Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Was Black Dust - Nobody knows


Rod Speed

If you are so informed, why don't you declare for us all
who was correct, when and who was incorrect as well?

He did say that it was absolutely certainly just collecting what
was in the air. Pity he studiously avoided even commenting on why
electrostatic precipitators which are designed to do just that dont

There's a reason why he didnt, he cant
explain that obvious problem with his theory.
I say it is airborne particulate, corona, and
non-conductive "moist" substances that do it.

Pity you cant explain why electrostatic precipitators
which are designed to do just that dont end up with

And you have never been able to explain why
its seen in monitors everywhere, not just where
there can be quite at bit of carbon in the air.
It certainly isn't some "soot" exuding from a component in
the cabinet, or from the cabinet itself, as some have claimed.

Easy to proclaim. Pity about you not actually having
a shred of evidence to substantiate your claim.

The real Andy

Andy said:
You really seem to like that wrod.


To what *wrod* are you refering to ???. If he likes his own *wrod*
then it's ok by me. Better than liking someone else's *wrod* as far as
I'm concerned..... Liking another persons *wrod* might mean
homosexuality in some people's view. If you don't like his comments
then F#!K OFF!!!

The Unreal Andy[/QUOTE]

You getting close to stealing my name again...

I like the word "****". It is such a versitle word. Can be used in many
different ways.


Pity you never managed to produce a shred of evidence
to substantiate your claim about the explanation yourself.

Just proclaimed it.

You're an idiot. How's that for a proclamation?
And you never did manage to explain why electrostatic precipators used
in the same environment dont end up with just the JET BLACK SOOT
seen inside monitors.

It is NOT the same environment. Electrostatic dust accumulators
operate in a forced air environ. Doh!

They do NOT operate by way of a corona. The field is electrostatic.

If one touches the dust in the accumulator, it turns JET BLACK where
it adheres to the skin. Doh!

If one moisturizes the dust, whether it be with water or non-aqueous
mist or smoke, it turns JET BLACK. Doh!

They end up with just the common dust instead.


Easy to proclaim. Pity about you not actually having
a shred of evidence to substantiate your claim.

Evidence? You are a retard.

I make the supply which goes into a very large industrial
electrostatic accumulator. Several models, actually. We have said
accumulators in house for testing purposes. It is 40 plates over a
couple square feet each, at about a 5/8 inch spacing. It is excited
at 11kV. That is about HALF what a CRT gets excited at.

I have been there, done that. You have not.

You are just a dweeb retard that was last month trying to hawk
"faster than light" communication gear off on people.

Rod Speed

DarkMatter said:
Rod Speed <> wrote

Reams of your puerile shit flushed where it belongs.
It is NOT the same environment.

I said IN the same environment, fuckwit child.
Electrostatic dust accumulators operate in a forced air environ.

Got sweet **** all to do with whats in the air, fuckwit child.
They do NOT operate by way of a corona.

Neither do monitors, fuckwit child.
The field is electrostatic.

Just as true of monitors, fuckwit child.
If one touches the dust in the accumulator, it
turns JET BLACK where it adheres to the skin.

Pigs arse it does, fuckwit child.
If one moisturizes the dust, whether it be with water
or non-aqueousmist or smoke, it turns JET BLACK.

Pigs arse it does, fuckwit child.

Try again, fuckwit child.


The real Andy said:
You getting close to stealing my name again...

I like the word "****". It is such a versitle word. Can be used in many
different ways.

Nah.....would never steal your name....just like to stir some shite
every once in a while.
I can't believe that someone would make a comment about your choice of
words and then f#!k up the spelling!!. If they don't like it then why
read your posts??
Keep up the good work. This forum needs more people like you that
provide positive input, worthwhile suggestions and valid solutions to
posts and less negative, bandwidth choking whingers that can only
comment on your choice of words. How do these people survive in the
real world?
I will get off my soapbox now...



I said IN the same environment, fuckwit child.

What part of "monitors do NOT have forced air" do you not
understand? Doh! Different environment there, I'd say.

Talk about puerile shit. You so full of shit, your eyes are brown,
and there is a foul stench emanating from your ears, right above that
brown oooze.


Got sweet **** all to do with whats in the air, fuckwit child.

It has everything to do with what adheres, dipshit.

An e-field plays a different game on dust in Standing air.

D O H !!!

The real Andy

Andy said:
Nah.....would never steal your name....just like to stir some shite
every once in a while.

You already stole my name once, then some fuckwit called Brian Goldsmith
accused me of hiding behind a false name. Ha ha ha, stupid troll he was. He
wanted to be like Phil, but was too stupid.

I can't believe that someone would make a comment about your choice of
words and then f#!k up the spelling!!. If they don't like it then why
read your posts??
Keep up the good work. This forum needs more people like you that
provide positive input, worthwhile suggestions and valid solutions to
posts and less negative, bandwidth choking whingers that can only
comment on your choice of words. How do these people survive in the
real world?

**** 'em I say.

The real Andy

DarkMatter said:
You are about as mature as a fresh turd.

You should change your name to dark splatter .. coz thats all that comes
from your mouth..


You should change your name to dark splatter .. coz thats all that comes
from your mouth..

You should change yours to "the real shithead" because that is what
you are.