Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Contract circuit board maker source?



I've got a small project that I want to make about two hundred
copies of. The board is 1" x 1.25" single side single layer
with 10 through holes. I don't need silkscreening or special
features, just the etched board. I've got accurate drawings
in AutoCad. What would be the least expensive way to get these
made? Time isn't so much a factor.

I've thought about making them myself, but haven't got experience
with the photo processes. The largest board I've made so far is
5.5" x 6" with a couple of hundred through holes single sided, I
used the technique of laser printing the reverse layout onto the
backing sheet of labels, then ironing the toner onto the board,
touching up defects with a Sharpie permanent marker. That worked
ok, but it wasn't as professional-looking as I'd like these to look.

If I go with a photo process, I'd like to make my own sensitized
boards because the pre-sensitized boards are fairly expensive. Is
that something that's possible? Is there a spray or coating that
I can apply to make a board photo-resist ready?


Please reply to jsavage"at"
Curse those darned bulk e-mailers!
"Rats and roaches live by competition under the laws of
supply and demand. It is the privilege of human beings to
live under the laws of justice and mercy." - Wendell Berry

Roger Johansson

JazzMan said:
If I go with a photo process, I'd like to make my own sensitized
boards because the pre-sensitized boards are fairly expensive. Is
that something that's possible? Is there a spray or coating that
I can apply to make a board photo-resist ready?

I have tried those products and I do not recommend them.
It is very difficult to get a layer which has the same thickness
everywhere, and that ruins the etching process.

It is much better to buy readymade photosensitive pcb board material.

If you choose to make your own after all you can spray in the middle of
the board and then rotate the board very fast (with a motor) to spread
out the photoresist evenly in a thin layer. I have not tried this but I
heard about that method.

Or mount two boards on each side of the rotation center, spray the inner
edges, rotate fast to force the liquid to flow over the whole surface,
and the excess liquid is thrown off the outer edge.

You also need to do it in a dust free environment which can contaminate
the photoresist before it has dried in an oven set to low heat.


they have a 3 boards for $51.00
but they don't specify the size etc.
they maybe large boards in which case
you could mask multiple copies of the
same mini board on the larger one and
then slice them up your self using a
scroll saw.
i am not sure, look at the sight.

Just checked them out, that's three 2.5" x 3.8" boards.
Too expensive for what I want to do.

Please reply to jsavage"at"
Curse those darned bulk e-mailers!
"Rats and roaches live by competition under the laws of
supply and demand. It is the privilege of human beings to
live under the laws of justice and mercy." - Wendell Berry

Robert Monsen

JazzMan said:
I've got a small project that I want to make about two hundred
copies of. The board is 1" x 1.25" single side single layer
with 10 through holes. I don't need silkscreening or special
features, just the etched board. I've got accurate drawings
in AutoCad. What would be the least expensive way to get these
made? Time isn't so much a factor.

Try It may be cheaper to put a bunch of them on a
board, and then cut them up later. Send them email, they may be willing
to help out with that.

Robert Monsen

"Your Highness, I have no need of this hypothesis."
- Pierre Laplace (1749-1827), to Napoleon,
on why his works on celestial mechanics make no mention of God.


JazzMan said:
I've got a small project that I want to make about two hundred
copies of. The board is 1" x 1.25" single side single layer
with 10 through holes. I don't need silkscreening or special
features, just the etched board. I've got accurate drawings
in AutoCad. What would be the least expensive way to get these
made? Time isn't so much a factor.

I've thought about making them myself, but haven't got experience
with the photo processes. The largest board I've made so far is
5.5" x 6" with a couple of hundred through holes single sided, I
used the technique of laser printing the reverse layout onto the
backing sheet of labels, then ironing the toner onto the board,
touching up defects with a Sharpie permanent marker. That worked
ok, but it wasn't as professional-looking as I'd like these to look.

If I go with a photo process, I'd like to make my own sensitized
boards because the pre-sensitized boards are fairly expensive. Is
that something that's possible? Is there a spray or coating that
I can apply to make a board photo-resist ready?



they have a 3 boards for $51.00
but they don't specify the size etc.
they maybe large boards in which case
you could mask multiple copies of the
same mini board on the larger one and
then slice them up your self using a
scroll saw.
i am not sure, look at the sight.
I've got a small project that I want to make about two hundred
copies of. The board is 1" x 1.25" single side single layer
with 10 through holes. I don't need silkscreening or special
features, just the etched board. I've got accurate drawings
in AutoCad. What would be the least expensive way to get these
made? Time isn't so much a factor.

Check out . Look under "Specials".


You can send your file to me. We can help you to do these boards. Only
0.02 US$ per cm*cm for FR4 single side. But the price does not include the
transfer fee to you. You can send to fjq at

Best regards,

Roger Johansson

fengjianqing said:
You can send your file to me. We can help you to do these boards. Only
0.02 US$ per cm*cm for FR4 single side. But the price does not include
the transfer fee to you. You can send to fjq at

I am interested in the communication possibilities between China and
Europe, and maybe you can tell me something about that.

I understand that you send most of your products via airplane or
oceangoing ships, but is there a possibility to send products by truck,
through central Asia?

That should be a more economical way to send products from China to
Europe than by airplane, and faster than by ships, going around the whole
eurasian continent.

Do you know how the roads are in China, from China to Kazakstan
and from there to Europe?

Is that possibility used by chinese producers, or are there problems
which make that alternative less attractive?


Hello Roger,
Very gald to see your answer. Yes, you are right. We send most of our
products via airplane or oceangoing ships. You know if we use your
suggestions to transfer the products using truck s. No truck go directly
from one country to another one. I can not promise to you if the products
can send to your hands. Maybe will lose very easy. We all do not want to
see such thing happen. Do you agreee?
So I think the best way is by ship the first, the second by air.
For further discuss, you can send mail to me. Send to fjq at qingdaonews
dot com.

Best regards,

Roger Johansson

fengjianqing said:
Hello Roger,
Very gald to see your answer. Yes, you are right. We send most of our
products via airplane or oceangoing ships. You know if we use your
suggestions to transfer the products using truck s. No truck go
directly from one country to another one. I can not promise to you if
the products can send to your hands. Maybe will lose very easy. We all
do not want to see such thing happen. Do you agreee?

Yes, I think I understand. But sometime in the future we will see better
and safer transport infrastructures through central Asia.
An infrastructure which promotes peace and equality between all people on
the eurasian continent.
So I think the best way is by ship the first, the second by air.

Yes, for urgent orders airplane is the best, and for big volumes ship is
best, even if it takes a week or two to Europe.
For further discuss, you can send mail to me. Send to fjq at
qingdaonews dot com.

Not necessary, but thanks anyway.

Robert Monsen

JeffM said:
Morons who make their sites 100% Flash don't deserve anybody's

Why not? Great prices, hard to find parts, orders arrive on time and
intact, no whining about small orders...

Robert Monsen

"Your Highness, I have no need of this hypothesis."
- Pierre Laplace (1749-1827), to Napoleon,
on why his works on celestial mechanics make no mention of God.

Why not?
Robert Monsen

This reminds me of the American arrogance of the '80s
when we were losing business to Japan
because we couldn't seem to learn the lesson
"You can BUY in ANY language;
to SELL you must speak the language of your customer."

HTML is the lingua franca of the Web. Flash is a gimmick.
A site that is 100% Flash is moronic.
Having dealings with morons is moronic.

Robert Monsen

JeffM said:
This reminds me of the American arrogance of the '80s
when we were losing business to Japan
because we couldn't seem to learn the lesson
"You can BUY in ANY language;
to SELL you must speak the language of your customer."

They probably just like flash, and since 98% of the world's computers
run it, nobody notices the difference. 2% may not be able to handle it.
Perhaps they don't know this. Perhaps they just don't care. Perhaps the
contract firm they hired to write the website doesn't care, or doesn't
know. Perhaps you are making a big deal out of nothing.
HTML is the lingua franca of the Web. Flash is a gimmick.
A site that is 100% Flash is moronic.
Having dealings with morons is moronic.

Well, it's possible they are idiot savants. The savant part appears to
be in being able to offer reasonable prices, deliver on time, and not
nick you for a small order surcharge.

Since I appear to be coming off like an ad, let me stress that I'm not
associated with them in any way, other than being a bit impressed with
their prices on SOME things. You need to check, since they appear to use
an odd 'price by demand' scheme, which can cause chips that are nearly
identical (and priced nearly identically at, say, digikey) to be priced
very differently.

Robert Monsen

"Your Highness, I have no need of this hypothesis."
- Pierre Laplace (1749-1827), to Napoleon,
on why his works on celestial mechanics make no mention of God.

Roger Johansson

JeffM said:
This reminds me of the American arrogance of the '80s
when we were losing business to Japan
because we couldn't seem to learn the lesson
"You can BUY in ANY language;
to SELL you must speak the language of your customer."

HTML is the lingua franca of the Web. Flash is a gimmick.
A site that is 100% Flash is moronic.
Having dealings with morons is moronic.

I don't like flash web sites either, but at least I can express myself in
a civilized language.

If I see something I don't like I try to formulate my views as
explanations and positive suggestions, instead of negative criticism.

The reason why people don't like the flash file format is that it is like
a program which is downloaded and run on the client machine, and those
programs are not controllable by the client like html web sites.

Html is a way to suggest how the information is to be presented, but it
allows the client to adjust things like fonts, font sizes, background
colors, layout, to fit his special needs and taste.

Unfortunately we will probably have to wait for 10-20 years before
newsgroups can be recommended for children and civilized people.
The level of foul language background noise is still very high.

Michael A. Terrell

Robert said:
Why not? Great prices, hard to find parts, orders arrive on time and
intact, no whining about small orders...

Constant updates to the Flash software, and not having permission to
install new software on a computer where you work are two that come to
mind. Its a double insult to be hit with a slow loading flash page AND
a nasty warning that your software is out of date. In these cases I
send a "No thank you note" and tell the vendor I will look elsewhere for
my parts. Not only that, but how well will a Flash page be indexed by a
search engine? Are they treated like other oddball formats and ignored?

At my last job I had to let the IT droids install all software,
including software to program parts on the production line.

Robert Monsen

Michael said:
Constant updates to the Flash software, and not having permission to
install new software on a computer where you work are two that come to

I haven't had any flash updates recently, and the site seems to work
properly. Perhaps they don't use the wizzy new features?

Its a double insult to be hit with a slow loading flash page AND
a nasty warning that your software is out of date.

Yes, that would be annoying. Thankfully, it hasn't happened to me at
this site yet.
In these cases I
send a "No thank you note" and tell the vendor I will look elsewhere for
my parts.

Good idea. This may prompt them to use a different technology whigh
would be more useful for you.
Not only that, but how well will a Flash page be indexed by a
search engine? Are they treated like other oddball formats and ignored?

I do get hits for futurlec on google all the time, so I suspect they've
somehow overcome that problem if it exists.
At my last job I had to let the IT droids install all software,
including software to program parts on the production line.

That is overly restrictive.

Robert Monsen

"Your Highness, I have no need of this hypothesis."
- Pierre Laplace (1749-1827), to Napoleon,
on why his works on celestial mechanics make no mention of God.


...Constant updates to the Flash software,
...not having permission to install new software
...slow loading flash page

how well will a Flash page be indexed by a search engine?
Michael A. Terrell
It won't be--at all.

Are they treated like other oddball formats and ignored?
Yup. You've touched on another thing about Flash sites:
you can't cut & paste text from them.
Some Web developers use Flash specifically
so the underlying nature of their sites can't be easily examined.
You have to ask what's up with someone that would hire a Web developer
who puts his own priorities (code obfuscation) first.

:I do get hits for futurlec on google all the time,
:so I suspect they've somehow overcome that problem if it exists.
: Robert Monsen
I Googled the site and it looked like a normal HTML site
so I went to the site again.
Guess what--it's not a Flash site any more.

So, do those guys read this group?
Were they coincidently trying something foolish
at the exact moment they were getting free advertisement here?


Why you can see so many websites have flash. Because the servicer tell to
the owner of the website-- the flash is beautiful and wonderful for
others' first eye to see you website. And from this feather the servicer
company can earn more.

For the beginning business with China, I also 100% agree you should take
care about the quality, the price, the time... But if you do not to try
you do not know, you will lose chance. More and more company purchase
directly from China. Why? It is not only because the lower price, also
because you pay the lower money you can get the same quality products or
the higher quality. This is true!
So at first give yourself chance to try. You will earn from China.


Roger Johansson

JeffM said:
I Googled the site and it looked like a normal HTML site
so I went to the site again.
Guess what--it's not a Flash site any more.

I have disabled flash in my browser so I didn't even try before.
But I tried it now and it is nice, low prices and low freight costs.
All kinds of components and instruments.

Quoting from the site:
For Australian, Canada, UK, EU and USA customers,
we can offer domestic postage rates as follows,

USA, Canada, UK, European Union(EU) and Australia

Standard Post
For orders up to US$30, Delivery Charge - US$3.00.
For orders US$30 to US$49, Delivery Charge - US$5.00
For order US$50 to US$99, Delivery Charge - US$8.00
For order US$100 and above, Delivery Charge - US$12.00

Express Post
For orders up to US$100, Delivery Charge - US$15.00.
For order US$100 and above, Delivery Charge - US$30.00"

Those freight costs are basically the same as when I order from the
companies in my own country, so it is not a problem.