Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Singapore - Infrastructure -1Gbps fibre NBN


Rod Speed

Tom wrote
annily wrote
Why do you need such speed in Au, the (possibly) only country that have monthly download/upload limits?

Its nothing like the only country with monthly volume limits.

And there are some truly unlimited plans too.
Do you want to be able to use your monthly allowance in an hour or two?

Some do. They prefer to get what they want seconds after they decide they want it.

B J Foster

annily said:
And probably an even larger percentage does have a fixed line.

Early adopters set the trend. Early adopters are going fully wireless.

In that context, it's stupid to build *another* fixed line solution.

B J Foster

Rod said:
Rob wrote

Its still a much smaller minority than those who have a fixed line.

When the Model-T Ford first rolled off a production line, the majority
of people were still using public transport.

If a Labor government had been in charge they would have built
high-speed train lines which would have stood idle only a few years later.

Not only will the silly NBN not meet our needs, but it is also the most
expensive solution. Why not do the "last mile" with wireless?

$43 billion will stimulate a lot of economic activity in the sector, but
it will be wasted. As a voter, I'd prefer if they'd expand coal-handling
facilities. It's a no-brainer.

The simple fact of the matter is that Labor and Conroy have no ideas
other than to spend, spend and spend - and then 3 years later, they
start looking for ways to tax. "Oh, we're running out of money. Oh, what
can we tax?". Bloody morons.

B J Foster

Rod said:
B J Foster wrote

Just because some fool claims something, doesnt make it gospel.

There are certainly some who have gone completely mobile,

Go look up "early adopter" in te dictionary and then come and discuss it.

B J Foster

dechucka said:
like all those high speed rail links around the world are?

Those are inter-city links. Fibre is *absolutely* the right technology
for inter-city links. Do try to think next time before you post.

The NBN will not meet our needs for mobility and fibre is the most
expensive conceivable solution for the "last mile". Wireless is just to
obvious for egotistical emotional Labor idiots to contemplate.

$43 billion spent on a fibre last mile will be wasted. Why are they not
expanding coal-handling facilities? It's a no-brainer.

Labor has no ideas other than to spend, spend and spend.

Vote out the stuck-up arrogant fools before we go bankrupt. Conroy last
on the Vic senate paper.

B J Foster

dechucka said:
You used an analogy which was just plain stupid

Rubbish. Fibre is perfect for inter-city and undersea links, it is
stupid for the "last mile". Get that? Stupid. Did I mention that using
fibre to build faster fixed-line solution is stupid? Using fibre to
build a faster fixed-line solution is stupid. Just like running a
high-speed train to your door. Got it? Stupid!

Fibre is the most expensive conceivable solution for the "last mile".
Only Labor idiots would overlook the obvious: Wireless is cheap and you
get none of this:

Instead of spending $43 billion on a white-elephant, why not spend a
mere $800 million on expanding port facilities? It's a no-brainer.

Labor idiots.

Vote Conroy last on the Vic senate paper.

B J Foster

dechucka said:
It's a good idea and now aesthetics seems to be your major problem. All
that stuff should have been underground years ago but some government
without vision took the cheap ugly option.

Labor will take the cheap ugly option when they are 100% overbudget and
100% late. They will *force* us to put up with ugly pole-based fibres
using the Telecommunications Act.

I already have this shit in my street:

Because the Hawke Labor government allowed Telstra and Optus to save
money this way.

Wireless is cheap, easy, quick and simple.

Any Greenie who votes for Labor needs to have their brain examined.


Early adopters set the trend. Early adopters are going fully wireless.

There will still be plenty of people who don't want wireless, regardless
of trends.

B J Foster

dechucka said:
Than a little bit more won't matter

Labor's spending policy in a nutshell:
'We're already broke, so spending more won't matter'

B J Foster

Arm's Length said:
The premise of your argument is fundamentally flawed. I, as a
consequence of this glaring flaw, unreservedly dispute your argument as
it stands in its contextual devaluing of progress as an essential
constituent of a thriving national life.

Spare me the garbage. I already have a cable connection. Why would I
want to pay for your silly NBN?

I have been paying for the cable for 15 years. You must be a Labor

Let us as a nation not
languish in mediocrity, as Australia so often is want to do to its
unparalleled detriment. Technologies beyond your ken and that of the
paltry intelligence of humans in the present generation and
undoubtedly far into the future, just as the emerging technologies, will
require a far more robust and less restrictive system to be practical
and workable.

Blah blah blah. Where is the business case?

B J Foster

annily said:
There will still be plenty of people who don't want wireless, regardless
of trends.

ROTFL. They already have fixed line. Copper.

Rod Speed

B J Foster wrote
annily wrote
Early adopters set the trend.

Pigs arse they do when the 'trend' has some very real downsides like deliverable bandwidth.

In spades when something like the NBN is foisted on the absolute vast bulk of consumers by some clown like the Dud.
Early adopters are going fully wireless.

Another pig ignorant lie with BROADBAND.
In that context, it's stupid to build *another* fixed line solution.

Yes, but that is a separate matter entirely to your pig ignorant drivel.

Rod Speed

B J Foster wrote
Rod Speed wrote
When the Model-T Ford first rolled off a production line, the majority of people were still using public transport.

Pigs arse they were. The absolute vast bulk of them had no access to public transport.

And wireless is nothing like what the Model-T Ford was to transport anyway.
If a Labor government had been in charge they would have built high-speed train lines which would have stood idle only
a few years later.

How odd that the high speed train lines that did get built arent idle even now.
Not only will the silly NBN not meet our needs,

Nothing ever meets all needs, fool.
but it is also the most expensive solution.

Another pig ignorant lie.
Why not do the "last mile" with wireless?

Because it cant deliver anything like the same thruput as with fibre.
$43 billion will stimulate a lot of economic activity in the sector,

Pigs arse it will, because most have access to decent broadband if they want it.
but it will be wasted.

Yes, but so is broadband in any form.
As a voter, I'd prefer if they'd expand coal-handling facilities.

More fool you.
It's a no-brainer.

Easy to claim. Pity you cant actually substantiate that claim.
The simple fact of the matter is that Labor and Conroy have no ideas other than to spend, spend and spend

Thats another lie. They were planning to cut cut cut until the GFC showed up.
- and then 3 years later, they start looking for ways to tax.

Corse the coalition never ever did anything like that at all, eh ?
"Oh, we're running out of money. Oh, what can we tax?".

Another lie.
Bloody morons.

Your sig is supposed to have a line with just -- on it in front of it.

Rod Speed

B J Foster wrote
Rod Speed wrote
Go look up "early adopter" in te dictionary

Dont need to, its obvious what it means.

You aint established that its early adopters that have gone completely mobile.

Mobile was around and almost universally adopted LONG before
many went completely mobile as a result of the massive hike in
line rents that Telstra was allowed to charge, and capped mobile
plans. Nothing whatever to do with early adopters at all.
and then come and discuss it.

I'll tell you to go and **** yourself, again, instead.

Rod Speed

B J Foster wrote
dechucka wrote
Those are inter-city links.

Irrelevant to your pig ignorant lie.
Fibre is *absolutely* the right technology for inter-city links.

Irrelevant to your pig ignorant lie.
Do try to think next time before you post.

Do try to bullshit your way out of your predicament
better the next time you get done like a dinner, as always.
The NBN will not meet our needs for mobility

It was never intended to REPLACE wireless, fuckwit.
and fibre is the most expensive conceivable solution for the "last mile".

Yes, but it does deliver much better thruput than wireless can ever do for the last mile.
Wireless is just to obvious for egotistical emotional Labor idiots to contemplate.

Only fools like you that dont have a fucking clue about what the technology
is actually capable of would actually be stupid enough to claim that wireless
can ever deliver anything like the same simultaneous thruput that fibre can.
$43 billion spent on a fibre last mile will be wasted.

Why are they not expanding coal-handling facilities?

Thats happening too.
It's a no-brainer.

Then its well suited to you, you dont have a brain.
Labor has no ideas other than to spend, spend and spend.

Another pig ignorant lie.
Vote out the stuck-up arrogant fools before we go bankrupt.

There isnt even the remotest possibility of the country going bankrupt, fool.
Conroy last on the Vic senate paper.

Most of us dont even get to vote in Vic, cretin.

Rod Speed

B J Foster wrote
dechucka wrote


Fibre is perfect for inter-city and undersea links,

Its UNIVERSALLY used for inter exchange and for the connection to RIMs, CMUXes and wireless nodes as well.
it is stupid for the "last mile". Get that? Stupid.

Irrelevant to your stupid footshot on high speed rail.
Did I mention that using fibre to build faster fixed-line solution is stupid? Using fibre to build a faster fixed-line
solution is stupid. Just like running a high-speed train to your door. Got it? Stupid!

You never said a word about to your door, fuckwit.
Fibre is the most expensive conceivable solution for the "last mile".

It also deliver FAR more thruput than anything else does.
Only Labor idiots would overlook the obvious: Wireless is cheap

And you dont get anything like the same simultaneous thruput.

Easily fixed by not running the fibre on the poles, fool.
Instead of spending $43 billion on a white-elephant,

It aint a white elephant.
why not spend a mere $800 million on expanding port facilities?

Thats being done as well, fool.
It's a no-brainer.

You're a no brainer.
Labor idiots.

You're a terminal fuckwit.
Vote Conroy last on the Vic senate paper.

Most of us dont get to vote in Vic, fuckwit.


annily wrote

Thats a lie, hardly any of the copper is crap.

Not a lie, an opinion. OK, some of the copper connections are crap, and
copper won't last forever.
And that is a bare faced lie. Most dont even pay for the highest speed available on the copper.

Again not a lie. Many people DO want more than 24 Mbps. That's all I
said. Your statement ("most...) doesn't contradict mine.