Maker Pro
Maker Pro

LM317 2N3055 Variable Circuit Problems

You are now absolved from the requirement to take up knitting.

:cool: You don't reeeealy believe that deep down do you...???:)

On a more serious note, the front aluminium panel is exposed to mains wiring ( single insulation) and as such under any wiring code , should have an earth connected.( that and any other metal including any screws that penetrate though to the interior) and the frame of the transformer itself.
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It is all earthed im not that much of a noob bluejets lol o_O . It was just my first circuit build and I didnt know how to understand pins of components and drawings , not knowing that basic stuff causing me to massivly fail ... i have done house wiring a few times in my life and know all the dangers :eek: , but I do understand your concern there its fine the transformer and faceplate are earthed , all of the screws are screwed into wood :cool::cool: look lay across the top of transformer you see a earth wire ready for mounting to face plate;)20160913_173929.jpg
See the screw on this Next pic just to the right of the amp gauge next to the M

i would like to know if there would be a way of adding adjustable current limiter to this for testing other projects by putting in a similar circuit just before the v adjust and directing power to a load to suck up current , but then i figure i would be loosing my volts and cook the transformer with the load required to draw almost full 15A "so is it possible" has any of you cheated ohms law and found a way around this:confused: or is it going to have to be a additional 16v transformer with very low ah for the volts ?
I have both a Topward TPS2000 and a TPS4000 (latter dual tracking).

Both have voltage/current adjust/limit.

I had to re-build both after the massive 1 in 100 year flood we had here in 2013.( yes, the dreaded 13 :eek:)

Still gives me the heeby geebies when I think about it......(tom tits for you UK folk:))

I have circuits for both if you would like a peek but it would boggle your mind I'm sure.

I'm sure most will agree, if you want to go down this path then buying a unit already built would be a much better option.

Let me know...I'll pop them in here if you like.
I remember seeing that on the news well bad floods :eek:i feel for you budy getting caught in that ,we get floods nearly every year but never been that bad good for getting jetski out tho .Ok ill have a look at them but they will probably be out of my league , but they may give me a idea how the circuit would work :)
I love that link bluejets nice one :cool::):cool: that Will come in very handy indeed . Im spoilt for choice now lol , definatley my league "for the time being" hope you guys are all ok after waching the news earlier "manhatton":( wtf