Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Anyone have the stats on how much power the normal computer uses?



Dream on Doper Boy.....I read hundreds of messages

Which qualifies you for ab-so-fucking-lutely NOTHING.

Particulalrly when you ignore the decades established standards.
and your claims are just
more troll rehtoric.

No. My claims are that of decades established fact.
For the mentally impaired, that would be you
BongMatter, more troll blather! Got your little Caribou suit on? Floyd
awaits your anal retentive little butt cheeks!

Even your little pricks and prods are no more than adolescent,
pissed off wussy boy rants. Yep, you achieved troll status, quite
some time ago, little boy.

By the way, retard "little boy" is a reference to your maturity
level, not your numerical age. I hope that isn't too much for you to
take in. I wouldn't want to give your empty skull cavity to much to
attempt to comprehend in one day. You still have yet to get your last
4 months in this group right. Troll away, retard boy.


More incorrect TrollMatter dribble...He says "Orders of magnitude more so
than the spew you added to this thread
alone." This is the freakin' Moron that runs around correction spelling and

Where is the problem? I notice that you cut away the context. Par
for your lame troll boy course.

An order of magnitude is ONE, as in TEN. Orders of magnitude
connotes more than one, as in 100 or 1000 or 10000.

Got clue?
Gee, I thought that was considered rude in Usenet postings. So much
for your so called rules!

What? Netiquette and standards are two entirely different topics.

Yes, I cuss. Are you too goddamned immature to handle it, dipshit?
If so, take a fucking hike, boy.
You pick the ones you like and ignore the rest!

Like I said... NOT a rule, retard boy.
Once again digging himself in a deeper hole.

No, just tossing some more shit down onto you from the rim.
Time for the backhow to finally
bury the toothless, rubber helmeted troll in the Caribou suit! Plop,
Plop.....buried again in his own troll trap!

It is called a Backhoe, dipshit. If the shit you spew gets any
deeper, you'll drown it. One can only hope.


I wouldn't brag about your pay doper boy...Not impressive to me at all! If
it was so great, you would not still be working. I live on my investments
and no longer have to punch the clock like your sorry self!

Oh Boy! I am impressed... NOT!
As far as your
spelling and grammar, you have made a good dozen mistakes alone, in the

Spelling errors are one thing. You don't spell incorrectly, you are
so fucking stupid that you don't even know what words to use, or make
up suffixes nd such. You are a sad case to even attempt to critique
someone else.
And you continue the tired troll argument they are correct anyway
and if anyone dare do a mistype, then the little drug induced moron jumps in
with a correction. I has nothing to do with spelling or grammar but purely a
ruse to take attention off the original point.

What point? YOU NEVER made ANY point here EVER!
You don't fool me with your
little list of troll behavior and doubt you fool to many others as shown in
this thread!!!

If the foo shits...
So FecalMatter, have another bong, it makes you so becoming!

Grow the **** up, Chuck... you make me want to UpChuck!

Ross Mac

DarkMatter said:
Which qualifies you for ab-so-fucking-lutely NOTHING.

Particulalrly when you ignore the decades established standards.

No. My claims are that of decades established fact.

Even your little pricks and prods are no more than adolescent,
pissed off wussy boy rants. Yep, you achieved troll status, quite
some time ago, little boy.

By the way, retard "little boy" is a reference to your maturity
level, not your numerical age. I hope that isn't too much for you to
take in. I wouldn't want to give your empty skull cavity to much to
attempt to comprehend in one day. You still have yet to get your last
4 months in this group right. Troll away, retard boy.

So RatMatter seems to have Another it what you will.....the
truth hurts doesn't it Doper
Boy!....Paint it as you are still the roach in the corner that I
will regularly kick & crunch!
He bragged in a previous post that he makes $50 in 15 minutes....and also
works for the Director of Engineering...
Caught in another lie!!!...That would be 400K a year for the stroller
packin' troll.....what do you all think?.....Does the grandiose doper make
as much as an Executive Vice President?????...He keeps trying to sell us all
the Brooklyn Bridge...nice try....By the way RatMatter....I made 19K
yesterday in the stock market....and never left the house....So continue to
impress me with your MASSIVE income and lack of intelligence...Your anal
retentive buddy Floyd awaits you in your Caribou suit, Antlers and bicycle
pants.....Have a good time KID!


By your own admission you are mentally impaired!

How so?

Prescriped Marijuana, what a joke.

The term is prescribed, dipshit.
The state passed it and the Fed doesn't
recognize it.

I guess that you are behind on the news as well. Not a surprise.
Good luck when the Feds knock on your door.

They won't. They don't give a ****.
Of course, with
your sexual persuasions, you may enjoy being a sperm bank for a guy named

You should really stop projecting your retarded fantasies onto
others. It is a strong tell.
Key employees don't work for lunch no matter what you think is the

I didn't "work for lunch" you fucking retard. Is there ANY post
made anywhere that you don't **** up on interpreting?
Can you spell "stock options" ?

Options are lame. Get a clue.
You will almost never get rich on
wages unless you are a company officer in a publicly traded firm.

Tell that to anyone working for SAIC.

You are a typical Dilbert managerial type twit.

Bastards like you steal moneys from the employees that make your
firm operate.
or business ownership is where the real money is made.

Whoopie fucking Doo, boy. What makes you think that I am not
partnered with the firm I work at?
What you are is a
pitiful, bragadocious member of the rat race.

Nope. I am player in the electronics industry, and will dwarf your
investment retirement earnings inside the next ten years.
Hmmmm....I think we have a new
I think this big cat just had YOU for lunch!

You could never be anything anywhere close to a classy animal such
as a cat.

You could be a pile of shit left behind by a cat, perhaps, but a
cat... NEVER!!!

Ross Mac

DarkMatter said:
Where is the problem? I notice that you cut away the context. Par
for your lame troll boy course.

An order of magnitude is ONE, as in TEN. Orders of magnitude
connotes more than one, as in 100 or 1000 or 10000.

Got clue?

What? Netiquette and standards are two entirely different topics.

Yes, I cuss. Are you too goddamned immature to handle it, dipshit?
If so, take a fucking hike, boy.

Like I said... NOT a rule, retard boy.

No, just tossing some more shit down onto you from the rim.

It is called a Backhoe, dipshit. If the shit you spew gets any
deeper, you'll drown it. One can only hope.


From: "Brian" <[email protected]>
References: <[email protected]> <[email protected]> <[email protected]> <[email protected]> <[email protected]> <[email protected]> <5A5Kb.7652$6l1.2920@okepread03> <[email protected]> <H3nKb.8444$6l1.3477@okepread03> <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Netiquette and Top Posting
Lines: 52
X-Priority: 3
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2720.3000
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2727.1300
Message-ID: <ctGKb.8586$6l1.4556@okepread03>
Date: Tue, 6 Jan 2004 16:17:13 -0600
X-Complaints-To: [email protected]
X-Trace: okepread03 1073427400 (Tue, 06 Jan 2004 17:16:40 EST)
NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 06 Jan 2004 17:16:40 EST
Organization: Cox Communications
X-Received-Date: Tue, 06 Jan 2004 17:16:40 EST (

Cox who? Wrong ISP dumb ass!!!

Your headers state otherwise, dipshit. In fact, it states Cox EAST.
I took six "hops" to get to Cox WEST.

Are you forging header info?

I doubt it.

You are almost as retarded as the two trolls I am dealing with, but
there is still hope for you, if you just take the time to do some real
research, and BONE UP on Usenet BEFORE you make any further posts.

OR, you could be JUST LIKE THEM, and continue to be the total retard
that you are on the verge of becoming due to your totally retarded
observations in this thread.

If you get your news elsewhere, you are retarded as cox provides
news service. Also if you get your news elsewhere, THAT provider is
NOT your service provider, it is your NEWS provider.

You STILL posted via COX.NET D O H !!


Here is the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) that they list
it by:

It would probably be a good guess, from looking at that name and
knowing a little bit about how such names are chosen, that you
might just be in Kansas. Could be Oklahoma though, because
that's where the news server is actually located.

WOW. I posted the same raw data, but did no analysis like yours.

He is on Cox at a location that serves both states at that
particular border, I'd say.

Ross Mac

DarkMatter said:
How so?

The term is prescribed, dipshit.

I guess that you are behind on the news as well. Not a surprise.

They won't. They don't give a ****.

You should really stop projecting your retarded fantasies onto
others. It is a strong tell.

I didn't "work for lunch" you fucking retard. Is there ANY post
made anywhere that you don't **** up on interpreting?

Options are lame. Get a clue.

Tell that to anyone working for SAIC.

You are a typical Dilbert managerial type twit.

Bastards like you steal moneys from the employees that make your
firm operate.

Whoopie fucking Doo, boy. What makes you think that I am not
partnered with the firm I work at?

Nope. I am player in the electronics industry, and will dwarf your
investment retirement earnings inside the next ten years.

You could never be anything anywhere close to a classy animal such
as a cat.

You could be a pile of shit left behind by a cat, perhaps, but a
cat... NEVER!!!

So by your own admission you say "stock options are lame" ...well with that
mindset you will be in the rat race forever ! Being a "player" in the
electronics industry buys you short term bucks....If you were so brilliant
you would be asking me how I made your 6 month salary in the last couple of
days! Ten years....hahahaha....anyone in investing would laugh histerically
at that one!!! You stepped in the dogpile again BongBoy!


So RatMatter seems to have Another it what you will.....the
truth hurts doesn't it Doper

I sure hope so.
Paint it as you are still the roach in the corner that I
will regularly kick & crunch!

You should watch how you phrase your sentences, I could misinterpret
that remark.
He bragged in a previous post that he makes $50 in 15 minutes....and also
works for the Director of Engineering...
Caught in another lie!!!...That would be 400K a year for the stroller
packin' troll....

Dumbfuck. A company charges out Engineering time at a considerably
higher rate than the engineer(s) involved actually make. For you to
not know this is a stark tell about your claims about having been in
the industry.

Even our $8.00 an hour assemblers get "charged out" at over $50 an

Got clue?
.what do you all think?.....Does the grandiose doper make
as much as an Executive Vice President?????...

I Never said I did.
He keeps trying to sell us all
the Brooklyn Bridge...nice try....

I Never did that either.
By the way RatMatter....I made 19K
yesterday in the stock market....and never left the house....

So continue to
impress me with your MASSIVE income and lack of intelligence...

I never bragged bout my income in here ever. I merely said that you
searching up posts on someone is a troll behavior, and a poor use of
time for someone "worth" so much.

Your anal
retentive buddy Floyd awaits you in your Caribou suit, Antlers and bicycle
pants.....Have a good time KID!

You better hope that I never choose to "have a good time" with you.

Ross Mac

DarkMatter said:
I sure hope so.

You should watch how you phrase your sentences, I could misinterpret
that remark.

Dumbfuck. A company charges out Engineering time at a considerably
higher rate than the engineer(s) involved actually make. For you to
not know this is a stark tell about your claims about having been in
the industry.

Even our $8.00 an hour assemblers get "charged out" at over $50 an

Got clue?

I Never said I did.

I Never did that either.

I never bragged bout my income in here ever. I merely said that you
searching up posts on someone is a troll behavior, and a poor use of
time for someone "worth" so much.

You better hope that I never choose to "have a good time" with you.

Liar?....what do you base that on BongMatter?...It several
investment issues....They are as follows..QQQ, SANM, VTSMX. VFINX....and
several others.....Do the math when ya sober up!
You never bragged about your income???....hmmmmm...what was that claim of
$50 in 15 minutes....what a joke! You have no idea how to really make
money....Ask me.!...I could show you how it's REALLY done....Oh, I
forgot...your horizon is 10 years.........Like that is a game plan!!!!!!!!!!

Ross Mac

Ross Mac said:
Liar?....what do you base that on BongMatter?...It several
investment issues....They are as follows..QQQ, SANM, VTSMX. VFINX....and
several others.....Do the math when ya sober up!
You never bragged about your income???....hmmmmm...what was that claim of
$50 in 15 minutes....what a joke! You have no idea how to really make
money....Ask me.!...I could show you how it's REALLY done....Oh, I
forgot...your horizon is 10 years.........Like that is a game plan!!!!!!!!!!
Did I mention you should look at the 2003/ March charts?


You have no idea how to really make
money....Ask me.!...I could show you how it's REALLY done....Oh, I
forgot...your horizon is 10 years.........Like that is a game plan!!!!!!!!!!

$40 million devices at $150.00 each.

COM: $10.

You do the math, dipshit.

Lemmie know when you get a 5.6 billion dollar idea.


Did I mention you should look at the 2003/ March charts?

Did I mention that you are at the bottom of the feeding pool,

I'll be up there with the Gates family of businessmen.

Bye, tard boy.

Ross Mac

DarkMatter said:
Did I mention that you are at the bottom of the feeding pool,

I'll be up there with the Gates family of businessmen.

Bye, tard boy.
Dream on BongMatter!

Ross Mac

DarkMatter said:
$40 million devices at $150.00 each.

COM: $10.

You do the math, dipshit.

Lemmie know when you get a 5.6 billion dollar idea.
Like it's your idea/bucks.....what a joke! Your cut???? A few thousand.....I
am so impressed!


Its funny, Netscape 4.75 defaults to top posting while Mozilla defaults
to bottom. I cannot believe some people get so worked up about this
topic. It is also a hoot when someone inadvertently uses cap lock. Now
all beleive he is SHOUTING. If I recall, teletype was all caps, were
people SHOUTING all the time back then? By the way it has been a long
time since people have complained about the "bandwidth" being wasted. I
guess they all got their DSL and now are posting their plethora of vile
comments about top posting. Personally I have only 56K so I have to wait
for all these inane topics to scroll down.

73' Joe


Like it's your idea/bucks.....what a joke! Your cut???? A few thousand.....I
am so impressed!

It has nothing to do with the company I work for. It is my idea.

I do not care what your feelings are.