Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Off contract soon with Apex, I'm looking for cheaper monitoring


Bob Worthy

"Nick Lawrence" wrote in message
Group: Does anyone charge TAX on alarm services, or is Dan being ripped
off here, too, by the Fake Apex?


In Florida we are taxed, so we collect. Several counties have different
sales tax rates. Keeps you on your toes.


$20-25 a month for basic digital monitoring with NY State Sales tax of
8.625% on Services in Nassau and Suffolk County, Long Islan, NY.

G. Morgan

Robert said:
If all operators are
handling other calls at the moment (this happens *very* often), there is a
delay of anywhere from a few seconds to 30 minutes or more. Then the message
is displayed on an operator's screen.

Bullshit! Alarms in the queue rarely are delayed more than a minute before an
operator looks at it. There is no way Brinks allows an alarm signal to take
anywhere near 30+ minutes to reach an operator.

Robert L Bass

"Cracker Morgan" wiped the drool off his keyboard, accidentally transmitting:
Bullshit! Alarms in the queue rarely are delayed more than a minute before
operator looks at it. There is no way Brinks allows an alarm signal to take
anywhere near 30+ minutes to reach an operator.

Sure they don't. Uh-huh.


Robert L Bass

Bass Home Electronics
4883 Fallcrest Circle
Sarasota · Florida · 34233
Sales & Tech Support 941-925-8650
Customer Service 941-870-2310
Fax 941-870-3252


The call takes 20-30 seconds, the receiver sends it to automation which
spews it out on the screen in about a second and you seriously think ANY
monitoring station will let that set there for 30+ minutes?

Even you don't believe that

Well, maybe that's the way his "central station" handled them. Since that is
his only frame of reference, he probably does believe it.

Nomen Nescio

Group: Does anyone charge TAX on alarm services, or is Dan being ripped
off here, too, by the Fake Apex?

Some states do charge sales tax on services as well as sales of equipment,
and there are other tax issues as well.

When the alarm company retains ownership of the equipment, some states
treat an alarm service contract as partly a charge for services and partly
a lease of equipment. They consider the lease portion of the transaction
to be subject to sales tax, just like a car lease payment.

The other potential issue is property tax. If a company like Brinks
retains ownership of the equipment, some states want to charge property tax
on the value of that equipment. Some alarm companies have gotten caught
owing a large bill for back taxes over this. Companies like Brinks often
include something in their customer contracts allowing them to pass the
taxes on to the customer, in addition to the usual monthly rate.

Bob Worthy

Mark Leuck said:
in message

30 minutes eh? I'd say you need a new monitoring station or perhaps that was
a typical response time while you had your own monitoring station running in
the spare bedroom

Isn't that the amount of time it would take to prepare and grill his
hamburger before getting back to the screen.
Now it's an hour? No wonder you don't monitor anymore

He had to eat the hamburger ya know.

Robert L Bass

Mark Leuck said:
The call takes 20-30 seconds, the receiver sends it to automation which
spews it out on the screen in about a second and you seriously think ANY
monitoring station will let that set there for 30+ minutes?

I've seen an expose on ADT where they took over an hour to respond. Do you
seriously think Brinks is better than ADT?
Even you don't believe that

Even you don't expect us to believe that Brinks or Monitronics is any better
than ADT.


Robert L Bass

Bass Home Electronics
4883 Fallcrest Circle
Sarasota · Florida · 34233
Sales & Tech Support 941-925-8650
Customer Service 941-870-2310
Fax 941-870-3252

Frank Olson

Mark said:
Oh so you saw a tv show....

He forgot to mention that he also spoke about it to several pilot
friends, a couple of A & P mechanics and a Boeing engineer.

Norton Nescio

Frank said:
He forgot to mention that he also spoke about it to several pilot
friends, a couple of A & P mechanics and a Boeing engineer.

don't forget the customers of his that are psychiatrists and can
diagnose over usenet.

I brive a dus

Hogwash, the commercial was edited to fit into a particular time period <

Not hogwash at all. The main focus of the commercial is the lightning
fast response time.

Robert L Bass

I brive a dus said:
Not hogwash at all. The main focus of the commercial is the lightning fast
response time.

He knows that. Leuck will *always* argue, regardless what he believes.


Robert L Bass

Bass Home Electronics
4883 Fallcrest Circle
Sarasota · Florida · 34233
Sales & Tech Support 941-925-8650
Customer Service 941-870-2310
Fax 941-870-3252

Norton Nescio

Mark said:
Well the "first night in the new house" was on again, no mention of the
response time at all

He knows that. bAss will *always* argue, regardless what he believes.



He knows that. �Leuck will *always* argue, regardless what he believes.

(It's obvious that think that one bad turn deserves
another ..........
so here ya go.............. here's yours)

That's no different than you believing that you're not going to die

I brive a dus

Well the "first night in the new house" was on again, no mention of the
response time at all <

I never saw the "new house" clip. Last one I saw was the burglar,
dressed in the jogging suit, charge the door and dropkick it. If I
ever make my way towards the back of the garage I'll dig out the clips
they sent when I was with them.

Frank Olson

Mark said:
I know that one although haven't seen it in a while, some are posted on

Isn't that a violation of their IP??? Youtube had better be careful. :)


Thanks again everyone for the feedback, I looked at my Apex contract,
and it goes to month to month after the 36 month term which is just
about up. They do require a 30 day notice for me to cancel the
service. However, I am going to contact some of the leads posted in
this thread, and get the scoop if they can take over the system I
already have, get some figures, and then call Apex back with a
proposal, if their off-contract month to month price isn't low enough.
I am probably willing to settle for maybe a $20 - $25 a month fee with
no more than a year contract if they want a contract with a lower
price. They then get some compensation for the new GSM cellular backup
in the meantime, and after that time. I'll see if they can mach more
inexpensive deals.

Crash Gordon

We have telcom tax on monitoring here, but it varies from city to city so
it can be anywhere from 0% to 4%.


**Crash Gordon**