Maker Pro
Maker Pro

transforming energy infinite



Gìmmìe Bob said:
This all sounds like standard multipole motor theory but the collapsing
field of the completed pole has energy in it (charged) and it is wasted as
the pole wanes. This is a waste of power, will result in heat, and will
reduce your efficiency to less than 100%.

I agree.
There is always friction and a waste of energy anytime something moves,
whether that be physical motion, electrically charge change, magnetic charge
or anything else. This is inefficiency and cannot be avoided. It can be
reduced greatly with various techniques but not eliminated.

I also agree.
(I hope you do not have a wind up key under the table when you make your
(Making personal note: bring a glass table for demonstrations.)


Robert Morien

I'd rather believe in cold fusion. In the meantime I'll laugh like the
rest of the hyena pack.

An alternative of course is for ring-theory to submit his theories for
peer review at the appropriate institution of higher learn or electric
utility. I'm sure that some college professor would be willing to assign
this project to a willing student.

m II

Gìmmìe Bob said:
Moving energy and creating it are different things.

Your lack of understanding is showing again. Ever hear of the First Law of
