Maker Pro
Maker Pro

transforming energy infinite



Mankind transforms energy from it's various forms to kinetic for the work.

I ultimately believe that we just havn't found the correct method of
transformation to be fully effective at producing renewable energy.

This is mostly because mankind has through the years taught our students
that the laws of thermodynamics under no condition can be broken. Which I
agree. But on the other hand they fully ignore the fact that the laws can be

I feel man has come to this conclusion by observations based
on the wrong combination of transformations and using the work
(kinetic energy) prematurely.

Some of the combinations mankind uses:
transformations failure
Fuel-kinetic Uses up fuel
hydro-elec-kinetic Not a closed system
solor-elec-kinetic Not a closed system
wind-elec-kinetic Not a closed system
neuclear-elec-kinetic Not a closed system

However there is hope for mankind yet. all you have to do is listen to me


Where do we get the work from you might ask. the work comes from the
"kinetic to elec" transformation where it is effortlessly drawn from the
system via electromagnetic induction. Elec can be used for the work in most
cases. However the added appliance is inducted to the system remaining a
closed system.

I invented a device that's sole pourpose was to transfom energy
I initially pondered how we could move a perminant magnet flux field through
a induction coil infinite. It took nearly 20 years but i have perfected the
method of doing it. Creating the closed system that man has only dreamed
about till now.

It is simply a rotary transformer.

Thermodynamics and overcoming general consensus that there is no way to win
the game.

If were concidering it a game it is important that we know the rules/laws of
the game. all the rules are referring to a "closed system" To date mankind
hasn't created a closed system. So were not even in the game. We can't even
begin to play we make one transformation and greedily use the energy for the
work. However the game punishes us via heat. "end game".

However man hasn't met the qualifiers of the second law of thermodynamics.
Most often the first and second laws of thermodynamics are discussed however
there is 2 more laws related to thermodynamics. that we can't even begin to
explore as we aren't even in the game at this point.

Third law of thermodynamics
For changes involving only perfect crystalline solids at absolute zero, the
change of the total entropy is zero.

Zero or rather the result = 0. Is true unity. which mankind hasn't achieved

However it is possible via kinetic energy in a closed system bieng a
providing the right form is used and that form is the ring. If I'm correct a
rare earth magnet is a crystalline solid. That's what the core is made of in
my rotary transformer.

Zeroth law of thermodynamics
If two bodies are each in thermal equilibrium with a third body, then all
three bodies are in thermal equilibrium with each other.

Many things come in 3's. My transformer has 3 functional transformations via
3 main componants. The first (drive) componant is the only componant that
will produce heat on initial startup till the core gets up to speed than it
will reach an equilibrium rotating the core, and will require very little
energy to maintain it's rotation achieving the thermal equilibrium once at
operating rotation. the third body is the induction and last transformation.

Theory or not it is an observation i have made through conception, research
and developement of the next generation transformer.

This device is the device that is going to get mankind in the game and solve
the energy crisis. It is the renewable energy that has been so elusive till

However I need help in developing this highly innovative technology.

I have an highly innovative invention that I would be willing to give
research rights to any US research facility excluding alaska, hawaii,
(unless your paying for the flight there and housing and transportation once
I get there) that would be willing to dedicate $100,000 and a years worth
of research and developement at their facilities. I didn't say give *me*
$100,000 the money would be for the componants and controlled by the
research facility. I'm not concerned with money at this point, but I am
concerned that this innovative technology gets some real research time at
proper research facilities. My wealth is going to come once the technology
is released as I'm not giving up rights and royalties of the device. However
I would be willing to share the profits with that US research facility that
steps up and is willing to take a chance.

The first form of research would be to create a computer model of the
functionality of the device. to confirm that it will work before proceding
to the manufacturing of the device. I'm not capable of inputing the required
peramiters for the software so I do need to confer with qualified
professionals on the specifics of the device.


Gymn Bob

You type all that in to tell us about perpetual motion?

When does the work output come into the formula or do we just look at it and

Gymn Bob

LOL. I don't care what methoid you have. It's still perpetual motion.


I like to refer to it as near perpetual motion. However perpetual motion is
believed to not be possible. as is free-energy, overunity, and anti gravity.


Dave Hinz

Mankind transforms energy from it's various forms to kinetic for the work.

Thanks, but we already have a group crackpot. Should the position become
available, we will contact you.

Gym Bob

Without even reading the complete description I know you are missing one of
the basic facts of physics. "Energy can neither be created or destroyed"
Perpetual motion does not work no matter how hard you try to confuse
yourself with the math and device complications.

Best of luck.



No.. You should have read the description. What part of transforming energy
from one form to another cyclic, creates or destroys energy?

As far as perpetual motion I'd say that whomever declared perpetual motion
is not possible, Is wrong. I don't care if they are highly regarded in their
field and their laws have stood the test of time. The world was concidered
to be flat at one point. errors have been made and will continue to be made.
It's just the nature of man.

However conservation laws in a isolated system predicts that energy,charge,
and mass will be conserved. so conservation is allowing for perpetual
properties to exist as it can't be destroyed so it must be also perpetual in

Gym Bob said:
Without even reading the complete description I know you are missing one of
the basic facts of physics. "Energy can neither be created or destroyed"
Perpetual motion does not work no matter how hard you try to confuse
yourself with the math and device complications.

Best of luck.


There are multiple problems in those four words, but your greatest sin is
using the possesive "your" when you really meant "you are".


Steve Rush

You don't read for content.
Electromagnetic induction.

If I use induction to draw some power from a system, this places a LOAD on
that system. The energy I remove has to come from somewhere. So far, all
I've seen from you is a variation of the old "drive a generator with a
motor that you use to drive the generator" nonsense.

Robert Morien

you really mean to be posting this in

ring_theory said:
No.. You should have read the description. What part of transforming energy
from one form to another cyclic, creates or destroys energy?

As far as perpetual motion I'd say that whomever declared perpetual motion
is not possible, Is wrong. I don't care if they are highly regarded in their
field and their laws have stood the test of time. The world was concidered
to be flat at one point. errors have been made and will continue to be made.
It's just the nature of man.

However conservation laws in a isolated system predicts that energy,charge,
and mass will be conserved. so conservation is allowing for perpetual
properties to exist as it can't be destroyed so it must be also perpetual in

Antipodean Bucket Farmer

If I use induction to draw some power from a system, this places a LOAD on
that system. The energy I remove has to come from somewhere. So far, all
I've seen from you is a variation of the old "drive a generator with a
motor that you use to drive the generator" nonsense.

Hey! I thought that was a viable idea... when I was
about twelve years old...

Dave Hinz

As far as perpetual motion I'd say that whomever declared perpetual motion
is not possible, Is wrong.

Like I said. We don't need another crackpot. This group is about workable
solutions, not bullshit dreams and hand-waving.

Gìmmìe Bob

Do you habe anything constructive to add or just act like a child again?

Gìmmìe Bob

Once again only insults from the self-proclaimed experts. The ones that
couldn't explain a piece of paper if they had to.

I wonder how you people stay in business. Ohhhh. they really never


ring_theory said:
As far as perpetual motion I'd say that whomever declared perpetual motion
is not possible, Is wrong.

Well, actually hundreds of thousands of scientists have said that. So do I
believe people like Einstein, or you?
I don't care if they are highly regarded in their
field and their laws have stood the test of time. The world was concidered
to be flat at one point. errors have been made and will continue to be
It's just the nature of man.

And that old "earth is flat" canard has been used millions of times by fools
to justify crackpot theories. Actually, it was common knowledge in ancient
Greece around 800BC that the earth was curved. And BTW, you spelled
"considered" wrong.
However conservation laws in a isolated system predicts that
and mass will be conserved. so conservation is allowing for perpetual
properties to exist as it can't be destroyed so it must be also perpetual