Maker Pro
Maker Pro

2N3055 failure (power supply)


Richard The Dreaded Libertarian

Yes; there should be multi-million class action lawsuits against
everyhospital around, starting with -->false advertising claims<--,
-->breach of implied contract<-- and i cannot think what else.

What there shoud be a class action lawsuit against is the Governent
for grand theft, gross malfeasance, and aggravated fraud.

The majority of the problems in the US have been caused by allowing
them to tax income.

Did you know that the original purpose for company-provided medical
insurance was self-defense against the income tax? But then, over
the generations, it's turned into some kind of "entitlement", and
the sheeple just let them take 1/3 off the top of their paychecks,
and expect cradle-to-grave "free" care, which is actually about as
far from "Free" as you can get. >:-(


Homer J Simpson

Don't forget most of those drug development costs were paid for by the
wealthy American system.

Actually they were paid by the US government which then gave the results
away. Most of what the drug companies deduct for 'development' is actually
advertising of various forms.


Robert Baer

Richard said:
What there shoud be a class action lawsuit against is the Governent
for grand theft, gross malfeasance, and aggravated fraud.

The majority of the problems in the US have been caused by allowing
them to tax income.

Did you know that the original purpose for company-provided medical
insurance was self-defense against the income tax? But then, over
the generations, it's turned into some kind of "entitlement", and
the sheeple just let them take 1/3 off the top of their paychecks,
and expect cradle-to-grave "free" care, which is actually about as
far from "Free" as you can get. >:-(

"Income tax" when it started was a whopping 1% and only for a small
percentage of people AND it was sold as a **temporay** "emergency" need.
The other lie was "social security"; it was sold as **insurance**.