Maker Pro
Maker Pro

$1b electric car infrastructure deal



David L. Jones said:
With great
courage and vision, the Detroit Electric Car Company launched its
competitor, one of which came to Australia, and continues in daily use in
the Gold Coast, with the only parts replaced in 105 years being tyres and
batteries – a remarkable testimonial to the simplicity, durability,
efficiency, and economy of Electric Vehicles (EVs) as compared with
Combustion Vehicles (CVs) usually enduring only for 1 or 2 decades.

Or simply testimony of how little milage it has covered in that time! (or
more likely a total load of bullshit)

I'd love to know why wheel bearings, instruments, seats and a hundred other
switches, controls and body parts should last forever just because a vehicle
is electric powered? And we all know electric motors always last forever
don't we, not to mention it's necessary control circuits :)

HOWEVER, in a similar manner the original ICV is still in working order too,
as well as many early CV's (Steam trains, Stevenson's Rockets, Stanley
Steamers etc.) and they're even older!
Maybe we should be burning our coal in steam vehicles again rather than in
electric power stations?.... or maybe not :)
