I think your advice is sound. I left the board and this hobby a while back because I allowed myself to get frustrated with not having a formal electronics education and not understanding much of what I was doing. But I dialed that down and am trying to keep it a fun hobby.You are starting to drill down to a rational strategy.
What you have is probably good enough for your current experimentation phase.
As you figure out what you really want to do, stock up on genuine parts to persue those goals.
In the pedal industry, you see the TL072 used extensively. It's very similar to a TL 082, enough so that they are drop in replacements for eachother for the most part.
Worth considering a large quantity buy at some point.
You might find a love affair for transistor based fuzz that negates any need for op amps. So ... Flog all the results you need out of what you have to help guide your part stock direction