Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Anyone have the stats on how much power the normal computer uses?


Ross Mac

DarkMatter said:
No. He pointed out nothing.

You describe yourself.

Look, dipshit! I never said that. ONLY YOU DID.

Snipped LAME verbatim cut-and-paste spam from another post already
pushing this lie once. You REALLY ARE LAME FUK! I only called you
one before, but now, I KNOW that it IS true!

Later, you lying lamefuck!

So make your point....all I see here is rhetoric....
If I/we are so wrong....put REAL quotes instead of partial snippets and
prove us all wrong...That is why I dislike snipping messages....many things
get taken out of context. I guess it is easier if you have a minimal memory
and cannot read a message and reply. One of the symptoms of Marijuana use is
memory loss....hmmmm.....could this be the real problem...and you never did
tell us all why your doctor prescribes pot to you!
So PinochioMatter...don't get your nose tangled with your mouse!


Sure. He's worth $6B. Suuurrre.

I never said that. I said that my idea *will* pull $5.6B.
He's not worth $.06 to

Not true at all. I help save lives. It has nothing to do with
He's simply a little braggart (his Smith .44)

Some other guy said "smith" not me, dipshit. Again... learn to
read, BEFORE you spew.

I said"44", not ".44". I never said anything about anything with a
caliber at all. In fact the number I gave has nothing to do with what
you think it has to do with.
with an
inferiority complex (and a button missing on his shirt).

Said the troll.


Well, let us hear the correction, not more rhetoric!

You quoted it in your last post, and didn't even read it! Sheesh.
What IS the real dollar value.....99cents?

COM $10

I will spell it out for you. Cost Of Manufacture: $10.00

Cost of distribution: Make about $3.00 per, as customer pays for
shipping and handling. Oh Boy... An as yet not figured in PERK!

Monies received for sale single sale: $150.00

Gross per unit $143.00 (I figured it in NOW!!!) hahaha!

40 million units sales gross: $5.72 Billion Dollars!

If the entire business is mine, then everything above the COM (you
do remember the acronym NOW, don;t you) is all mine and Uncle Sam's

Starting to catch up now?
I would REALLY like to hear your troll response on this one!

I am getting tired of responding to *YOUR* trolling.
What IS the
real market value and number of units you have sold to date??? 40 million
units sounds like a pipe dream....And what is your take?

Everything over the cost of manufacture, and a small bonus from the
....A salary???

A REALLY BIG SALARY. Paid by self, to self.
Like I said, you will never get rich on a wage....

You are expert at trolling Usenet. That is all you are. You
assessments are petty, and you mindset is petty. Your view on life is
petty. You be petty.
The way you really make
money is on investments or business ownership.

As if we need a primer from a twit troll like you.
I made $28K this

Oh boy! My Boss' son made $15k last week at 19 years old WITHOUT
sitting in front of a PC fiddling placements! Hahahah... He is WAY
past you, pal. He sits in front of a PC playing net games, while his
server farm subscribers send him money to be on his servers, and he
sells a product where customers call him from all over the country.
They save thousands over other vendors, and that is why he is getting
the business.
curious how?

I doubt that a twit like you could arouse anyone's curiosity.
Money in the right place....

No..... Really?
It's called the January

Damn shame the Bull didn't sit on yer ass, and take a shit. I am a little boy again....

Your numerical age, and your mental age do not match, boy.
gee...I thought I was an old

I'll bet you are-oOOOOooooooooo... obsoletoooooo!

Ha ha ha haoooooooooo...
I guess I just dumped 30 years!

No, you probably dumped on someone for thirty years.
Get your story straight kid.....

You're the twit that doesn't know how to read a simple post text.
and when you really want to learn how to
make money...let me know!

Please... hold your breath...

Ross Mac

DarkMatter said:
I never said that. I said that my idea *will* pull $5.6B.

Not true at all. I help save lives. It has nothing to do with

Some other guy said "smith" not me, dipshit. Again... learn to
read, BEFORE you spew.

I said"44", not ".44". I never said anything about anything with a
caliber at all. In fact the number I gave has nothing to do with what
you think it has to do with.

Said the troll.

TrollMatter only needs to know one thing....Put the barrel in your mouth,
make sure the clip is full and pull the trigger! That would be the best
thing he could do for "humanity"!!!.......

Ross Mac

DarkMatter said:
You quoted it in your last post, and didn't even read it! Sheesh.

COM $10

I will spell it out for you. Cost Of Manufacture: $10.00

Cost of distribution: Make about $3.00 per, as customer pays for
shipping and handling. Oh Boy... An as yet not figured in PERK!

Monies received for sale single sale: $150.00

Gross per unit $143.00 (I figured it in NOW!!!) hahaha!

40 million units sales gross: $5.72 Billion Dollars!

If the entire business is mine, then everything above the COM (you
do remember the acronym NOW, don;t you) is all mine and Uncle Sam's

Starting to catch up now?

I am getting tired of responding to *YOUR* trolling.

Everything over the cost of manufacture, and a small bonus from the

A REALLY BIG SALARY. Paid by self, to self.

You are expert at trolling Usenet. That is all you are. You
assessments are petty, and you mindset is petty. Your view on life is
petty. You be petty.

As if we need a primer from a twit troll like you.

Oh boy! My Boss' son made $15k last week at 19 years old WITHOUT
sitting in front of a PC fiddling placements! Hahahah... He is WAY
past you, pal. He sits in front of a PC playing net games, while his
server farm subscribers send him money to be on his servers, and he
sells a product where customers call him from all over the country.
They save thousands over other vendors, and that is why he is getting
the business.

I doubt that a twit like you could arouse anyone's curiosity.

No..... Really?

Damn shame the Bull didn't sit on yer ass, and take a shit.

Your numerical age, and your mental age do not match, boy.

I'll bet you are-oOOOOooooooooo... obsoletoooooo!

Ha ha ha haoooooooooo...

No, you probably dumped on someone for thirty years.

You're the twit that doesn't know how to read a simple post text.

Please... hold your breath...

The spelling corrector says "You are expert at trolling Usenet" ....While
the spelling is poor, I think there is a bent compliment here! Still no
direct quote on revenues....another quote "Make about $3.00 per"(another
primer on grammar)......Let us make it simple here since you, DopeBonger,
likes to blur the facts.....What IS the profit? And how many units have
REALLY been sold?....still no answers...just pipe dreams I suppose.....Just
keep telling one and all they cannot read your posts...Your posts are
drugged out rantings with out of context snips, with rude and obnoxious
entries. What you call a simple post is a drug induced blur of the
facts.....Time to put on those bicycle pants and antlers, grab your ankles
and give your Troll buddy Floyd a moan....Waooo...Waoooo......


TrollMatter only needs to know one thing....Put the barrel in your mouth,
make sure the clip is full and pull the trigger! That would be the best
thing he could do for "humanity"!!!.......

Yer a retard. Only you could shoot more than one round into your
hollow skull.

Everyone else only needs one. Doh!


The spelling corrector says "You are expert at trolling Usenet" ....While
the spelling is poor, I think there is a bent compliment here!

Where is the misspelled word at, retard boy? They are all spelled
Still no
direct quote on revenues...

Read above 14 lines up, dipshit.
.another quote "Make about $3.00 per"(another
primer on grammar)......

You couldn't give a primer on grammar if your life depended on it.

There is that "us" shit again. Stop sporting your multiple
personalities in Usenet, Chucko!
make it simple here since you, DopeBonger,
likes to blur the facts.....What IS the profit?

Look up, 29 lines, retard.

Ross Mac

DarkMatter said:
Yer a retard. Only you could shoot more than one round into your
hollow skull.

Everyone else only needs one. Doh!

Most likely you would miss the first few!

Ross Mac

DarkMatter said:
Where is the misspelled word at, retard boy? They are all spelled

Read above 14 lines up, dipshit.

You couldn't give a primer on grammar if your life depended on it.

There is that "us" shit again. Stop sporting your multiple
personalities in Usenet, Chucko!

Look up, 29 lines, retard.

Where is the mistake?.....It should be "you are AN expert"
And YOU are criticizing spelling and grammar???!!!
Laughable!! You jump in and do your corrections, then call your own mistakes
"typos" or "spellcheck errors" then tell me I do not know my grammar. Nice
try, but just another BongMatter troll!
And as I thought, you will never answer the question as to the profit margin
OR the number of units sold. Just refer back to the DarkBlather up the
Multiple personalities? your own posts....I think perhaps
SybillMatter would fit you best!


Where is the mistake?.....It should be "you are AN expert"
And YOU are criticizing spelling and grammar???!!!

NO, YOU RETARDED BASTARD! You declared that it was a spelling
mistake, you RETARD!

Get your story straight, you lying troll bastard!

Ross Mac

Keith R. Williams said: your wet dream, perhaps! It's not worth a *dime* until you
put it to practice. Until then, you're a loser.

You certainly threatened me! ...not that I'd take any 5'3" POS
like you seriously.

What, you don't know handguns? You were clearly talking about
doing me in with one.

You're a retard if you think that takes you off the hook for an
open threat.

You are simply stupid if you think that will save your slimy ass.
You *clearly* threatened me with bodily harm, with a Smith 44,
yet you claim it's not a .44 handgun. Please, you *are* retarded
if you don't think there is a connection. Go away, you retarded

Your hand is scratching your navel again.

The many faces of SybillMatter....He loves to make vague posts and then come
back to twist them...It's part of his "150 Ways to Troll a Newsgroup"....His
problem here is most of the folks, in this ng, are far to sharp to buy into
his stage act. Just grab the crome handle and give our Dimbulb a good flush
for the evening........Ross

DarkMatter your wet dream, perhaps! It's not worth a *dime* until you
put it to practice. Until then, you're a loser.

Better than you. You're loser no matter what you do. Ya fuckin'
puppy dog troll retard!


What, you don't know handguns? You were clearly talking about
doing me in with one.

Nope. Besides, I don't need a handgun to facilitate that simple


You are simply stupid if you think that will save your slimy ass.

Save? Sorry, you dipshit twit troll, but my ass is fine, and there
is NOTHING that your lame ass can do about it.
You *clearly* threatened me with bodily harm, with a Smith 44,

Sorry, but like I said, some other twit (likely YOU) talked about
"Smith". I never mentioned him, nor do I know him.
yet you claim it's not a .44 handgun. Please, you *are* retarded
if you don't think there is a connection. Go away, you retarded

Hhahahahhaahah.... Wipe your brow KeithTard... your 20IQ
frustration is showing through.

Have fun playing the retarded, puppy dog troll trainee.

Ross Mac

DarkMatter said:
Better than you. You're loser no matter what you do. Ya fuckin'
puppy dog troll retard!

Nice grammar "You're loser no matter what you do" !
Are you sure you want to keep on correcting us?

Ross Mac

DarkMatter said:
You're a retard if you think there was ever a threat, at all.

I wouldn't worry about SybillMatter even if he did have a gun....Most likely
he would shoot himself in the foot!

Ross Mac

Keith R. Williams said:
Hey Ross. That's a fiver! Come on, you can do better!

I keep both hands tied behind my back when dealing with our DimBulb....Just
to try and keep things fair !!!