Maker Pro
Maker Pro

ADT vs Slomins



Is there anyone out there who can advise or has experience / information
with either company? Any information would be greatly appreciated. Steve

J. Sloud

Is there anyone out there who can advise or has experience / information
with either company? Any information would be greatly appreciated. Steve

Your best course of action would be to get reps from these two
companies and one or two from their competitors to survey your
property and submit bids. Compare the bids and make a decision based
on the type of equipment, contract terms, and pricing. Once you get
bids, post another message here and some of these guys will help you
make a decision.

Things to ask:
1. Hardwired or wireless system - hardwire is better if your
construction type allows it.
2. Make and Model of all devices, especially the control panel
3. Number and location of devices, minimum: every exterior door,
motions, glass breaks in sensitive areas
4. Phone line cut protection - cellular back-up, conduit over line?
5. Lease or purchase
6. Minimum contract term
7. Maintenance included
8. Service rates
9. Is the company licensed? Is the central station UL Listed?

Get each company to answer those questions and to provide you a
written quote with recommendations.
