Maker Pro
Maker Pro

transforming energy infinite



I like to refer to it as near perpetual motion.
However perpetual motion is
believed to not be possible. as is free-energy,
overunity, and anti gravity.


Over-unity is possible. The hydrosonic pump is over-unity. It gives out
m,ore heat in kW than energy consumed in kW to run the pump motor. It is a


Gìmmìe Bob said:
Moving energy and creating it are different things.


It 's not a heat pump. it doesn't move heat. It generates heat by shock
waves. Do a Google on Hydrosonic. It has been tetsed and found to be
over-unity, a claim the inventor never made. It was invented, made and sold
on the market and then people started to look at the performance. More comes
than what goes in.

Developed by Hydro Dynamics in Georgia, this boiler uses an electric pump to
create shock waves which in turn heat water. The resulting energy from
shock waves is absorbed by water and subsequently heats the water turning to
steam. It is believed to be an over unity device by many, in that more
energy is created than energy used to turn the electric motor. A number of
public buildings in Georgia have installed hydrosonic pumps and have reduced
their heating and DHW bills by about 30%.

The basis of operation is a rotating cylinder within a cylinder, that
harnesses the power of cavitation. This controlled cavitation generates
shock waves, which convert mechanical energy into heat energy.

The hydrosonic pump power generator operates by taking water into the
machine housing, where it is passed over a spinning cylinder. Holes in the
cylinder, clearance between the cylinder and the housing and the cylinder
rotational speed create a pressure differences within the water where tiny
bubbles form and collapse. These collapsing bubbles generate shock waves
that heat the water.

The process is scale free. The hydrosonic pump generator heats water in a
totally different way and creates the heat in a totally different place -
inside the liquid where it is needed. The hydrosonic pump has no heat
transfer surfaces - the metal surfaces are actually cooler than the water.
Scale will not migrate from a hotter liquid and build up on a cooler metal

The Vizor Corporation in Moldavia sell a version of the hydrosonic pump, the
Yusmar, that operates on similar principles as the Hydro Dynamics unit with
minor differences. Many thousands of small domestic and larger commercial
of units have been sold in Moldova and Russia. The efficiency is said to be
less than the American machines.


Steve Rush said:
If I use induction to draw some power from a system, this places a LOAD on
that system. The energy I remove has to come from somewhere. So far, all
I've seen from you is a variation of the old "drive a generator with a
motor that you use to drive the generator" nonsense.

Your not concidering conservation laws. Mass, energy and charge all 3 are


Windsun said:
Well, actually hundreds of thousands of scientists have said that. So do I
believe people like Einstein, or you?

Should believe me as even einstein admitted that it would take a visionary
to complete his works.
And that old "earth is flat" canard has been used millions of times by fools
to justify crackpot theories. Actually, it was common knowledge in ancient
Greece around 800BC that the earth was curved. And BTW, you spelled
"considered" wrong.

This is more than a theory, impericism is more like it. there are theories
that won't survive the transition that physics is about to go through.
However most will be proven as fact some will need to be modified some will
be disproved. so grab a theory and hold on were going for a ride.



Vaughn said:
There are multiple problems in those four words, but your greatest sin is
using the possesive "your" when you really meant "you are".


You know I would rather you pick my conclusions apart with what you assume
is fact and show me where I'm wrong, than to listen to you sit here and
whine about my grammer or spelling.

You better watch it I'll tell your mommy your on her computer.


William P.N. Smith

ring_theory said:
This is more than a theory, impericism is more like it.

Uh, OK, tell us what imperical evidence you have for the laws of
thermodynamics being wrong...

Gìmmìe Bob

Very interesting stuff.

News said:
It 's not a heat pump. it doesn't move heat. It generates heat by shock
waves. Do a Google on Hydrosonic. It has been tetsed and found to be
over-unity, a claim the inventor never made. It was invented, made and sold
on the market and then people started to look at the performance. More comes
than what goes in.

Developed by Hydro Dynamics in Georgia, this boiler uses an electric pump to
create shock waves which in turn heat water. The resulting energy from
shock waves is absorbed by water and subsequently heats the water turning to
steam. It is believed to be an over unity device by many, in that more
energy is created than energy used to turn the electric motor. A number of
public buildings in Georgia have installed hydrosonic pumps and have reduced
their heating and DHW bills by about 30%.

The basis of operation is a rotating cylinder within a cylinder, that
harnesses the power of cavitation. This controlled cavitation generates
shock waves, which convert mechanical energy into heat energy.

The hydrosonic pump power generator operates by taking water into the
machine housing, where it is passed over a spinning cylinder. Holes in the
cylinder, clearance between the cylinder and the housing and the cylinder
rotational speed create a pressure differences within the water where tiny
bubbles form and collapse. These collapsing bubbles generate shock waves
that heat the water.

The process is scale free. The hydrosonic pump generator heats water in a
totally different way and creates the heat in a totally different place -
inside the liquid where it is needed. The hydrosonic pump has no heat
transfer surfaces - the metal surfaces are actually cooler than the water.
Scale will not migrate from a hotter liquid and build up on a cooler metal

The Vizor Corporation in Moldavia sell a version of the hydrosonic pump, the
Yusmar, that operates on similar principles as the Hydro Dynamics unit with
minor differences. Many thousands of small domestic and larger commercial
of units have been sold in Moldova and Russia. The efficiency is said to be
less than the American machines.

Gìmmìe Bob

I have to warn you, you are dealing with many tempermental children here
that have failing businesses.

Gìmmìe Bob

Their articles make no mention of any heat gain. This is still a physics
impossibility and I am sure they would mention it if it were true at all.

Their developed process appear only to be a no-scale method of heating and
evaporating liquids. It is only more efficient because of the lack of vessel
heating required. Immersion heating using electricity is already 100%
efficient excpet for heating the vessel and heating losses to the
environment which they have obviously reduced.

Where did you see the heat-gain aspect of this technique?

Robert Morien

Insults? that somehow demeans the useful function humor plays in our

Robert Morien

ring_theory said:
Should believe me as even einstein admitted that it would take a visionary
to complete his works.

And you are that visionary? Let's see some proof


Robert Morien said:
And you are that visionary? Let's see some proof

There's no way I can prove it to you or anyone else there are things that
cannot be worked around on a fixed income. Try getting a multi field ring
magnet with 30 fields. retooling is required at $5000.00 for the first part.
What else would justify as proof? A fully functioning computer model? That's
the only way I can do it and I'm Ill equipped to do that too. That's why the
request for research.

I mean really have you been following the thread?
You can't deny that transforming energy is mankinds way of handling energy.
We transform it several different ways *except my way*
elec/kinetic/elec/kinetic/elec, eccentric, infinite. see a cyclic pattern

Ok I'm well aware of everything relative to this device. the main thing is
were handeling energy in it's natural form, Spinning mass ie kinetic energy
which is magnetic charged multiple fields 30.

If I can achieve motive force with 6 fields (no switching). 30 fields should
be no problem with 12 volts dc to suspend and drive the ring at say 30,000
rpms maintaining 30k rpms of a dense spinning mass will require minimal
energy once at operating speed. there is no friction it operates in a

So it is safe to say that at this point we have a spinning mass in a vacume
which is conserved, however we also have in the same componant a magnetic
charge also conserved, conservation of angular momentum, and conservation
of linear momentum, provided you look at it across the rings event horison.
That's 4 forms of conservation involved in one componants function.

Now by adding electromagnetic induction coils. This is where everyone says
that "thermodynamics will drag this thing to nothing". I'm sorry to say
that's ultimately wrong as it would violate 4 laws of conservation to do
that. "In the state of conservation in a isolated system energy cannot be
created or destroyed." However transformation is allways the exception to
the rule.

Unity is defined as "in a table of natural sines the radius of the circle is
regarded as unity" the form of a ring is the entire radius of the circle. In
complicated mathematics the result "0" is a depiction of true unity which is
actually 0.999999 infinite. However man rounded it off so it could be used
in the mathematics as we percieve 0 as nil, However in some equations 0 is
an equilibrium. Unity is easily achieved for a short period of time by
simply throwing a frisbe. ok I'm aware that aerodynamics has some effect in
the frisbe's flight. however the true motive force is that unity is achieved
via kinetic energy "spinning mass". 0 seems to be the result in many areas
of physics
weither it is light, time, vectors etc. when 0 is the result it is the
depiction of unity, you are dealing with a condition of unity in whatever
form of physics your dealing with. to furthur your computations replace 0
nill with true unity 0.9999999. if I'm correct you will have fooled the
mathematics into believing that you have achieved unity and what you will
observe is the byproducts of unity.

However this is just a few things i envision based on my research involved
with a simple rotary transformer. I am indeed a visionary, I don't claim to
be the one finishing Einstein's works that's not the goal here. all I want
to do is get this invention into production. If it changes physics by
proving or disproving theories than so be it. if it changes the way you look
at the actual forces involved in physics than so be it. I invented this to
get rich and i'm not afraid to say it.

However above all this device needs furthur research. It is just too
innovative and offends too many theories to be ignored. On the other hand it
uses too many laws in it's function to also be ignored.


Gìmmìe Bob

You know you have posted some of the most helpful information here and seem
to be very knowledgable and stable. When you ridicule some person that could
be 12 or 15 years (or obviously underdeveloped scienctifically) instead of
either ignoring the topic or giving help in your usual style (you helped me)
then you become part of the hyena pack here and bring this NG down to a
bunch of idiots. This only shows your immaturity (yeah we all have it).

I agree with your humor function though it is just that over the last ten
years I have learned sarcasm and many other forms of humor do not
communicate well in text only forms of transmission. (I been hung on this
myself too many times to mention, even in real life. Imagine that?....LOL)

Thanx for listening.

Gìmmìe Bob

What about the friction from the last propulsing pole and it's collapsing
field not to mention the counterEMF induced into it that leaks into other
regions of your ring? How have you handled that problem?

William P.N. Smith

ring_theory said:
If I can achieve motive force with 6 fields (no switching). 30 fields should
be no problem with 12 volts dc to suspend and drive the ring at say 30,000
rpms maintaining 30k rpms of a dense spinning mass will require minimal
energy once at operating speed. there is no friction it operates in a

Oh, sure, but it's made of Unobtanium. Sigh.


Gìmmìe Bob said:
What about the friction from the last propulsing pole and it's collapsing
field not to mention the counterEMF induced into it that leaks into other
regions of your ring? How have you handled that problem?

OMG! in 6 years of posting, Your the first to ask serious questions.

The drive is attraction and repulsion. Normally one of the pole's of the
coil is attracting the other pole is repulsing. Due to the availability of
multiple permanent fields on the ring armature it is possible to orient both
poles of the coil so that they both attract a corrisponding pole on the ring
armature. Repulsion only comes into play for the pourpose of supporting the
ring on it's orbital path at it's corrisponding vector of the ring.

The rings radius allows for appropreate spacing of induction coils so a
field interaction off of the back side of the coil is not possible. Normally
the induction coils are closely placed around a standard armature allowing a
migration of undesireable EMF's in the system.


Gìmmìe Bob

This all sounds like standard multipole motor theory but the collapsing
field of the completed pole has energy in it (charged) and it is wasted as
the pole wanes. This is a waste of power, will result in heat, and will
reduce your efficiency to less than 100%.

There is always friction and a waste of energy anytime something moves,
whether that be physical motion, electrically charge change, magnetic charge
or anything else. This is inefficiency and cannot be avoided. It can be
reduced greatly with various techniques but not eliminated.

(I hope you do not have a wind up key under the table when you make your


Mankind transforms energy from it's various forms to kinetic for the work.

I ultimately believe that we just havn't found the correct method of
transformation to be fully effective at producing renewable energy.

On Yahoo groups there are a few groups dedicated to this sort of device.