I don't know from where you digg all that observation in a shape like "WallOfText"
Just to let you know ,i finished my high electronic school somewhere at the end of 1988.
And from then to now i have build many electronic projects.
fixing many electronic devices,TV,Receivers etc
So i am surprised about simple thing as is ceramic filter for 10,7Mhz which you can find
in almost any analog FM radio receivers ,car radios,satelitte receivers and i really don't get it what kind of data you need.
Here is the image of ceramic filter i use
I don't know from where you digg all that observation in a shape like "WallOfText"
Just to let you know ,i finished my high electronic school somewhere at the end of 1988.
And from then to now i have build many electronic projects.
fixing many electronic devices,TV,Receivers etc
So i am surprised about simple thing as is ceramic filter for 10,7Mhz which you can find
in almost any analog FM radio receivers ,car radios,satelitte receivers and i really don't get it what kind of data you need.
Here is the image of ceramic filter i use