Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Water Collection Project


Jim Rojas

Bob said:
I have some newfangled power tools that actually run right off the power line,
with no intervening power supplies or chargers. My saws run way better than

Care to share how you are doing this?

Jim Rojas

Daniel who wants to know

Jim Rojas said:
Daniel. Pulse width modulation isn't magic. It is done everyday. Variable
speed drills, 220v & 440vac motors have drive controllers that do just
that. Take one apart someday. You might be pleasantly surprised.

Once the lightbulb in your head comes on, then the possibilities are
endless. You can do alot with any PWM circuit.

Jim Rojas

Oh I've already BTDT many times Jimmy boy.

A PWM motor speed controller is a DC-DC buck converter that uses the motor
windings themselves as the inductor, but it ALWAYS slows the motor down when
set lower than 100%. You could drive a DC motor faster with the output of a
DC-DC boost converter but that increases battery amps.

Some VFD AC motor drives uses varying PWM to produce a sine wave, just like
a pure sine power inverter or a class D amplifier, but not all VFDs are PWM
based, some are cycloconverter based.


I went to 3 different online pool volume calculators. Each one stated
that a 15ft round pool that is 18 inches deep (amount of rain I
collected) comes out to 2000 gallons. That's alot more that I expected.
So one normal .5 inch of rainfall is all I need in a month to keep my
pool topped off. Though I may need more due to summer heat evaporation.
I will keep you all posted.

Jim Rojas

The roof area you mentioned was about 950 ft^2. Add to that the pool
itself (area 176 ft^2) for a collection surface of 1126 ft2.

2000 gallons is 267 ft^3 of water, divided by the area of collection
works out to almost 3 inches of rain.

If you collected six inches of water in an open bucket placed away from
any structures, you did indeed have six inches of rain (at least in your
general neighborhood). That's basically what a rain-gauge is. If the
sides are straight and parallel, the depth is a direct measurement.
Most rain-gauges have tapered sides to make it easier to measure small
amounts, but that doesn't sound like a problem in your case.



I have some newfangled power tools that actually run right off the power line,
with no intervening power supplies or chargers. My saws run way better than

But can you run them without a power cord ;-)



Oh I've already BTDT many times Jimmy boy.

A PWM motor speed controller is a DC-DC buck converter that uses the motor
windings themselves as the inductor, but it ALWAYS slows the motor down when
set lower than 100%. You could drive a DC motor faster with the output of a
DC-DC boost converter but that increases battery amps.

Some VFD AC motor drives uses varying PWM to produce a sine wave, just like
a pure sine power inverter or a class D amplifier, but not all VFDs are PWM
based, some are cycloconverter based.

But Jim also mentioned that he's running 18V power tools from a 24V
source through the PWM.

Clearly, 24V will spin a DC motor faster than 18V. So there's no
'magic' here, just Jim is using a different battery pack through the
tools existing PWM controls.


Jim Rojas

daestrom said:
The roof area you mentioned was about 950 ft^2. Add to that the pool
itself (area 176 ft^2) for a collection surface of 1126 ft2.

2000 gallons is 267 ft^3 of water, divided by the area of collection
works out to almost 3 inches of rain.

If you collected six inches of water in an open bucket placed away from
any structures, you did indeed have six inches of rain (at least in your
general neighborhood). That's basically what a rain-gauge is. If the
sides are straight and parallel, the depth is a direct measurement. Most
rain-gauges have tapered sides to make it easier to measure small
amounts, but that doesn't sound like a problem in your case.


Ah, I see. The bucket is tapered. Wide on top, 1/2 the diameter on
bottom. It is a small garbage pail. So I guess I did get 3 inches of
rain that morning. The pool filled up within 3-4 hours.

Jim Rojas

Jim Rojas

m said:
Don't laugh...I have a magic floor. Anything that falls on it becomes
almost impossible to find.


Curbie will post a chart on how that's not scientifically possible. He
will also argue that anything that falls on the floor goes into a micro
black hole. You just don't understand the principle behind it. These
black holes are all around us... :)

Jim Rojas



Valid point, but even adding an extra 167ft2 the pool area collects,
this system only collects 350 gallons on an abnormal .5" daily
rainfall to fill a 2000 gallon deficit, non-sense.

So to get this part of his fairy-tail to come true we need to boost
the rainfall to 3" per day, or almost half of total average monthly
rainfall for the wettest month of the year needs to fall on one day to
make this part of fairy-tail come true. More non-sense.


Jim Rojas

Curbie said:

Valid point, but even adding an extra 167ft2 the pool area collects,
this system only collects 350 gallons on an abnormal .5" daily
rainfall to fill a 2000 gallon deficit, non-sense.

So to get this part of his fairy-tail to come true we need to boost
the rainfall to 3" per day, or almost half of total average monthly
rainfall for the wettest month of the year needs to fall on one day to
make this part of fairy-tail come true. More non-sense.


I currently use only 6K gallons a month of city water. Why is this so
hard for you to accept? I only plan to use the collected water to wash
clothes, flush the toilets, and maybe wash the cars.

Jim Rojas


Curbie will post a chart on how that's not scientifically possible. He
will also argue that anything that falls on the floor goes into a micro
black hole. You just don't understand the principle behind it. These
black holes are all around us... :)

Jim Rojas
Well that's just as factual as you saying you can create energy from
nothing or 350 gallons will fill a 2000 gallon pool deficit.

More fairy-tails, from someone that truth or reality does not apply



Why is this so hard for you to accept?
Maybe, because all of the absolute fairy-tails you post, why is that
so hard for you to understand?


Jim Rojas

Curbie said:
Well that's just as factual as you saying you can create energy from
nothing or 350 gallons will fill a 2000 gallon pool deficit.

More fairy-tails, from someone that truth or reality does not apply


No one ever said I was creating energy from nothing. Your reading
comprehension is rather poor at best.

I admitted that I had no idea that we had 3 inches of rain a couple of
weeks ago. this explains why my pool filled up in a few hours. I stated
that we also get .5 inches of rain quite often. If your calculations say
that it equals 350 gallons, I'll accept that.

Because I have a metal roof, I also collect dew during the night and
morning air...dare I say I collect roughly 2 to 5 extra gallons? What is
your data on this Curbie?

Jim Rojas

Jim Rojas

Curbie said:
Maybe, because all of the absolute fairy-tails you post, why is that
so hard for you to understand?


I do understand that you have deep rooted personal issues. Which
explains why you feel it is your sole duty to stop people from going green.

I have run into people like you before...always on the's
ok. One day you will drop your guard and let the sunshine in... :)

Jim Rojas


I do understand that you have deep rooted personal issues. Which
explains why you feel it is your sole duty to stop people from going green.

I have run into people like you before...always on the's
ok. One day you will drop your guard and let the sunshine in... :)

Jim Rojas
Oh, now you're Psychologist, fabricating more fairy-tails to justify
previous fairy-tails, I've always encouraged the use of
alternative-energies and build my first solar concentrator over 30
years ago, but I do discourage building alternative-energies solutions
based on fairy-tails.

People read these threads for real solutions to real problems and if
someone tried to build a cistern or generate electricity based on your
fairy-tails they would have spent their time and money only have the
same problem, and NO solution.

You may get your jollies by sending people on wild goose chases, but
your action stop people from the benefits of alternative-energies,
posting facts on how to collect average rainfall and simple
grade-school math on how to use those facts to build a real solution
is help, despite any new fairy-tails you spin.

Are you so diluted that you think by spinning a new fairy-tail people
will forget the details of the last fairy-tail you spun.


Jim Rojas

Curbie said:
Oh, now you're Psychologist, fabricating more fairy-tails to justify
previous fairy-tails, I've always encouraged the use of
alternative-energies and build my first solar concentrator over 30
years ago, but I do discourage building alternative-energies solutions
based on fairy-tails.

People read these threads for real solutions to real problems and if
someone tried to build a cistern or generate electricity based on your
fairy-tails they would have spent their time and money only have the
same problem, and NO solution.

You may get your jollies by sending people on wild goose chases, but
your action stop people from the benefits of alternative-energies,
posting facts on how to collect average rainfall and simple
grade-school math on how to use those facts to build a real solution
is help, despite any new fairy-tails you spin.

Are you so diluted that you think by spinning a new fairy-tail people
will forget the details of the last fairy-tail you spun.


I see we have a lot of work ahead of us. We will take it one step at a

Ok you got me. I do not own a house. I have no pool in my yard, I do not
collect rain water. I do not generate electricity. I don't even drive.
Feel better now?

Take a chill pill Curbie, you might live longer... :)

Jim Rojas

Jim Rojas

Curbie said:
More fairy-tails, YOU DID and said "Don't waste you time with solar. I
use RPM technology to generate 3KW for under $1000, 24/7, rain or

Just in case you spin so many fairy-tails you can't keep them
straight, here's the link:"

Over-unity non-sense that is creating energy from nothing.


That's correct. I don't waste my time with solar anything because it is
cost prohibitive, and I have 2 large trees on my property that block
most of the usable sunshine. I won't even install a solar pool heater
because it is a waste of time for a few hours of direct sunlight at best.

Going green doesn't mean transferring wealth from the grid power to a
solar manufacturer's pocket. It doesn't make sense.

As far as over unity, I made no such claims. Read the posts again
S-L-O-W-L-Y. If you need an interpreter, just ask a 5th grader.

Car alternators have been providing usable power for decades. Neodymium
magnets are just part of the puzzle. You don't need a coil in the rotor
to make electricity. But that's just another fairytale isn't it? You
just need to think out of the box.

Keep an open mind. Try the experiments for yourself.

Jim Rojas

Jim Rojas

m said:
Not to be a pedantic prick, but that's 'fairy TALES'. A spinning fairy
TAIL is a topic best left for the deviant groups....


I don't hold anything against anyone's spelling or grammar...we all know
what he is talking about.

Jim Rojas


That's correct. I don't waste my time with solar anything because it is
cost prohibitive, and I have 2 large trees on my property that block
most of the usable sunshine. I won't even install a solar pool heater
because it is a waste of time for a few hours of direct sunlight at best.

Going green doesn't mean transferring wealth from the grid power to a
solar manufacturer's pocket. It doesn't make sense.

As far as over unity, I made no such claims. Read the posts again
S-L-O-W-L-Y. If you need an interpreter, just ask a 5th grader.

Car alternators have been providing usable power for decades. Neodymium
magnets are just part of the puzzle. You don't need a coil in the rotor
to make electricity. But that's just another fairytale isn't it? You
just need to think out of the box.

Keep an open mind. Try the experiments for yourself.

Jim Rojas
No one needs a fifth grade interpreter to see your quote, its right in
these posts, and just in case someone thought I was spinning a Jim
Rajas FAIRY-TALE (my apologies to all for my mis-spelling) I posted
the link, you weren't talking about what you do, you told a poster
"Don't waste you time with solar."

As far as your latest FAIRY-TALE, that you never made over-unity
claims, no fifth grade interpreter is needed here either to see your
"Watch this video to see the magdrive in action:"
Here's the link to your post where YOU said that:"

The author of the video you posted, "freeenergysecret" even claims
he's device as a "4X Overunity system." in the link you posted.

Of course car alternators have been providing usable power for
decades, they convert shaft horse-power to electricity, but they don't
produce more output electricity than input energy, which is what you
and "free-energy-secret" are claiming in the link YOU posted and is
the very definition of over-unity YOU now claim you never made. More

As long as you are familiar with so many fifth graders, why don't you
ask one what happens when they try to lie their way out of the last
lie they told to see if it worked out any better for them than it has
for you.
