawyers) on Jim Rojas
and, I don't believe everyone that works there
should be painted with the same brush. Having worked for a large
multi-national corporation as well, I know of what I speak.


"Nathan W. Collier" > ? whom did mr. bass kill, and did he have it coming?

We all have it coming, kid.

Robert L Bass

Nathan W. Collier said:
? whom did mr. bass kill, and did he have it coming?

I was in a fatal accident 37 years ago. No charges were ever filed.
These idiots try to make it sound as though I murdered someone.


Robert L Bass

Bass Home Electronics
4883 Fallcrest Circle
Sarasota · Florida · 34233

Robert L Bass

are you suggesting that all brinks salespeople/authorized
dealers/installers/etc. are dishonest?

No. I was being facetious.


Robert L Bass

Bass Home Electronics
4883 Fallcrest Circle
Sarasota · Florida · 34233


RHC: Welcome to the group Nathan. It's refreshing to see someone come
into the group using their proper name (or what appears to be your
real name anyway...:))

I suggest you might want to stick around awhile and read the responses
from all individuals before you pass judgment on anyone. Like in most
any internet newsgroup, all is not what it appears to be and all those
here are not always what they appear to be, nor what they are refuted
to be. You'll have to form your own conclusions on that....

I joined the newsgroup about 10 years ago with one purpose; to learn
about the experiences of others in the security field, and to pass on
what little I've learned in the passing years to others. All the rest
is meaningless (at least to me). But the group as a whole has been of
great assistance to me, and I have met several people on the group I
would now consider friends. Don't be dismayed by all the bickering and
hate mongering; sort through it,and you'll find the group as a whole
are a good bunch of people....more or less representative of what
you'll find in real life.

I hope you get as much out of the newsgroup as I have over the years.
Welcome aboard....

Home Security Metal Products
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

"Three things in life are certain; death, taxes and bad gun laws"

Robert L Bass

Nathan W. Collier said:
thank you for the information. im still trying to "learn" everyone
in here before i formally introduce myself to the group.


To understand what goes on in this newsgroup you need first to
understand a little about Olson and a couple of others here. Olson
lies constantly. He has gone real world against me and my online
business repeatedly so I decided to find out if there was anything
more than bluster behind his statements here.

He has made a fictitious persona of himself, claiming all kinds of
experience which he does not have. He also tells ludicrous tall
stories. For example, he once claimed that he had snap-rolled (an
extreme aerobatic maneuver which is prohibited, not to mention
physically impossible in a large airliner) a Boeing 737 airliner
which, according to Olson was lent to him by Boeing Aircraft so he
could test his per theory about a famous Canadian air crash. I
checked. He never held a pilot's license in the US or Canada.

Olson also claims he installs all kinds of advanced security, access
control and fire alarm systems in and around Burnaby, BC. I checked
that, too. None of the local supply shops ever heard of him. No
inspectors in any of the towns near there had ever heard of him.
There's no record of a license in his name.

Olson built a website which pretends to "represent" this newsgroup.
On it he placed the logos of various manufacturers and industry
associations. Above those logos he "thanks" all of those
organizations for their assistance in creating the website. I
checked that out, too. No one in marketing, public relations, etc.,
from any of the companies knew anything about Olson's website.

The site includes a page which quotes a *proposed* FAQ for this
newsgroup. The FAQ was the idea of the gentleman who originally
posted the requests to create the newsgroup (a minor task which
required less than an hour's time). Olson never met the gentleman (I
have) and had nothing to do with creating, maintaining or otherwise
supporting the newsgroup or the proposed FAQ. FWIW< the FAQ never
became official since no one could agree on its terms and none of the
people who post here, including me and *especially* including Olson
has ever given it more than lip service.

There's a long-term war in this newsgroup which began when I came
along about eight or nine years ago and began posting answers to
DIYers' questions along with links to my website. Several other
long-term participants (the word, "members" is not appropriate since
there is no membership per se) here tried to stop me from posting.
When they realized they could not get the ISP's that actually own the
news servers to cooperate they tried flame wars (posting the kind of
personal attacks Olson just did), bogus complaints to the local BBB,
the states of FL and CT and calls to my distributors and
manufacturers. Olson called ADI, DSC and several others trying to
interfere with my business. He also filed a bogus complaint with the
state electrical contractor licensing board. All of those efforts
failed since there was never a shred of evidence to support their

Now Olson, Jiminex (a nickname I gave to one exceptionally vulgar
participant whose verbal filth I assume you've already noticed) and
several others simply post flames in response to anything I say.
Several of them, when they learned I'm fighting cancer, actually
rejoiced publicly. These are not normal people. You can believe
what they say or not. It will not change anything. However, if you
dare to speak up for any semblance of human decency you'll get
slammed mercilessly, called every name in the book as has been done
to anyone and everyone who refused to join their effort.

They're basically sick, cowardly people who hide behind the perceived
anonymity of Usenet much as cowards driving big SUV's behave
boorishly on the road. They would never dare to act this way in
person. That's why they find Usenet so rewarding. It gives them a
place to act tough without fear of being popped in the nose. As
such, Usenet affords an attractive, safe haven for people like Olson.
They tend to hang around for years because here they can pretend
they're part of the "in crowd" (in this case, alarm installers).

For my part, I'm not in the least ambiguous about my motives for
being here. I answer DIYer and newbie techs' questions because it
makes people interested in my online alarm system store. That very
fact infuriates these guys and since I have no intention of stopping
and neither do they, the war rages on. C'est la vie, no? :^)


Robert L Bass

Bass Home Electronics
4883 Fallcrest Circle
Sarasota · Florida · 34233

Robert L Bass

We all have it coming, kid.

Whether we have it coming or not, it's still coming. One positive
thing I got from having cancer is an awareness of my own mortality.
That spurred me to start doing many of the things I'd always wanted
to do... now! So, Thursday I'm on my way to the Amazon rain forest
for some serious fishing.


Robert L Bass

Bass Home Electronics
4883 Fallcrest Circle
Sarasota · Florida · 34233

Frank Olson

Robert said:

To understand what goes on in this newsgroup you need first to
understand a little about Olson and a couple of others here. Olson lies
constantly. He has gone real world against me and my online business
repeatedly so I decided to find out if there was anything more than
bluster behind his statements here.

Y'know... Your "spin" on what really happened here is sometimes
breathtaking to behold. *I* lie constantly?? In your dreams, Bass.
Let's take another look at what's really happening here...

He has made a fictitious persona of himself, claiming all kinds of
experience which he does not have.

Really? What "kinds of experience" would that be??

He also tells ludicrous tall

You've yet to prove one of them as being a "tall story".

For example, he once claimed that he had snap-rolled (an
extreme aerobatic maneuver which is prohibited, not to mention
physically impossible in a large airliner) a Boeing 737 airliner which,

Actually I've never snap rolled anything bigger than a Citabria. I've
been in a Pitts Special (passenger) and a CF-104 "Widowmaker"
(passenger) during some pretty "hairy" maneuvers. I've also been a
passenger in a Boeing 737-200 which went inverted briefly during a
Boeing sanctioned test flight.
according to Olson was lent to him by Boeing Aircraft so he could test
his per theory about a famous Canadian air crash.

I wish I had that kind of "pull" at Boeing.

I checked. He never
held a pilot's license in the US or Canada.

Not in the name of "Olson". Remember something about "two fathers"??

Olson also claims he installs all kinds of advanced security, access
control and fire alarm systems in and around Burnaby, BC.

I checked
that, too. None of the local supply shops ever heard of him.

Not in the name of "Olson". Remember something about "two fathers"??
It bugs him no end that he can't find out who I am. He spends an
inordinate amount of time and long distance charges "researching" me. I
wonder why that is.

inspectors in any of the towns near there had ever heard of him. There's
no record of a license in his name.

Check... Not in the name of "Olson".

Olson built a website which pretends to "represent" this newsgroup.

Really?? I thought it did a pretty good job of providing some good
information about security systems in general. It's at

it he placed the logos of various manufacturers and industry

Above those logos he "thanks" all of those organizations
for their assistance in creating the website.

That's not entirely true either. You see what an insidious jerk this
guy is?? He tells "half truths" (or a version of his own half-baked ideas).

I checked that out, too.
No one in marketing, public relations, etc., from any of the companies
knew anything about Olson's website.

Really?? You checked?? Wow. Does this constitute "interfering" with
*my* business? :)

The site includes a page which quotes a *proposed* FAQ for this

By what do you mean "proposed"? It IS the FAQ, Robert.

The FAQ was the idea of the gentleman who originally posted
the requests to create the newsgroup (a minor task which required less
than an hour's time).

Y'know. I can really understand why Steve decided to stop posting here.
This group was *his* brain-child and you've taken it somewhere he
never meant it to go. This is NOT your personal tech-support forum.
With all the forum software out there, why not put up your own (on one
of your many websites)? I know the answer to that... because NO-ONE
would visit. So... You decide that, hey, you can market to DIYer's in
a forum of industry professionals, bicycle enthusiasts, and aviation
buffs... It's no wonder you're the pariah you are.

Olson never met the gentleman (I have) and had
nothing to do with creating, maintaining or otherwise supporting the
newsgroup or the proposed FAQ.

I never said that I knew (or met) Steve. I do understand him, though.
Just as I understand Andy.

FWIW< the FAQ never became official
since no one could agree on its terms and none of the people who post
here, including me and *especially* including Olson has ever given it
more than lip service.

FWIW, the FAQ is ignored by Bass because he uses this group as one of
his "marketing tools" and for "search engine positioning". You're a
schmuck, Bass.

There's a long-term war in this newsgroup which began when I came along
about eight or nine years ago and began posting answers to DIYers'
questions along with links to my website.

Check... Now we're touching the truth. There IS a FAQ, Bass. And
you've ignored it from the very first time you decided to "grace" us
with your slime.

Several other long-term
participants (the word, "members" is not appropriate since there is no
membership per se) here tried to stop me from posting.

They objected to your turning the group into your personal tech support
forum, you mean.

When they
realized they could not get the ISP's that actually own the news servers
to cooperate they tried flame wars (posting the kind of personal attacks
Olson just did),

Where did I flame you Bass? I've spoken the truth about everything in
your past that you'd just as soon have people forget about.

bogus complaints to the local BBB,

There you go again. How can ANYONE (other than a legitimate customer of
a business) post a complaint to your BBB? You really don't know how
that process works, do you? They INVESTIGATE every one (and won't act
unless the customer can show them a credit card receipt or invoice).
Wake up, Bass!!!

the states of FL

Check. I filed a complaint about the fact that you were engaged in
LICENSED activity by selling monitoring contracts against the Florida
Statutes. They shut you down.

I've never contacted any state authority in CT, Bass. This is so
typical of how you munge facts.

and calls to my distributors

One distributor. ADI. And all I asked the guy that answered the phone
was "What do you need to purchase product from your organization in
Florida?" He answered with: "A Florida Alarm License." I then said
"Thank you" and hung up. Your name was never mentioned, and neither was
mine. You've "made up" (embellished) the story a bit by adding a few
words that were NEVER spoken. You are such a liar!!!

and manufacturers.

Check. I called DSC because you were offering their panel software on
your website as a free download. You did this without their permission
and in violation of the software's EULA. You still have the links up on
all three of your websites. This is to facilitate being able to
distribute the software to those customers that are interested in it.
You move the files from one folder to the one the links point to.
Simple. Equally illegal.

Olson called ADI,
DSC and several others trying to interfere with my business.

Explained above.

He also
filed a bogus complaint with the state electrical contractor licensing
board. All of those efforts failed since there was never a shred of
evidence to support their claims.

Funny... they did shut down that part of your service, though.

Now Olson, Jiminex (a nickname I gave to one exceptionally vulgar
participant whose verbal filth I assume you've already noticed) and
several others simply post flames in response to anything I say.

No, actually. I haven't posted a single flame, Bass. I'm just
clarifying a few points you've decided to "munge".

of them, when they learned I'm fighting cancer, actually rejoiced

Up until I just recently found out you wrote the "Whore-a-Mona", I never
really wished you ill. Now, I hope you die. Soon. No one with the
kind of mind that wrote that deserves to live.

These are not normal people.

You're the least "normal" of all of us, I'd say.

You can believe what they say
or not.

Believe. Everything we say is the truth. Bass is a lying scumbag.
You'd best steer well away from him. He's demonstrated (on more than
one occasion) the ability to "sucker" you into thinking you're his "best
friend", then turn around and use what you tell him against you. Ask
Graham Morgan (another long time participant here).

It will not change anything.

If we can post adequate warnings, people will know to be careful.

However, if you dare to speak up
for any semblance of human decency you'll get slammed mercilessly,
called every name in the book as has been done to anyone and everyone
who refused to join their effort.

That's classic Bassism. If you dare to oppose anything he does here,
you'll get "slammed mercilessly". Your email will become full of
"Florida Real Estate" bulletins and you'll get a whole bunch of "big
prick" ads in Portuguese from Brazil.

They're basically sick, cowardly people who hide behind the perceived
anonymity of Usenet much as cowards driving big SUV's behave boorishly
on the road.

Hey!!! I drive a "big SUV", and I'm not the least bit "boorish".

They would never dare to act this way in person.

Just as you would never dare show up in a room full of alarm installers
and service techs and try to "sell" DIY. What a "maroon", Bass.

why they find Usenet so rewarding. It gives them a place to act tough
without fear of being popped in the nose. As such, Usenet affords an
attractive, safe haven for people like Olson. They tend to hang around
for years because here they can pretend they're part of the "in crowd"
(in this case, alarm installers).

Speaking of "alarm installers"... When was the last time you actually
INSTALLED anything??

For my part, I'm not in the least ambiguous about my motives for being
here. I answer DIYer and newbie techs' questions because it makes
people interested in my online alarm system store. That very fact
infuriates these guys and since I have no intention of stopping and
neither do they, the war rages on. C'est la vie, no?

You've yet to experience one of Bass' classic newsgroup "floods". He
has on more than one occasion flooded the group with reams of html code
snipped from his website as well as whole lists of product and prices.
Read the FAQ at Decide
for yourself how you wish to participate in this group. Google "Robert
L Bass" in this group and others. Visit
It's a little "sick and twisted", that's true, but a good deal of what
you see there has been posted by Bass himself as well as the people that
he's "ticked off" over the years.

Welcome to ASA, Nathan!

Frank Olson

Dense said:
Is it because he wants to go real-life Frank? Or is the question
purely rhetorical?

Of course he wants to go RL. He's even gone so far as to post in the
AlarmsBC forum (posing as Jake Ashbury) asking about me.

Robert L Bass

He was convicted of a felony by threatening a relative with a gun
in 1979, is that close enough?

That is untrue.


Robert L Bass

Bass Home Electronics
4883 Fallcrest Circle
Sarasota · Florida · 34233

Robert L Bass

Dense Fog said:
Is it because he wants to go real-life Frank? Or is the question
purely rhetorical?

Funny how as soon as anyone points out the truth about Olson a few
new aliases like "Dense Fog" appear.


Robert L Bass

Bass Home Electronics
4883 Fallcrest Circle
Sarasota · Florida · 34233

Frank Olson

Robert said:
Funny how as soon as anyone points out the truth about Olson a few new
aliases like "Dense Fog" appear.

I'm a sock puppet for Jim Rojas. I understand "Dense Fog" is something
you'd frequently encounter in London (England). "Dense Smog" OTOH is
what you'd encounter while driving behind my Aviator.

Frank Olson

Robert said:
That is untrue.

Which part is again? The part about threatening a relative, or
threatening "someone" with a gun? I understand it gets even better.
The "gun" is now a replica. Did you carve it out of soap while you were
in the slammer? :)

Frank Olson

Robert said:
Funny how as soon as anyone points out the truth about Olson a few new
aliases like "Dense Fog" appear.

Funny how as soon as you post flames against the other regulars here
(and one of them responds with the truth) you revert back to your
classic "plonk" tactic. I must have really hit a nerve.

You're an asshole Bass, and a coward to boot. Don't look on this as a
"flame", by the way. I'm just helping you "market" your online scam-shops.

Robert L Bass

That is easy for anyone to verify with Florida state government

The problem is you got it wrong from the start. You won't admit it


Robert L Bass

Bass Home Electronics
4883 Fallcrest Circle
Sarasota · Florida · 34233

Frank Olson

Robert said:
The problem is you got it wrong from the start. You won't admit it though.

Just as you won't admit (even in the face of overwhelming evidence) that
you bought your house from your dad for a dollar ($0.87 CDN)...


And your point is?



Roland Moore said:
I am not in real estate. I have purchased and sold real estate. The dollar
thing on the deed is a common item on many deeds I have seen in this
It doesn't mean that only a dollar changed hands in the deal. In this
in reads something like 'for the some of one dollar and other
consideration', meaning that cash was used versus cattle, horses, sheep,
other land etc. I think it is some legal leftover that no one reads much
