Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Anyone have the stats on how much power the normal computer uses?


Ross Mac

DarkMatter said:
Did I mention that you are at the bottom of the feeding pool,

I'll be up there with the Gates family of businessmen.

Bye, tard boy.
Now, in his dillusional state, he thinks he's a member of the Gates
family.....Laughable....extremely laughable!
As usual, he never addresses the issue...Just starts a new Troll
topic.....Blasted on drugs again!
Hit the bong again DoperBoy!

Ross Mac

DarkMatter said:
$40 million devices at $150.00 each.

COM: $10.

You do the math, dipshit.

Lemmie know when you get a 5.6 billion dollar idea.

What a he tells us he made a $400 million dollar commission????
Yeah, right. And you still go to work as an engineer??? Let's get real here.
Not even you, DopeMatter, could be THAT stupid!
And believe me, if you actually did sell 40 million units, the price would
NOT stay the same nor would the commission. What a joke! You must think
everyone in the ng's are as stupid as yourself! What a pitiful,
prevaricating blowhard!
By the way, nice grammar....
He quotes "$40 million devices at $150.00 each"
Dollar sign before the 40????
And wonderful math skills
He quotes "Lemmie know when you get a 5.6 billion dollar idea"
Uhhh....isn't that 6 billion....when he tells a lie, it's not even a good
The drugs have done their damage!....the scitzophrenia, manic depression,
dillusions of granduer and rage...all symptomatic!
Those boots are still on HumpMatter and they are still kicking your sorry
Roach Ass!

Airy R. Bean


Another solution which should make everybody happy, but also
show up the whole nonsense of the pettiness, is to top-post
in essence, but to intersperse the top-post in its entirety after the
first letter, only, of the quoted material, as in this example. So, this
reply is top-posted in essence, but follows all the silly "rules" by
being interspersed.

Anybody still complaining?

Airy R. Bean

I cannot understand either why people get so worked up about
something that is merely a question of personal choice; the whole
bigotry was addressed quite well by Swift in his description of those
who were emotionally wound up about cracking open their boiled eggs
at the large or the small end.

It is so ridiculous.

One solution,. which should make everybody happy, is to post BOTH
at the top and at the bottom, as in this reply.
Its funny, Netscape 4.75 defaults to top posting while Mozilla defaults
to bottom. I cannot believe some people get so worked up about this
topic. It is also a hoot when someone inadvertently uses cap lock. Now
all beleive he is SHOUTING.

I cannot understand either why people get so worked up about
something that is merely a question of personal choice; the whole
bigotry was addressed quite well by Swift in his description of those
who were emotionally wound up about cracking open their boiled eggs
at the large or the small end.

It is so ridiculous.

One solution,. which should make everybody happy, is to post BOTH
at the top and at the bottom, as in this reply.


DarkMatter said:

Yet Another Retarded Assessment...

You couldn't be more incorrect. Proper posting in Usenet has
NOTHING to do with the group involved, dipshit.

Proper posting is in ALL groups founded by anyone with a brain.

which part of "seems to" are you stuck on?



DarkMatter said:
The internet, yes. Usenet... NO!

Get THAT FACT through your head.

It is called a FORUM. It has conventions for you and all that would
involve themselves to follow. If you do not, then you get railed by
guys like me for your utter stupidity, and refusal to follow said
conventions. Is that really so hard for you to grasp?

"The internet" is an entirely different animal. There, idiots like
you can do whatever you want.

THIS is USENET, however, and retards like you have been flooding it
with your stupidity for so long, that you actually think you're OK in
pulling your baby "ignore the standards" bullshit.

You couldn't be any more incorrect!

thanks for pointing out the difference, I hadn't noticed Duh!

Once again you've missed the point and are pointing out what was a
generalisation as the worst mistake ever made, since not drowning you at
birth that is.



from anyone else that would be credible.


DarkMatter said:
Can you be any more retarded? Your post contributes nothing to the
group. You are lame, at best.


you've missed the point again you stupid tosser, the respect I would have
expected you to have is the respect for people with any disability not a "I
respect them with x but those with x can **** off cause their freaks" that
you apparently have.

".Fact is, retards like you that call physically, and mentally
handicapped people "retards" are the true retards."

And what the hell does that tell us about you? talk about a contradiction in
implied ideals.

You ARE a sad lonely boy or man whatever, its like you are two different
people one just spouts abuse the other manages to get a grown up sentence in
every now and again, its like you've got your dad or your baby sitter
helping you! ha ha



DarkMatter said:
Leave it a top posting Usenet retard to call the proper posters those
with sad views. Sorry, dipass, it is your view AND your behavior
which is sad.

I wasnt refering to just top posting, it seems all your points of view are
those of someone with major problems, your langauge, those carefully thought
out sentences you use, the bullshit about working with children, calling
everyone who questions you retarded. The desperation you show to shout the
loudest, the insicurity you show by not giving up the last word, the need to
threaten people which in reality would probably scare you shitless but it
doesn't matter because you will never meet them, need I go on?

and as for "No. I am your fucking drill sergeant. The really sad thing is,
I can't be there to beat the facts into you." What the fucks that? ha ha ha
you wish! Id rip you a new arshole and empty youre head into it! LMAO

you sad lonely net turd. you seem to refer to a few people as old, now I
hate to ruin youre lameass ideas but Im only 31 you fuckin idiot. I wish oh
how I wish I lived within pounding distance of youre scarey fear inducing
fat asshole of a mouth, god how you would suffer.

anyway I hope this has been a post in a style you can relate to you insect
of a person.


sniff, tear sniff .....What about my posts are lonely? sniff sniff....
Nothing. ...... I am fine bohaaarrrr.....................................
( a great new sig me thinks.)


Will you PLEASE knock it off? I think that there were a few dozen of these
messages posted, with no gain to the NG at all.
This is what is called pure waste.

If you want to ridicule each other, do it off-line, without involving the
rest of the world in your squabble.


DarkMatter said:
His prods are only about six decades old. Not odd that you would
think such an outdated, sad remark as being funny.

Considering 'nucs' haven't been around for even *five* decades old, you're
just showing your ignorance.

P.S. Another oldie but goody, "I got more time at test-depth in number
three stall than you got in this man's navy, so shut up and go field day the
bilge in the pump room."

Ross Mac

Wouter van Ooijen ( said:
Yes! TTY used only caps because it was such a loud monster! I was a
youngster way back then, my parents did not allow me to put the ASR33
in my room.

And did you get my point about trimming the msg you respond to?

Wouter van Ooijen

-- ------------------------------------
PICmicro chips, programmers, consulting

I remember those old things too....110 baud if I recall...some of them were
current loop too....What a mechanical beast they were!


What a he tells us he made a $400 million dollar commission????

No, DIPSHIT. I never said THAT either. STOP making shit up, you

The Idea is MINE, and the product will be MINE.

COM: $10.

Selling price (no selling required for this high demand item): $150

Gross profits: $5.6 B
Yeah, right. And you still go to work as an engineer???

I work as an engineer, and I have an idea for a product. Is that so
hard to grasp, dipshit?
Let's get real here.

I am.
Not even you, DopeMatter, could be THAT stupid!

I am not stupid at all. You, on the other hand...
And believe me, if you actually did sell 40 million units, the price would
NOT stay the same nor would the commission.

You are retarded. There is NO commission.
What a joke! You must think
everyone in the ng's are as stupid as yourself!

You presume a lot. We all know that, and see you fail at it, in
nearly every post in which you do it.
What a pitiful,
prevaricating blowhard!

Get some maturity in your life, boy.
By the way, nice grammar....
He quotes "$40 million devices at $150.00 each"
Dollar sign before the 40????

Whoopie fukin' doo, boy. By the way, retard boy, that isn't a
grammatical error. That would be punctuation, at best.
And wonderful math skills

He quotes "Lemmie know when you get a 5.6 billion dollar idea"
Uhhh....isn't that 6 billion....

As usual, you fail to read or understand anything in the real world.

It ALSO said COM: $10. If you are having problems with that
acronym, ask anybody in the manufacturing business what it means.
Then re-do YOUR math. Bwuahahahahahahaa...
when he tells a lie, it's not even a good

My figures were and are quite accurate.
The drugs have done their damage!....

Apparently they have... to you. Myself? I am fine, dipshit.
the scitzophrenia, manic depression,
dillusions of granduer and rage...all symptomatic!

Like I said, your ability to assess someone else's psychological
state is about as good as your ability to comprehend what you read,
and that falls in at just above nil.
Those boots are still on HumpMatter and they are still kicking your sorry
Roach Ass!

Try again. dipshit.


Once again you've missed the point and are pointing out what was a
generalisation as the worst mistake ever made, since not drowning you at
birth that is.

No. Your mother took the cake on that one. They should have jailed
her as a felon, for not flushing your piece of shit ass, the moment
you exited her ass. Letting shit like you out in the world has to be
a felony crime.

Ross Mac

DarkMatter said:

No, DIPSHIT. I never said THAT either. STOP making shit up, you

The Idea is MINE, and the product will be MINE.

COM: $10.

Selling price (no selling required for this high demand item): $150

Gross profits: $5.6 B

I work as an engineer, and I have an idea for a product. Is that so
hard to grasp, dipshit?

I am.

I am not stupid at all. You, on the other hand...

You are retarded. There is NO commission.

You presume a lot. We all know that, and see you fail at it, in
nearly every post in which you do it.

Get some maturity in your life, boy.

Whoopie fukin' doo, boy. By the way, retard boy, that isn't a
grammatical error. That would be punctuation, at best.

As usual, you fail to read or understand anything in the real world.

It ALSO said COM: $10. If you are having problems with that
acronym, ask anybody in the manufacturing business what it means.
Then re-do YOUR math. Bwuahahahahahahaa...

My figures were and are quite accurate.

Apparently they have... to you. Myself? I am fine, dipshit.

Like I said, your ability to assess someone else's psychological
state is about as good as your ability to comprehend what you read,
and that falls in at just above nil.

Try again. dipshit.

That is commission for your sorry ass! YOU have an idea and are
already counting yourself in the category of the Gates family?.....That is
absolutely are in a long line of inventors (like I believe
you reinvented the wheel!). Very few make it big on any one design, and you,
most likely, will end up penniless and blathering to yourself from behind a
shopping cart in a drug induced state. Just more TardBlather bull puckey! As
for your psychological state....I think I have your number there too.....As
you may recall, you claimed no drug use...then backed off on that one and
admitted to heavy drug use.....I called that one! You are the final product
of years of drug abuse....and a sorry product you are! As for my ability to
assess you psychological state....My brother is a psychiatrist....and YOU
fit all the profiles!
You try to sell me on selling 40 million units of your design....what a
joke....nobody, including me buys that bull!
Your math and grammar are still a serious correct others, then
make constant errors....what a fool! You don't even know the difference
between grammar/spelling errors and punctuation....A dollar sign is NOT
punctuation FecalMatter! You completely ignore your math error in your
little RoachMatter snippetboy way.....Oh was only a $400 million
dollar error! Or was it just another TROLL PLOY by using COM as Cost of
Manufacture hoping you could troll one and all into thinking you actually
got a $400 million commission on your sorry effort? What a freaking
fool!....If cost of manufacture is 10 bucks you sure as HELL will never sell
40 million units at $150. Your business acumen is pitiful. If you want the
definition of a major idiot, that would be the person that designed
something for a company that might sell 40 million units for a salary. Dumb,
Dumb and Dumber....but of course you have proven that repeatedly.You only
continue to prove that you are still a pitiful prevaricating blowhard with
nothing to blow your horn about!
Still kicking your pitiful RoachMatter existence into the


you've missed the point again you stupid tosser,

No, I didn't, and fuk you!
the respect I would have
expected you to have is the respect for people with any disability

I do... for ANY, save you deliberately disabled fuckers that
ignore convention.
not a "I
respect them with x but those with x can **** off cause their freaks" that
you apparently have.

I didn't call you a freak. You are too sub-human to get the "freak"

You don't get it.

If you think that your lame, convention ignoring ass comes anywhere
close to comparing with the character that a disabled person has, you
are one sadly mistaken mother fuker.

Excerpt from Merriam Webster's:

"Main Entry: 1re·tard
Pronunciation: ri-'tärd
Function: verb
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French or Latin; Middle French
retarder, from Latin retardare, from re- + tardus slow
Date: 15th century
transitive senses
1 : to slow up especially by preventing or hindering advance or
accomplishment : IMPEDE
2 : to delay academic progress by failure to promote
intransitive senses : to undergo retardation"

End Excerpt.

For you to refuse to research, learn, and subsequently follow Usenet
conventions and standards, and then to blatantly exclaim that "It
isn't that way." simply because you see and cite hundreds of other
uninformed idiots just like yourself doing it, represents a serious
character flaw. Your backward thinking makes you "retarded".
Even worse when you intentionally ignore the convention.

You aren't even in the same class as a disabled person, Whale Shit
Boy. So don't even think you can draw a comparison between yourself
and them.
You ARE a sad lonely boy or man whatever, its like you are two

The term "its" needs an apostrophe.
people one just spouts abuse the other manages to get a grown up
sentence in every now and again,

Is that what you call this? You don't appear to know anything about
sentence structure!
its like you've got your dad or your baby sitter
helping you! ha ha


Yet Another Sad Example Of A Poor Education.


I wasnt refering to just top posting, it seems all your points of view are
those of someone with major problems, your langauge, those carefully thought
out sentences you use, the bullshit about working with children, calling
everyone who questions you retarded. The desperation you show to shout the
loudest, the insicurity you show by not giving up the last word, the need to
threaten people which in reality would probably scare you shitless but it
doesn't matter because you will never meet them, need I go on?

You do know what a "run on sentence" is, right?
and as for "No. I am your fucking drill sergeant. The really sad thing is,
I can't be there to beat the facts into you." What the fucks that? ha ha ha
you wish! Id rip you a new arshole and empty youre head into it! LMAO

Don't shit yerself, sonny.
you sad lonely net turd. you seem to refer to a few people as old, now I
hate to ruin youre lameass ideas but Im only 31 you fuckin idiot.

Yer an adolescent, pimple faced twit with bad teeth. At least that
is what your sister exclaimed, when she described your "training
sessions" with her.
I wish oh
how I wish I lived within pounding distance of youre scarey fear inducing
fat asshole of a mouth, god how you would suffer.

Bwuhhahahahahahahahaa... My PoopRailGun would get you with an 80
caliber FrozenPoopSlug! Then, you'd be so full of shit, it would be
bursting from you!
anyway I hope this has been a post in a style you can relate to you insect
of a person.

You could never approach the master. Say hello to my little turd!

You'd literally Eat Shit, And Die.

No... You're a Major Turd, or perhaps even a General Turd.

Nothing. ...... I am fine bohaaarrrr.....................................
( a great new sig me thinks.)

Yer a fuckin' loon.


Considering 'nucs' haven't been around for even *five* decades old, you're
just showing your ignorance.

Dipshit. The remark I made was about the door joke, dipshit. Learn
to actually get what you read. You "gloss-over-it" pukes really are

Get a clue.