Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Back to the Breadboard

Sorry. Thought you meant a different pot. My other breadboard has the same build but is much quieter. Wonder if it’s the board
I decided to buy a bunch of 100pF capacitors, as the circuit I've been working on in this thread requires one such capacitor. I had been using a 100pF ceramic capacitor.

Being short on them, I ordered these:

I did not realize that these are Radial capacitors. I guess I looked at the word Ceramic in the descriptionmand thought they were ceramic.

When I swap on e of these news ones, for the ceramic on on my breadboard, these new on es have a completely different effect. They still let the signal pass through, but I don't any appreciable distortion. I out the original ceramic capacitor back, and the distortion is back.

Is it because the new capacitors are radial that they have this new and undesired effect?
The new capacitors are 10nF which is 10000pF. They cut all high frequencies when the gain pot is a high resistance.
Thanks AG. I don’t know why I thought it was 100pF. Maybe because 103 is printed in it. Oh well. Good to have in the inventory.
101 is 10 followed by one zero= 100pF.
102 is 1000pF which is 1nF.
103 is 10nF.
104 is 10nF which is 0.1uF.
105 is 1uF.
Thanks guys for the clarification on the capacitor and thanks for the link to the chart. Hopefully, I will not make that mistake again.

You'll be happy to know that I've built this distortion circuit many times now, and the last 4 times, were flawless- no issues, no buzzing. I'd so glad. Now, I am going to put one in a metal stomp box I have. I have about 5 of these boxes. The first one, will not have the 9 pin stomp with. I am going to simply go with a smash on off switch. The next iteration will have the 9 pin and a true by pass.

I have not figured out how to accommodate a battery cavity. I'd hate to have to unscrew the four screws at the bottom of the project box, every time a battery change is needed. Any ideas?

Here is a pic of the box I am using.

Also, I am thinking of how I am going to get the board to stay out I n ther box without moving around.
Thanks Bertus. I think that means I will have to cut some sort of cavity in the box, to allow the battery holder to fit. It's very crammed in there. I'm not sure I could.
I must have jinxed myself. I completed another successful circuit and was able to neatly put it in a stomp box. However, ,as is expected. some of the components got a little crushed (bent) . I am no longer getting the proper readings for pins 1 and 2 (meaning the Out and the - In. What components can I check that may have caused this, and how can I check them using my multimeter. (I have already done a continuity check, and all the wires seem to still be connected properly. I am wondering if a cap[acitor got damaged- but I don't know how to trouble shoot a capacitor.
I must have jinxed myself. I completed another successful circuit and was able to neatly put it in a stomp box. However, ,as is expected. some of the components got a little crushed (bent) . I am no longer getting the proper readings for pins 1 and 2 (meaning the Out and the - In. What components can I check that may have caused this, and how can I check them using my multimeter. (I have already done a continuity check, and all the wires seem to still be connected properly. I am wondering if a cap[acitor got damaged- but I don't know how to trouble shoot a capacitor.
I figured it out. Joint broke when squeezing the stuff in the box,
I am moving on to experimenting on the breadboard, on getting a 9 pin stomp-box switch working. I found an article on how to wire it up, but it says to connect point 4 to the input of my board. Then it says connect point 7 to the tip of the In jack.

Where is the Input of my board? Isn't that the same as the tip of the In jack?

Also, where would the output of my board be?


It's ok...figured it out.
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