Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Why aren't computer clocks as accurate as cheap quartz watches?


Michael A. Terrell

Good point!

Have you ever noticed how MS bashers can usually remember every DOS command
and claim to still prefer it over a GUI, How ironic is that? Perhaps they
are just pissed because MS came up with a GUI that allows normal people to
use a computer?

And then there is the occasional MAC Guy who just feels left out and is
pissed at everybody. Ever noticed how these guys are usually left handed..

Before anyone gets pissed, is all in jest :)

BTW, Mr. Gates gives more money to charity each year than most of you will
earn in a lifetime... I suppose some of you will consider that to be tax

I'm still not sure why my freaking clock runs slow...... lol....

Good day...

So he gives more in dollars, but a LOT less in percentage of income
or total worth.


Michael said:
So he gives more in dollars, but a LOT less in percentage of income
or total worth.

That's not true. He has already given away perhaps 6% of his total
lifetime worth. How many ordinary people have given away $100,000?

Tom MacIntyre

That's not true. He has already given away perhaps 6% of his total
lifetime worth. How many ordinary people have given away $100,000?

What about % of income above the level to comfortably sustain an
individual/family? Someone earning $50k a year giving 6% is digging
deeper than someone earning $500k giving 6%, at least potentially.



if this had anything to do with Science hardware or electronics it would be
interesting. Suffice it to say that anyone who gives anything without
expecting something in return would be a great thing. However, charity, is
the furthest thing from most peoples minds, that give huge amounts of money
to anyone. Its all bout the business end of things.

John Doe

Tom MacIntyre said:
What about % of income above the level to comfortably sustain an
individual/family? Someone earning $50k a year giving 6% is
digging deeper than someone earning $500k giving 6%, at least

Without question, someone giving away 6% of personal wealth that
they could not spend in 10 lifetimes is meaningless.

If I may inject some considerations. Money itself doesn't matter
except for a feeling of security. Richness doesn't necessarily mean
greedy. Possessions are a good indicator IMO. Also, time spent doing
something matters. Spending 6% of your time helping other people is
meaningful. Whether giving 6% of your income is charitable just

If I had as much money, I might never stop shopping and
get very little done.


if this had anything to do with Science hardware or electronics i
would be
interesting. Suffice it to say that anyone who gives anything without
expecting something in return would be a great thing. However
charity, is
the furthest thing from most peoples minds, that give huge amounts o
to anyone. Its all bout the business end of things

Richard the Dreaded Libertarian

That's not true. He has already given away perhaps 6% of his total
lifetime worth. How many ordinary people have given away $100,000?

How many people _have_ $1,666,666.67 to give away 6% _OF_? (which, BTW,
is probably a serious underestimate of Uncle Billy's "total lifetime

If I have ten bucks in my pocket, and I give a street bum a buck,
am I more generous than Bill Gates, since that's 10% of my entire

And another thing - there's a serious misunderstanding going around that
says that "size of pile of money" can in any way be related to "worth".

Just ask Nicklaus:


Never Mind

I'm looking for a techical explanation.

Somewhere in the Far East there is a big factory making shitloads of
crystals. These crystals have a nominal spec, but are subject to

Somewhere in that factory these crystals are measured. Those closest to
the designated frequency are shipped to Seiko, the farthest to Dell.

Watches tend to spend a lot of time strapped to a temperature-regulated
heat source (a human). PCs usually are not.

As mentioned in previous (non-technical) replies, PCs are not often used
as timepieces, so lower tolerance (cheaper) components will be used.

Michael A. Terrell

JAD said:
if this had anything to do with Science hardware or electronics it would be
interesting. Suffice it to say that anyone who gives anything without
expecting something in return would be a great thing. However, charity, is
the furthest thing from most peoples minds, that give huge amounts of money
to anyone. Its all bout the business end of things.

You are right. They get tax breaks for the big donations, but
someone who gives money or other gifts that can barely scrape by is
giving a lot more. When was the last time a billionaire given away every
cent they owned?

Its east to give away $100,000 when its just pocket change. I have
given away my last $5 to a friend who needed money to eat when I had no
job, and not enough food to feed myself the next day.


Tom said:
What about % of income above the level to comfortably sustain an
individual/family? Someone earning $50k a year giving 6% is digging
deeper than someone earning $500k giving 6%, at least potentially.

If you play with figures long enough, you can make Bill Gates look
stingy no matter how much money he gives away. But he is still giving
away billions of dollars, and he only has $50 billion to play with.


Michael said:
Its east to give away $100,000 when its just pocket change. I have
given away my last $5 to a friend who needed money to eat when I had no
job, and not enough food to feed myself the next day.

How noble of you. I'm sure nobody else ever does that.


John said:
Without question, someone giving away 6% of personal wealth that
they could not spend in 10 lifetimes is meaningless.

How much money does he have to give away before it meets your personal
definition of meaningful?
Spending 6% of your time helping other people is
meaningful. Whether giving 6% of your income is charitable just

On whether you are hated as much as Bill Gates or not, apparently.


Richard said:
If I have ten bucks in my pocket, and I give a street bum a buck,
am I more generous than Bill Gates, since that's 10% of my entire

It depends on many things.

Gordon reeder

Somewhere in the Far East there is a big factory making shitloads of
crystals. These crystals have a nominal spec, but are subject to

Somewhere in that factory these crystals are measured. Those closest to
the designated frequency are shipped to Seiko, the farthest to Dell.

Watches tend to spend a lot of time strapped to a temperature-regulated
heat source (a human). PCs usually are not.

As mentioned in previous (non-technical) replies, PCs are not often used
as timepieces, so lower tolerance (cheaper) components will be used.

I'll add that frequency of opperation will depend on supply
voltage. So the difference between running on battery 2.5V
and running on AC 5.0 to 3.3V (depending on chipset) will cause
the clock to gain or loose time.

Parasitic capacitance also affects opperational frequency.
These are tightly controled in a watch, but are of little
concern in a PC.

Solution: Get a program called Dimension 4. It runs on startup,
syncs your PC clock to an internet time server, then exits. It
can work in other modes too.

Michael A. Terrell

Mxsmanic said:
How noble of you. I'm sure nobody else ever does that.

I don't claim to be "noble", and I know that others have done it, but
not enough have done it. I just did what I thought was right, at that
time. I've been homeless twice in my life and I know what its like to go
days at a time without food.


Gordon said:
Solution: Get a program called Dimension 4. It runs on startup,
syncs your PC clock to an internet time server, then exits. It
can work in other modes too.

Note that XP already has provisions for automatic synchronization over
the Net.

Rich Grise

I don't claim to be "noble", and I know that others have done it, but
not enough have done it. I just did what I thought was right, at that
time. I've been homeless twice in my life and I know what its like to go
days at a time without food.

I've been "homeless" too, and if you go "days without food" you're not
begging properly.

Did you know that it's possible to make $10.00-$20.00/hour begging in the
streets? It's true, it takes a little bit of experience to get past that
false pride, but hey, it's cash! And expecially[SIC] if you're
demonstrably a crip, you could probably make better money than I am, who
is only an ordinary ugly hairy guy.

And sometimes people give me stuff like a whole baked chicken in a deli
box, or 5/8 of a pizza, and more than once, someone has donated some pot.
Guess I'm glad I'm not some kind of arrogant republican who's all stuck
on keeping up appearances. One time, some guy asked, "What's the money
for?" I said, "Drugs and alcohol." He gave me a $20.00 bill.

Life is an adventure. I'm a mad metascientist, and my life is my
laboratory. Why the **** would I want to try to do the same thing billions
and billions of people have done before me, and wind up dead anyway?

Guess I lucked out on the medical side - I'm a Veteran, so I can just
trundle on down to Long Beach if I need medical attention. Which I don't
need very often, probably because I love myself the way I am. :)

Good Luck!


your begging the old fashioned way and you have internet access? Get with it
man, I'm a Technobum. I don't need to deal with the elements. I sit in blogs
and virtual street corners, I make twice that.

Gary H

Michael A. Terrell wrote:

He should give a goddam sight more than he does. S.O.B. got
rich by stealing CP/M and rewriting it slightly and calling it
MS-DOS. Daddy was a big time lawyer and mommy was a big shit in
government so, true to the American way, Billy got his own way
and became very very rich. If some other poor S.O.B. off the
street tried it, they would probably throw him so deep in the
slammer they'd have to pump sunshine to him.

I guess *you'll* call that *free* enterprise.


Gary H said:
Michael A. Terrell wrote:

He should give a goddam sight more than he does. S.O.B. got
rich by stealing CP/M and rewriting it slightly and calling it
MS-DOS. Daddy was a big time lawyer and mommy was a big shit in
government so, true to the American way, Billy got his own way
and became very very rich. If some other poor S.O.B. off the
street tried it, they would probably throw him so deep in the
slammer they'd have to pump sunshine to him.

whishing it was you don't you? Don't lie. You wish he was your best friend,
nieghbor, your clone.....