
19 results for : “curtain-blinds”

Showing 1 to 10 of 19 results.

How to Automate Your Curtains With Arduino

Use an Arduino to make a sound-activated or push-button automated system for your blinds.

4 Key Software Programs That Are Critical for Hardware Engineers

There are certain types of software programs that just about every hardware engineer is going to be working with on the job, whether they are employed by a small startup or an established firm. This software is critical to the timely completion and future success of the projects that you work on. Much of them, like IDEs and PCB design software, are used in higher education classes, while others, like project management software, is something that you learn on the job.

Accurately Detecting Earthquakes: Can We Engineer a Solution?

While there has been much progress in disaster predictions in certain areas, such as hurricanes, earthquake detection is falling behind. Now, engineering teams are stepping up to the plate, hoping that they can use AI areas, such as machine learning and complex algorithms, to create the beginnings of a solution.

How to Make a Temperature-Controlled Fan Using Arduino

Make a fan turn on automatically when the room temperature reaches a certain degree.

AI and Medtech: Where Are We Headed?

Technology is rapidly evolving and changing the nature of our world. Certain ideas and concepts that would have been written off as sci-fi fantasy nonsense a couple of decades ago—i.e. artificial intelligence—are becoming more and more common in our digital world.

How to Make an Arduino Door Alarm Using an Ultrasonic Sensor

Use an Arduino and an ultrasonic sensor to make a door alarm that sounds when someone comes within a certain distance.

Samsung, Qualcomm, and Huawei Unveil Integrated 5G Chips

Qualcomm, Huawei, and Samsung have unveiled their 5G at the Berlin IFA Consumer Electronics Show—although certain standards are yet to be finalised.


It consists of a fire detector which is released using readily available components having high performance.