Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Re: History of bulk electronic components suppliers


Homer J Simpson

Salmon Egg said:
If you think electronic hobbyists are having trouble getting basic stuff
consider hobby chemists. With the incredibly stupid war on drugs and the
war's even more stupid means of enforcement it is virtually impossible to
buy simple chemicals such as acids. In some states, possessing chemical
glassware is becoming a felony. Laboratory supply houses like VWR are no
longer accessible. UPS is imposing incredibly high hazardous material
shipping charges. Suppliers, if you can find them, are loathe to sell
quantities to jerks who might sue them later.

If electronics still used vacuum tubes instead of semiconductors that
operate at much lower voltage, selling electronic stuff would open the
vendors to too much liability.

All part of the ongoing war on intelligence and knowledge? It looks like it
is the only one the US is winning!

John Larkin

I can buy gallons of hydrochloric and sulfuric acids at most any
hardware store or Home Depot. Ditto all sorts of organics. Some
specific Meth precursors are getting hard to buy, which is good...
meth does a lot of harm.

There are lots of mail-order lab-ware suppliers around. What states
are you referring to? Have they shut down all their school chem labs,
university chemistry departments, pharmacies, and pathology labs?

Tube-type (20 KV color) TV's are still on sale, as are plasma
displays, hv backlit LCDs, ionizers, copy machines, neon signs, bug
zappers, microwave ovens. And there are plenty of HV fets, diodes,
transformers, and power supplies in the Mouser catalog. All that
whining is uninformed nonsense.
All part of the ongoing war on intelligence and knowledge? It looks like it
is the only one the US is winning!

How many scientific Nobel prizes has Canada scored lately? I can't
remember seeing a Canadian electronic or scientific instrument that
looks worth buying. There certainly must be some, but there's no
obvious glaring intellectual advantage that Canada's advanced social
policies have created. You may dislike Americans, but to claim the US
is short on intelligence and knowledge is, well, stupid.



John said:
How many scientific Nobel prizes has Canada scored lately? I can't
remember seeing a Canadian electronic or scientific instrument that
looks worth buying. There certainly must be some, but there's no
obvious glaring intellectual advantage that Canada's advanced social
policies have created. You may dislike Americans, but to claim the US
is short on intelligence and knowledge is, well, stupid.

Could it be that instead military funding is also part research funding?


Barry Lennox

There's still lots of chemicals available over the counter under the
guise of industrial, common or trade names, you just have to hunt them
down. There's some websites that help.

Given the vast number of drug labs that they bust (and I guess that
might be the tip of the iceberg) restrictions on the procurement of
chemicals is an abject failure.

I understood posssion *without lawful excuse* was the offence. A home
chemical lab for experimenting surely is lawful Surely it's the same
as building a simple 555 timer, it could be used for experimenting,
hacking, learning, messing about, or; as a bomb timer. Does that mean
that possession of 555's is a felony?


martin griffith

A boom with some servo motors? I wouldn't buy one.

Good point, I dont need one either.

They must have done something....


martin griffith

On Mon, 12 Feb 2007 11:29:27 +1300, in Barry
Lennox said:
as building a simple 555 timer, it could be used for experimenting,
hacking, learning, messing about, or; as a bomb timer. Does that mean
that possession of 555's is a felony?

Ask Boston ;-)


Homer J Simpson

You may dislike Americans, but to claim the US
is short on intelligence and knowledge is, well, stupid.

To assess public opinion on creationism, Gallup asked:

Which of the following statements comes closest to your views on the origin
and development of human beings?
1) Human beings have developed over millions of years from less advanced
forms of life, but God guided this process,
2) Human beings have developed over millions of years from less advanced
forms of life, but God had no part in this process,
3) God created human beings pretty much in their present form at one time
within the last 10,000 years or so?

Polled in November 2004, 38% of respondents chose (1), 13% chose (2), 45%
chose (3), and 4% offered a different or no opinion. These results are also
similar to those from previous Gallup polls, which extend back to 1982.

83% think it was a god? The war on intelligence and knowledge has been won!


Sixth-Grader Gets Perfect SAT Math Score

TaeHun Kim Takes Geometry Class At Campus Middle School

DENVER -- A sixth-grader at Campus Middle School is getting big kudos for
getting a perfect score on the math portion of his SATs.

TaeHun Kim scored an 800 on the math portion of the SAT, which he took in
January at Cherry Creek High School.

"Few high school students achieve a perfect SAT score, but Tae's
accomplishing that feat as a sixth-grader is rare indeed. Testing is not
completed for 2005-2006; however, last year, no sixth or seventh grade
student in the seven western states served by the Rocky Mountain Talent
Search scored 800. An average score for the talented sixth-graders eligible
to take the SAT was 452," said Cherry Creek Schools spokeswoman Tustin
Amole. "Last year, Tae took the PLUS test and achieved the highest math,
verbal, and composite scores in the region."

Kim is currently in an eighth grade honors geometry class at Campus Middle

"Tae amazes me with his incredible mathematical mind. He typically sees
several ways to solve problems. I'm sure we will continue to see great
things from him in the years to come," said Kim's geometry teacher Tim

Kim is also a member of the school's Mathcounts team, but his interests
extend beyond math, school officials said.

"He enjoys video games, origami, chess, and Anime and reads with the same
passion he brings to his math studies," Amole said.

John Larkin

To assess public opinion on creationism, Gallup asked:

Which of the following statements comes closest to your views on the origin
and development of human beings?
1) Human beings have developed over millions of years from less advanced
forms of life, but God guided this process,
2) Human beings have developed over millions of years from less advanced
forms of life, but God had no part in this process,
3) God created human beings pretty much in their present form at one time
within the last 10,000 years or so?

Polled in November 2004, 38% of respondents chose (1), 13% chose (2), 45%
chose (3), and 4% offered a different or no opinion. These results are also
similar to those from previous Gallup polls, which extend back to 1982.

83% think it was a god? The war on intelligence and knowledge has been won!

Why do you have such contempt for ordinary people and their beliefs?
Are Canadians much different? Do you have similar contempt for
Buddhists and Intuits and everybody else with spiritual beliefs?

I don't believe much of that stuff, but I sure don't feel superior,
much less mocking, to those that do. Actually, I rather envy them
having something bigger than themselves that they can believe in.

Well, what do you believe in? Cartoon animation?

Sixth-Grader Gets Perfect SAT Math Score

TaeHun Kim Takes Geometry Class At Campus Middle School

DENVER -- A sixth-grader at Campus Middle School is getting big kudos for
getting a perfect score on the math portion of his SATs.

TaeHun Kim scored an 800 on the math portion of the SAT, which he took in
January at Cherry Creek High School.

"Few high school students achieve a perfect SAT score, but Tae's
accomplishing that feat as a sixth-grader is rare indeed. Testing is not
completed for 2005-2006; however, last year, no sixth or seventh grade
student in the seven western states served by the Rocky Mountain Talent
Search scored 800. An average score for the talented sixth-graders eligible
to take the SAT was 452," said Cherry Creek Schools spokeswoman Tustin
Amole. "Last year, Tae took the PLUS test and achieved the highest math,
verbal, and composite scores in the region."

Kim is currently in an eighth grade honors geometry class at Campus Middle

"Tae amazes me with his incredible mathematical mind. He typically sees
several ways to solve problems. I'm sure we will continue to see great
things from him in the years to come," said Kim's geometry teacher Tim

Kim is also a member of the school's Mathcounts team, but his interests
extend beyond math, school officials said.

"He enjoys video games, origami, chess, and Anime and reads with the same
passion he brings to his math studies," Amole said.

I got an 800 on my math SAT (but only 720 on the verbal) but that was
before they dumbed it down. Taking multiple-choice tests like this is
a peculiar talent.



John said:
How many scientific Nobel prizes has Canada scored lately?

Since 1990..

Bertram N. Brockhouse, Physics, 1994
Rudolph Marcus*, Chemistry, 1992
Michael Smith, United Kingdom, Chemistry, 1993
Richard E. Taylor, Physics, 1990


Homer J Simpson

Why do you have such contempt for ordinary people and their beliefs?
Are Canadians much different? Do you have similar contempt for
Buddhists and Intuits and everybody else with spiritual beliefs?

What the hell is wrong with YOU? Why are you so threatened by even the
slightest criticism, but feel perfectly OK criticizing every other country
on earth, not to mention bombing the shit out of many at various times?
That's the sign of a very immature people. What next? You'll copy the
Germans and declare you are the master race?

For a nation who noisily flaunts your principles in everyone else's face you
sure don't like to stand up for them.
I don't believe much of that stuff, but I sure don't feel superior,
much less mocking, to those that do. Actually, I rather envy them
having something bigger than themselves that they can believe in.

Why is being delusional better than being rational? You may believe your
asshole is the centre of the universe but don't expect me to worship it - or
give it a tax deduction. I'd rather give a tax deduction to doughnut shops -
they serve a useful purpose.
Well, what do you believe in? Cartoon animation?

I've seen animated cartoons. They exist.

John Larkin

What the hell is wrong with YOU? Why are you so threatened by even the
slightest criticism, but feel perfectly OK criticizing every other country
on earth, not to mention bombing the shit out of many at various times?
That's the sign of a very immature people. What next? You'll copy the
Germans and declare you are the master race?

For the record, I have never criticized every other country on earth
(actually, very few of them, although I hear Tierra del Fuego is
unpleasant most of the time) and I have never blown up anything bigger
than an M80.
For a nation who noisily flaunts your principles in everyone else's face you
sure don't like to stand up for them.

You can't accuse 300 million people, who elect a new government every
few years, of sustained hypocracy. Well, actually, you do.


Michael Black

Homer J Simpson" ([email protected]) said:
All part of the ongoing war on intelligence and knowledge? It looks like it
is the only one the US is winning!
Of course, what you should have said is "I don't care about the original
topic of this thread, I'll reply to make some commentary, and cross-post
it to in addition to the original
sci.electronics.components because I'm more interested in this off-topic
stuff than in commenting in the original newsgroup about the original

Sometims not saying anything is more effective than trying to chime into
every thread.


John Larkin

Since 1990..

Bertram N. Brockhouse, Physics, 1994

Half, shared with someone from another country.
Rudolph Marcus*, Chemistry, 1992

Now a US citizen, at Caltech.
Michael Smith, United Kingdom, Chemistry, 1993

UK? Half, again shared with a non-Canadian.
Richard E. Taylor, Physics, 1990

1/3, shared ditto; affiliated with Stanford University.

I don't mean to bash Canada, a nice place with very nice people, but
when a Canadian claims that the US is "part of the ongoing war on
intelligence and knowledge" I get a little skeptical. This is the same
guy who bashes Americans for being fat but won't say how much he

Guess which country all those Nobels were shared with?



I got an 800 on my math SAT (but only 720 on the verbal) but that was
before they dumbed it down.
I got the very same scores as you did (800/720) in 1993(the scoring
adjustment came a year or two after that).

Michael A. Terrell

martin said:

That's the prototype of the one they built to change Homer's
diapers. When they say 500 pounds, they mean it. They won't hold an
extra ounce.

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida
Why do you have such contempt for ordinary people and their beliefs?
Are Canadians much different? Do you have similar contempt for
Buddhists and Intuits and everybody else with spiritual beliefs?

One can criticise ordinary people when they believe claims for which
there is absolutely no objective evidence.
The usual criticism is to call them gullible, and point ot that they
are being deluded by religious leaders who make a nice income out of
peddling this kind of rubbish.

I don't believe much of that stuff, but I sure don't feel superior,
much less mocking, to those that do. Actually, I rather envy them
having something bigger than themselves that they can believe in.

What are they believing in that is bigger than themselves? You've
measured a god recently?
Well, what do you believe in? Cartoon animation?

Cartoon animations do exist. Their relation to reality isn't all that
direct, but then again, nobody is being asked to worship them, or to
support missionaries who go out and try to persuade other suckers to
worship them.

Homer J Simpson

I don't mean to bash Canada, a nice place with very nice people, but
when a Canadian claims that the US is "part of the ongoing war on
intelligence and knowledge" I get a little skeptical. This is the same
guy who bashes Americans for being fat but won't say how much he

Guess which country all those Nobels were shared with?

Read the history of the discovery of insulin. Compare with US 'drug