Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Anyone have the stats on how much power the normal computer uses?


Ross Mac

DarkMatter said:
You do know what a "run on sentence" is, right?

Don't shit yerself, sonny.

Yer an adolescent, pimple faced twit with bad teeth. At least that
is what your sister exclaimed, when she described your "training
sessions" with her.

Bwuhhahahahahahahahaa... My PoopRailGun would get you with an 80
caliber FrozenPoopSlug! Then, you'd be so full of shit, it would be
bursting from you!

You could never approach the master. Say hello to my little turd!

You'd literally Eat Shit, And Die.

No... You're a Major Turd, or perhaps even a General Turd.

Yer a fuckin' loon.

Same tired TrollMatter rhetoric....It means nothing to anyone!

Ross Mac

DarkMatter said:
Dipshit. The remark I made was about the door joke, dipshit. Learn
to actually get what you read. You "gloss-over-it" pukes really are

Get a clue.

Glossing over your posts have become a Usenet necessity! And hey...your
spelling of the word stupid "stoopid" speaks volumes of that degree in


My goodness... ASR-33's were kinda quiet! Ever been around a few of
those old Model-15's clunking away? If two or three of them did a
carriage return at exactly the same time it would probably knock the
building off its foundation!

It really is hard to do stand up comedy for engineers, but that was
damned funny!



Let's see... Shuttle infrared temperature sensors (particularly
since you have a clue about radiated heat

Longest focus for a Precision IR detector at the time. 1000 Feet.

Technically, we couldn't directly calibrate it at our facility. We
extrapolated, and shipped, and let our customer, NASA verify setpoints
by creating a large scale field deployed black body calibration source
at a one foot diameter target on a ten foot "spot". 1 degree FOV.

IIRC, it had a pyrex primary lens. We also had many others, such as
Germanium. You know... IR stuff.

Pointed at the "protected areas" beside the blast chutes.

Two per pad.


power systems... You're the partner of
the company, hire stupid broads that don't know how to draw a

No, DIPSHIT. We did NOT hire her. That was the point!

Ross Mac

Keith R. Williams said:
You're right. I am too retarded to know what the other 350000
people in my company are doing. I know a bit, but you'd be too
*stupid* to understand that corner.

You really are an amazing dolt!

Let's see... Shuttle infrared temperature sensors (particularly
since you have a clue about radiated heat - note to Ross: this is
where he got the DimBulb moniker). You're an expert on monitors,
switching power supplies, power systems... You're the partner of
the company, hire stupid broads that don't know how to draw a
diode, made $5.6B for your "employer" (though you said you were a
partner), still live with your mommy in the shack you were
whelped in. Yep, you got it all DimBulb!

I forgot your broad vocabulary. ...all ten words.

Somehow I believe you here. ..Even though I'd believe that you
did Sid.

There's that stupendous (or...) vocabulary again.

Yep, you and your "partner" sure do a good job! If you made him
$5.6B I'd think he'd let you do the "girl". Perhpas the "girl"
was his daughter? I'm sure he knows about mom.

Past tense?

You're the speaker, there DimBulb.

Nice words from you? Aw, do I have to kiss you now?

You're *constantly* inflating your resume. You haven't a clue
what you're talking about and have shown your ignorance here
repeatedly (100W <> 100W?, heat cannot be transferred by Xray or
visible light). JEes DimBulb, you should have changed your name
long ago, though your style follows you like stink on your mommy.

Sure, but it frosts your slit.

There is that striking wit and broad vocabulary again.

You have done a good job of pointing out how our demented, drug infested
troll, DarkMatter operates. He will say something either, ridiculous,
impossible or just a plain lie and spend the next 20 posts trying to defend
his sorry ass. Troll definition here???
I really get a kick out his claim of making 5.6 billion for his firm. Now, I
wonder what it is that he claims they sold 40 MILLLION units at $150 each.
According to him, that is a markup of 1400%. Now what is the possibility of
that??? Oh, he claims his "investment horizon" is 10 years. Dimbulb without
a clue here! Now what this really translates to is he has more debt than
assets and hopes to have his head above water in 10 years! You know, Keith,
the list goes on and on and on. Perhaps PinochioMatter would be a good
moniker here since that nose must be hitting the keyboard by now. And the
head? It must look like a Macy's Day parade balloon. Except, that would be a
frightful sight would it not? That ugly toothless mug with a bicycle helmet
all blown up with helium.
This is like playing that "Whack a Mole" game. Dimbulb gets his ass kicked
and his ugly ass just pops up again for another whippin!


And AGAIN missed the point

You are good.


DarkMatter said:
No, I didn't, and fuk you!

I do... for ANY, save you deliberately disabled fuckers that
ignore convention.

I didn't call you a freak. You are too sub-human to get the "freak"

You don't get it.

If you think that your lame, convention ignoring ass comes anywhere
close to comparing with the character that a disabled person has, you
are one sadly mistaken mother fuker.

Excerpt from Merriam Webster's:

"Main Entry: 1re·tard
Pronunciation: ri-'tärd
Function: verb
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French or Latin; Middle French
retarder, from Latin retardare, from re- + tardus slow
Date: 15th century
transitive senses
1 : to slow up especially by preventing or hindering advance or
accomplishment : IMPEDE
2 : to delay academic progress by failure to promote
intransitive senses : to undergo retardation"

End Excerpt.

For you to refuse to research, learn, and subsequently follow Usenet
conventions and standards, and then to blatantly exclaim that "It
isn't that way." simply because you see and cite hundreds of other
uninformed idiots just like yourself doing it, represents a serious
character flaw. Your backward thinking makes you "retarded".
Even worse when you intentionally ignore the convention.

You aren't even in the same class as a disabled person, Whale Shit
Boy. So don't even think you can draw a comparison between yourself
and them.

The term "its" needs an apostrophe.

Is that what you call this? You don't appear to know anything about
sentence structure!


Yet Another Sad Example Of A Poor Education.


his baby sitter gave us...........

DarkMatter said:
Longest focus for a Precision IR detector at the time. 1000 Feet.

Technically, we couldn't directly calibrate it at our facility. We
extrapolated, and shipped, and let our customer, NASA verify setpoints
by creating a large scale field deployed black body calibration source
at a one foot diameter target on a ten foot "spot". 1 degree FOV.

IIRC, it had a pyrex primary lens. We also had many others, such as
Germanium. You know... IR stuff.

Pointed at the "protected areas" beside the blast chutes.

Two per pad.

Ross Mac

Col said:
And AGAIN missed the point

You are good.


The fool quotes Netiquette and then whines about a missing apostrophe!
Absolutely typical of the Troll boy that he is! As far as "getting it"
goes...he won't and never will!


I really get a kick out his claim of making 5.6 billion for his firm.


I said that *I* HAVE an IDEA. AN IDEA that *I* said that *I* would
make real, NOT my firm.

I corrected your lame, wussy boy lying fuk ass already on this
How can you possibly be so fucking retarded?



Now, I
wonder what it is that he claims they sold 40 MILLLION units at $150 each.

You really are retarded, boy. I NEVER said a damned thing about
something that has already happened.

I told you that *I* have (NOT HAD) an idea. YOU are SO
absofuckinglutely retarded that you can't even read correctly!

Then, you are too goddamned stupid to go back and read it again!
So you make the same mistake twice AFTER the first!
According to him, that is a markup of 1400%. Now what is the possibility of
that??? Oh, he claims his "investment horizon" is 10 years.

I never said that either. I said that I would MANUFACTURE MY
product, and would sell 40M units at $150 each with a COM of $10.

I said it in TWO posts. The original, AND in my FIRST correction of
your retarded ass.
Dimbulb without
a clue here!

You describe yourself.
Now what this really translates to is he has more debt than
assets and hopes to have his head above water in 10 years!

Like I said, you do not know a godddamned thing about that which you
spew, boy.
You know, Keith,
the list goes on and on and on.

The list of your bullshit made up lies about shit I NEVER said. You
could be a little more retarded, but I doubt it.
Perhaps PinochioMatter would be a good
moniker here since that nose must be hitting the keyboard by now. And the
head? It must look like a Macy's Day parade balloon. Except, that would be a
frightful sight would it not? That ugly toothless mug with a bicycle helmet
all blown up with helium.
This is like playing that "Whack a Mole" game. Dimbulb gets his ass kicked
and his ugly ass just pops up again for another whippin!

You have whipped nothing, but your hollow skull cavity into a
laughable state for those of us that actually read the thread.


And then he himself gave us.............

You are supposed to use a bathroom for that shit, asswipe.

Come on, retard boy. I know you can do better than that.

Ross Mac

DarkMatter said:

I said that *I* HAVE an IDEA. AN IDEA that *I* said that *I* would
make real, NOT my firm.

I corrected your lame, wussy boy lying fuk ass already on this
How can you possibly be so fucking retarded?


Well, let us hear the correction, not more rhetoric!
What IS the real dollar value.....99cents?
I would REALLY like to hear your troll response on this one! What IS the
real market value and number of units you have sold to date??? 40 million
units sounds like a pipe dream....And what is your take? ....A salary???
Like I said, you will never get rich on a wage....The way you really make
money is on investments or business ownership. I made $28K this
week....curious how? Money in the right place....It's called the January
bounce! I am a little boy again....gee...I thought I was an old
man/obsoleto??? I guess I just dumped 30 years!
Get your story straight kid.....and when you really want to learn how to
make money...let me know!


You have done a good job of pointing out how our demented, drug infested
troll, DarkMatter operates.

No. He pointed out nothing.
He will say something either, ridiculous,
impossible or just a plain lie and spend the next 20 posts trying to defend
his sorry ass.

You describe yourself.
Troll definition here???

I really get a kick out his claim of making 5.6 billion for his firm.

Look, dipshit! I never said that. ONLY YOU DID.

Snipped LAME verbatim cut-and-paste spam from another post already
pushing this lie once. You REALLY ARE LAME FUK! I only called you
one before, but now, I KNOW that it IS true!

Later, you lying lamefuck!

Ross Mac

DarkMatter said:
You are supposed to use a bathroom for that shit, asswipe.

Come on, retard boy. I know you can do better than that.

Carefully snipped to self engrandise.....Anyone surprised?

Ross Mac

DarkMatter said:

You really are retarded, boy. I NEVER said a damned thing about
something that has already happened.

I told you that *I* have (NOT HAD) an idea. YOU are SO
absofuckinglutely retarded that you can't even read correctly!

Then, you are too goddamned stupid to go back and read it again!
So you make the same mistake twice AFTER the first!

I never said that either. I said that I would MANUFACTURE MY
product, and would sell 40M units at $150 each with a COM of $10.

I said it in TWO posts. The original, AND in my FIRST correction of
your retarded ass.

You describe yourself.

Like I said, you do not know a godddamned thing about that which you
spew, boy.

The list of your bullshit made up lies about shit I NEVER said. You
could be a little more retarded, but I doubt it.

You have whipped nothing, but your hollow skull cavity into a
laughable state for those of us that actually read the thread.

So...I would be correct in saying that your claims were all pipe
dreams?.....Tell us all what you meant....What have you REALLY sold and what
is your take other than a meager salary???
As far as being whipped...Yeah....your sorry ass has been repeatedly whipped
in this thread....consider your sorry ass kicked once again Doper Boy!