Maker Pro
Maker Pro


No worries Willy. Grab your satchel and let's hit the road. The 21st century salesman has no obligation or accountability. Dazzle em with details or baffle em with bullshit. Make the sale trumps all rules that may have once applied. Get in soon tho. The hucksters and shysters will soon out number the patsies and the rubes. Babble, jabber, doubletalk, doublspeak, no holds barred. It is open season on the hoi poloi.
Not ethical. Even Mcdonalds have to put 'HOT' on their coffee cups!.
A sign of the times for stupid people.
I call them 'digital people'.
As kids, we used to torture ants with a magnifying glass and the sun.
This summer, my son was annoying ants in the garden. I told him about the magnifier when I was young. He got his phone and opened the magnifier APP. I left him to it. Digital people!

Not ethical. Even Mcdonalds have to put 'HOT' on their coffee cups!.
A sign of the times for stupid people.
I call them 'digital people'.
As kids, we used to torture ants with a magnifying glass and the sun.
This summer, my son was annoying ants in the garden. I told him about the magnifier when I was young. He got his phone and opened the magnifier APP. I left him to it. Digital people!

That is too funny and too disconcerting at the same time. My earlier rant stems from what one might think is a problem in language translation. I will guess that 50% of blurred meaning can be attributed to an honest lack of translation facility. However, I think many vendors, salesmen, and sales departments will purposely ignore, if not inject, ambiguous language into descriptions and instructions of devices and components that they are hawking. My guess is that the miscommunications may result in a 2% increase in sales because of device destruction from misuse. My observations lead me to believe that businesses such as Walmart incorporate related tactics which they believe to increase sales. If the new stock of toaster ovens is to be retailed at $18.59, former price tags of $17.99 are to be left on the shelf rail. $17.99 is under $18.00. $18.59 is almost $20. Wally paid out a lot of cash to have egghead psych majors define the sub-conscience workings of the general public. I am sure they spend bucu $s on lawyers to predict how far they can push these soft-fraud schemes. It is a sad commentary on the state of the souls of business people everywhere. I believe that a sense of coming doom and gloom nurtures the practice of questionable sales tactics. All that aside, may I copy your last reply to have on hand for a bit of comic relief?