Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Why aren't computer clocks as accurate as cheap quartz watches?



Gary said:
He should give a goddam sight more than he does. S.O.B. got
rich by stealing CP/M and rewriting it slightly and calling it
MS-DOS. Daddy was a big time lawyer and mommy was a big shit in
government so, true to the American way, Billy got his own way
and became very very rich. If some other poor S.O.B. off the
street tried it, they would probably throw him so deep in the
slammer they'd have to pump sunshine to him.

I guess *you'll* call that *free* enterprise.

I'll call it envy, thinly disguised.

David Maynard

Gary said:
Michael A. Terrell wrote:

He should give a goddam sight more than he does.

None of your business what he gives nor does it matter what you think he
S.O.B. got rich by
stealing CP/M and rewriting it slightly and calling it MS-DOS.

And CPM was 'stolen' from Digital Equipment Corp RT-11 right down to pip
but if you think MS-DOS looks like CPM then you never used CPM.

On the other hand one wonders how he ran the 'stolen' 8 bit 8080 CMP code
on 16 bit processors.
was a big time lawyer and mommy was a big shit in government so, true to
the American way, Billy got his own way and became very very rich. If
some other poor S.O.B. off the street tried it, they would probably
throw him so deep in the slammer they'd have to pump sunshine to him.

He got rich because instead of bitching about it he went ahead and did it.
I guess *you'll* call that *free* enterprise.


Gary H

David said:
None of your business what he gives nor does it matter what you think he

And CPM was 'stolen' from Digital Equipment Corp RT-11 right down to pip
but if you think MS-DOS looks like CPM then you never used CPM.

On the other hand one wonders how he ran the 'stolen' 8 bit 8080 CMP
code on 16 bit processors.

He got rich because instead of bitching about it he went ahead and did it.


Well, opinions *are* allowed and no, he got rich because mom and
pop made sure things were fast-tracked and I'm not bitching I've
got plenty to keep me warm and happy. How about you.

Michael A. Terrell

Rich said:
I've been "homeless" too, and if you go "days without food" you're not
begging properly.

I never begged. I found odd jobs and paid for my own food. I may have
slept in my truck and taken showers at a relatives house, but I was
never a bum. They were paid for their kindness by doing repair work on
their homes, cars or whatever needed worked on.
Did you know that it's possible to make $10.00-$20.00/hour begging in the
streets? It's true, it takes a little bit of experience to get past that
false pride, but hey, it's cash! And expecially[SIC] if you're
demonstrably a crip, you could probably make better money than I am, who
is only an ordinary ugly hairy guy.

Around here that will get you arrested. The homeless live in the
Ocala national forest and are treated like trash. A lot of them a re
veterans we are trying to help find jobs and get back on their feet but
most want nothing to do with anyone outside of their camouflaged camps.

Yes, I have to use a cane, but the only thing I want from that is for
people to leave me enough room to walk with it and not for them to blow
their horn and scream obscenities when I walk across a marked crossing
from the parking lot into a store.
And sometimes people give me stuff like a whole baked chicken in a deli
box, or 5/8 of a pizza, and more than once, someone has donated some pot.
Guess I'm glad I'm not some kind of arrogant republican who's all stuck
on keeping up appearances. One time, some guy asked, "What's the money
for?" I said, "Drugs and alcohol." He gave me a $20.00 bill.

Life is an adventure. I'm a mad metascientist, and my life is my
laboratory. Why the **** would I want to try to do the same thing billions
and billions of people have done before me, and wind up dead anyway?

yeah, life is an adventure. With my health i would have never made it
into the space program, but I built a lot of communications gear for
NASA, including equipment that is in orbit.
Guess I lucked out on the medical side - I'm a Veteran, so I can just
trundle on down to Long Beach if I need medical attention. Which I don't
need very often, probably because I love myself the way I am. :)

Good Luck!

I'm a veteran, too. US Army, 26T20 MOS. In fact, I'm on a 100% VA
disability now but back in the mid '70s the VA refused to help me, but
the "Soldiers and Sailor's Relief Fund" gave me a whole $25 to help pay
my bills and told that was all I would ever get from them.

I am on medication for high blood pressure, Diabetes, and severe
swelling in my legs. The medication for the Diabetes was doubled six
months ago, and a new drug was added last week. The consulting surgeon
from Shands Hospital in Gainsville (A large teaching and research
hospital across the street from the VA hospital) told me last month that
they have decided not to operate on my carpal tunnel because they don't
think it will help me. They also recommended against severing the nerves
along the outside of my left arm because I would loose almost all
feeling in my left arm. The nerve damage causes a constant tingle like
a mild electric shock from my little finger up past my elbow. Then
there is something wrong with my left leg. It will buckle without
warning, so I use a cane most of the time. When I don't, I have to lock
my knee and walk that way to keep from falling.


Michael said:
I never begged. I found odd jobs and paid for my own food. I may have
slept in my truck and taken showers at a relatives house, but I was
never a bum.

Beggars and bums are not synonymous. There are situations and times
in which some people may be temporarily reduced to begging without
this necessarily reflecting upon their habitual industry. It is true
that someone who chooses voluntarily to make a career of begging over
the long term may be somewhat of a bum, particularly in developed
countries where so many other options exist.
Around here that will get you arrested. The homeless live in the
Ocala national forest and are treated like trash. A lot of them are
veterans we are trying to help find jobs and get back on their feet but
most want nothing to do with anyone outside of their camouflaged camps.

Yours must be a very cruel society.


Gary said:
Well, opinions *are* allowed and no, he got rich because mom and
pop made sure things were fast-tracked and I'm not bitching I've
got plenty to keep me warm and happy.

Many people refuse to believe that anyone could become more successful
than themselves through purely legitimate means because it implies
that these such a person might be smarter than they are, and they
cannot accept this possibility.

Gary H

Mxsmanic said:
Many people refuse to believe that anyone could become more successful
than themselves through purely legitimate means because it implies
that these such a person might be smarter than they are, and they
cannot accept this possibility.

Awwww, please don't practice your dime store psychology on me?
I know Bill Gates is much much smarter than I am, no question
about it. I didn't say he wasn't. I merely said he was a thief
with accomplices before and after the fact. Why do you have to
make it complicated? :)


Gary said:
Awwww, please don't practice your dime store psychology on me?

I don't recall mentioning you. Hmm.
I know Bill Gates is much much smarter than I am, no question
about it. I didn't say he wasn't. I merely said he was a thief
with accomplices before and after the fact. Why do you have to
make it complicated?

Do you find "dime-store" psychology to be complicated?

Bill Gates is no more a thief than any other corporate CEO. He
happens to be the founder of a very successful company, and the
founders of successful companies are routinely demonized, typically
without any rational basis for doing so.

David Maynard

Gary said:
Well, opinions *are* allowed

Opinions are like rear ends: everybody's got one. But I didn't say you
couldn't have an 'opinion'. I said it was none of your business.
and no, he got rich because mom and pop
made sure things were fast-tracked

Sure. Go ahead and tell me how "mom and pop" coerced mega-giant IBM into
contracting Microsoft for Basic and DOS.
and I'm not bitching

It's precisely what you're doing.
I've got plenty
to keep me warm and happy. How about you.

None of your business.

David Maynard

Gary said:
Awwww, please don't practice your dime store psychology on me? I know
Bill Gates is much much smarter than I am, no question about it. I
didn't say he wasn't. I merely said he was a thief with accomplices
before and after the fact. Why do you have to make it complicated? :)

Because you demonstrate the trait even in the denial of it.

Gary H

David said:
Opinions are like rear ends: everybody's got one. But I didn't say you
couldn't have an 'opinion'. I said it was none of your business.

Never said it was my business, just stated an opinion.
Sure. Go ahead and tell me how "mom and pop" coerced mega-giant IBM into
contracting Microsoft for Basic and DOS.

It's available everywhere. Find it yourself and post if you desire.
It's precisely what you're doing.

Did, didn't, did, didn't. There's a stupid argument that could
go on all day.
None of your business.
True statement that.

Damn, snotty little soul aren't you?

Gary H

Mxsmanic said:
Gary H writes:

I don't recall mentioning you. Hmm.

Do you find "dime-store" psychology to be complicated?
Nope, just useless.
Bill Gates is no more a thief than any other corporate CEO. He
happens to be the founder of a very successful company, and the
founders of successful companies are routinely demonized, typically
without any rational basis for doing so.

Non sequitur. I wasn't discussing the matter nor comparing the
individual to anyone else. Just making a statement.

David Maynard

Gary said:
Never said it was my business,

You didn't have to as it's implicit in your 'critique', as if it's any of
your business.
just stated an opinion.

And I just stated it's none of your business.
It's available everywhere. Find it yourself and post if you desire.

You're the one making the claim and the accusation. It's not up to me to do
your supporting research.

Did, didn't, did, didn't. There's a stupid argument that could go on
all day.

It's self evident.
True statement that.

Damn, snotty little soul aren't you?

I find it mildly amusing when those who spit out accusations (thief, liar,
whatever) then accuse perceived 'defenders' of being 'snotty', or some
other pejorative.

Gary H

David said:
You didn't have to as it's implicit in your 'critique', as if it's any
of your business.

And I just stated it's none of your business.

You're the one making the claim and the accusation. It's not up to me to
do your supporting research.

It's self evident.

I find it mildly amusing when those who spit out accusations (thief,
liar, whatever) then accuse perceived 'defenders' of being 'snotty', or
some other pejorative.

I find it mildly amusing when some people hang out in these NGs
simply to show off their vocabularies and to instigate arguments??

I find that most folks like the BGs of the world, you know, the
Rockefellers and such...
Their money always seems to become more respectable, the older
it gets.

As for me, just a point of view and that's about as simple as
it gets. If you feel you have to jump to the defense of these
poor helpless folks, then go for it. Shrug.

Defend as much as you wish, go to war for them, bow and pray to
them, so what. It still boils down to opinion and all the
arguing in the world isn't going to change that.

When it comes to folks like them, you would like to be able to
kiss ass, I'd like to be able to kick ass. See, just a
different point of view. Get over it.

So, further response on this one would seem unnecessary on my part.

Have a good day, maybe Bill will send you a Christmas card.
Postage due. :)


Gary H said:
I find it mildly amusing when some people hang out in these NGs
simply to show off their vocabularies and to instigate arguments??

I find that most folks like the BGs of the world, you know, the
Rockefellers and such...
Their money always seems to become more respectable, the older
it gets.

As for me, just a point of view and that's about as simple as
it gets. If you feel you have to jump to the defense of these
poor helpless folks, then go for it. Shrug.

Defend as much as you wish, go to war for them, bow and pray to
them, so what. It still boils down to opinion and all the
arguing in the world isn't going to change that.

When it comes to folks like them, you would like to be able to
kiss ass, I'd like to be able to kick ass. See, just a
different point of view. Get over it.

So, further response on this one would seem unnecessary on my part.

Have a good day, maybe Bill will send you a Christmas card.
Postage due. :)

don't feel left out, maybe some bum will give you a card. Rich G are you
Your 'opinion spouts as envy. Why do you think its bowing , worshiping when
someone takes the opposite side and defends someone who isn't around to
defend himself? Your opinion is based on 'innuendo and is not thought out
very well. And bashing someone without the facts straight is ....well its

Gary H

JAD said:
don't feel left out, maybe some bum will give you a card. Rich G are you
Your 'opinion spouts as envy. Why do you think its bowing , worshiping when
someone takes the opposite side and defends someone who isn't around to
defend himself? Your opinion is based on 'innuendo and is not thought out
very well. And bashing someone without the facts straight is ....well its

Ah well it's criticism based on many writings and rulings (I
suppose) by "experts". He's ended up in court in the US
(antitrust, guilty) and in Europe (antitrust, guilty) fined 32
million by South Korea's FTC (Fair Trade Commission, guilty)

Yeah, self made man, always by the book, never stiffed anyone.

Typical US mentality. Money first then trickle down to all the
other mundane stuff kicking and screaming all the way. Gimme a

Willey was lucky (and smart). He grabbed CP/M before the market
conditions were what they are today. had he pulled something
like that in recent times, he'd have been in a courtroom so fast
he woulda been sucked out of his socks.


Gary H said:
Ah well it's criticism based on many writings and rulings (I
suppose) by "experts". He's ended up in court in the US
(antitrust, guilty) and in Europe (antitrust, guilty) fined 32
million by South Korea's FTC (Fair Trade Commission, guilty)

Yeah, self made man, always by the book, never stiffed anyone.

Typical US mentality. Money first then trickle down to all the
other mundane stuff kicking and screaming all the way. Gimme a

Ahhhh I C now where its coming from...... and here I thought it actually
had something to do with money and Bill Gates........


Gary said:
It's available everywhere. Find it yourself and post if you desire.

Those of us who were there are not deceived by revisionist histories.
In those days, it was big bad IBM versus tiny helpless Microsoft, not
the other way around. Microsoft didn't (and couldn't) twist IBM's