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Please Assist: Help Requested for EDTN

  • Thread starter Green Xenon [Radium]
  • Start date


Green Xenon said:
Easy for you to say when you’re not frustrated and desperate for the
correct answer.

Imagine our frustration at your inability to see the answer right in front of
your nose !



Al said:
Looks like Bowey's error this time.

Google helpfully offers you this option ....
Did you mean: "tte directive"

Which delivers the required results.

How Radium could fail to see that is beyond my comprehension. Then again he seems
incapable of thinking for himself and wants to be spoon-fed.


Green Xenon [Radium]

Don said:
On 9/28/07 6:45 PM, in article [email protected],
Why do you think that?

Because usually it would. Not always but usually.
No, but I found a good reference to European Deaf Telephone (EDT).

Thanks but I already know about EDT. What does EDTN stand for?
According to what I found, the Swiss use the ETN protocol of V.18. Here is
a list you might want:

€ Baudot @ 45.45 baud (U.S. TTYs)
€ Baudot @ 50 baud (used in England, Australia, and some other
countries; also known as "international" Baudot)
€ V.21/text telephone version (used in Sweden, Norway, and Finland).
€ DTMF (used in Denmark, Holland, and some other countries)
€ EDT ("European Deaf Telephone," used in Germany, Austria,
Switzerland, and several other countries)

Thanks but I already knew all of the above. I would like to know what
EDTN stands for. Why does a simple question have to get so complicated?
If you would apply yourself, you could know all.......

Maybe you should look for a terminal program that is compatible with the
protocols in the list. Then you could listen to them all you wish. Just
don't come back here asking us to find it for you.

I've tried asking which always rejects my EDTN questions.
I've also tried asking which often respond with "This
is out of my expertise".

After doing my own toilsome research and even asking those so-called
"experts", I am still not able to find what the EDTN acronym stands for.

This is why my posts are not so polite.

Don Bowey

Because usually it would. Not always but usually.

Thanks but I already know about EDT. What does EDTN stand for?

Thanks but I already knew all of the above. I would like to know what
EDTN stands for. Why does a simple question have to get so complicated?

Why are you still asking this, when you now say all you want to know is the
meaning of EDTN? You have been given the essential parts to know the
I've tried asking which always rejects my EDTN questions.
I've also tried asking which often respond with "This
is out of my expertise".

After doing my own toilsome research and even asking those so-called
"experts", I am still not able to find what the EDTN acronym stands for.

Perhaps it is because you want the answer to be phrased a certain way, and
you are unwilling to see it in it's parts.
This is why my posts are not so polite.

That is a poor excuse. I asked a doctor friend about AS..... It should be
within your ability to control yourself better.

Green Xenon [Radium]

Don said:
Don Bowey wrote:

On 9/28/07 6:45 PM, in article [email protected],
"Green Xenon [Radium]" <[email protected]> wrote:
If EDTN stood for ÑEuropean Deaf Telephone NetworkÇ, then my search"European+Deaf+Telephone+Network"&b
would describe how EDTN works and provide me with EDTN numbers which I
could dial so I could listen to EDTN tones from Switzerland!!!!!!!!!!
Why do you think that?

Because usually it would. Not always but usually.

Sadly, EDTN does not stand for ÑEuropean Deaf Telephone
NetworkÇ when relating to textphone terminology.
No, but I found a good reference to European Deaf Telephone (EDT).

Thanks but I already know about EDT. What does EDTN stand for?

Dial 1-800-543-1586 and you'll hear the American TDD tones I am talking
about. This is an example of a TDD number used in the United States. I
want to hear the Swiss-equivalent of TDD.
According to what I found, the Swiss use the ETN protocol of V.18. Here is
a list you might want:

ú Baudot @ 45.45 baud (U.S. TTYs)
ú Baudot @ 50 baud (used in England, Australia, and some other
countries; also known as "international" Baudot)
ú V.21/text telephone version (used in Sweden, Norway, and Finland).
ú DTMF (used in Denmark, Holland, and some other countries)
ú EDT ("European Deaf Telephone," used in Germany, Austria,
Switzerland, and several other countries)

Thanks but I already knew all of the above. I would like to know what
EDTN stands for. Why does a simple question have to get so complicated?

What modulation scheme does EDTN use? FSK? QAM? Something else? What?

Why are you still asking this,

I am not.
when you now say all you want to know is the
meaning of EDTN? You have been given the essential parts to know the

No I haven't been given the essential parts.
Perhaps it is because you want the answer to be phrased a certain way, and
you are unwilling to see it in it's parts.

I strongly doubt that. I think the answer is there somewhere [1 out of
10-the-power-10-billion places] but it is extremely difficult to find
because there aren't enough sources to make this answer readily
available. This due to the fact that I am one of the extremely small
minorities of the human population who is actually-interested in EDTN.
The majority simply don't care.

Or [and equally anger-causing for me], the EDTN is a company secret.
Those sick f--ks who make up the company that designed EDTN want to keep
EDTN classified so that no regular person knows about what it "codes"
for or how it works.

I suspect it's probably something that company is going to keep secret
from us. Sick f---scums.

Usually with protocols like EDTN -- where there isn't much info, I might
suspect that someone [or a lot of someones] is/are attempting to cover
up a type of technology.

I then get extremely curious angry and want to forcibly get information
as to how what the EDTN stands for and how it works and possible EDTN
phone numbers. I want to torture the designers -- into providing me the
information. Its only human nature to want something you know you can't

I am so upset now that I want to find whoever designed EDTN and force
them [at oxy-acetylene-blowtorch point] to provide me with information
regarding what EDTN stands for [in relation to textphones], technical
specs of EDTN, and EDTN phones numbers of Switzerland. If they refuse,
I'd like to scorch their skins until they are white and foamy like the
foam produce by heating Parmasen cheese to sizzling point.
That is a poor excuse. I asked a doctor friend about AS..... It should be
within your ability to control yourself better.

This ain't much -- if anything -- to do with AS. I was just in an
extremely bad mood.

Richard Dobson

Try this:

Scroll down far enough and you will find "Annex C -- EDT Operational Mode".

The trick seems to be to search not on "EDTN" but on ITU and "V.18".
Also V.21.

It in unlikely that anyone has posted recordings of ring tones on the
net, as it would probably never occur to anyone to do that. So it may
well be that you will yourself be the one to do that (assuming it
doesn't contravene any legal stuff), and fill a major gap in web provision!

This page:

indicates EDT is only used in Germany and Italy; which might explain why
references on English-language pages are so hard to find; and why most
people on these lists (!) don't know much about it either, but are happy
to waste time and bandwidth displaying theier rudeness styles in public.

So don't imagine for one second that anyone on these lists will be
prepared to explain any of the jargon on these and other pages. Best to
find some real physical person you can talk to about over a cup of tea
or something. So it will depend where you are in the real world.
Gallaudet University seems to be a specialist in this area:

See for example on that site:

This document also turned up:

It has 77 references to "EDT".

So it may well supply rather more than you wanted to know!

Richard Dobson

Jerry Avins

Don Bowey wrote:

That is a poor excuse. I asked a doctor friend about AS..... It should be
within your ability to control yourself better.

It should have been within my grandson's ability to cut up his own food
at age ten. He had to be taught and shown that it was.


Green Xenon [Radium]

Richard said:
Try this:

Scroll down far enough and you will find "Annex C -- EDT Operational Mode".

Thanks but I already read that same stuff on another website.
The trick seems to be to search not on "EDTN" but on ITU and "V.18".
Also V.21.
This page:

indicates EDT is only used in Germany and Italy; which might explain why
references on English-language pages are so hard to find; and why most
people on these lists (!) don't know much about it either, but are happy
to waste time and bandwidth displaying theier rudeness styles in public.

So don't imagine for one second that anyone on these lists will be
prepared to explain any of the jargon on these and other pages. Best to
find some real physical person you can talk to about over a cup of tea
or something. So it will depend where you are in the real world.

The sick f--ks on those lists want interested individuals like me to

Anyways, EDT is also used in Switzerland.
Gallaudet University seems to be a specialist in this area:

See for example on that site:

This document also turned up:

It has 77 references to "EDT".

So it may well supply rather more than you wanted to know!

Do you think Gallaudet University will answer my question as to what
EDTN stands for?

Richard Dobson

Green said:
Do you think Gallaudet University will answer my question as to what
EDTN stands for?

No idea. Find a contact there and ask them directly. I never even heard
of them before I did that search. As far as I can see, EDT and EDTN are
in effect synonyms. EDTN seems to be the term provided to users in
consumer equipment blurb (maybe four letters is cool, three is uncool).
Seems to me that once you have got all the info you can about EDT, you
will find you have it for EDTN as well.

Richard Dobson

Al in Dallas

No idea. Find a contact there and ask them directly. I never even heard
of them before I did that search. As far as I can see, EDT and EDTN are
in effect synonyms. EDTN seems to be the term provided to users in
consumer equipment blurb (maybe four letters is cool, three is uncool).
Seems to me that once you have got all the info you can about EDT, you
will find you have it for EDTN as well.

Most people 'round these here parts figure Radium is a troll and not
and honest inquirer. Just FYI.

Jerry Avins

Al said:
Most people 'round these here parts figure Radium is a troll and not
and honest inquirer. Just FYI.

I'm ready to believe that Radium is just a spoiled kid, sufficiently
taken with his intellectual power to believe (despite what experts tell
him/her) that one can reproduce music with one sample per second and
1/100th of a bit per sample. He knows that there hasn't been a decent
sound card made since FM synthesis went out of style, and who hasn't yet
been trained to go out in public. He may be housebroken, but he's not
"crowdbroken". I've seen it up close and dealt with it. The condition is
remediable if he/she wants remediation, but he/she doesn't seem to.
He/she's probably not really trolling, but we might as well deal with
him/her as if he/she is.


Green Xenon [Radium]

Jerry said:
I'm ready to believe that Radium is just a spoiled kid, sufficiently
taken with his intellectual power to believe (despite what experts tell
him/her) that one can reproduce music with one sample per second and
1/100th of a bit per sample.

I use to believe that music can be reproduced with one sample per second
1/100th of a bit per sample until I was taught differently by experts.
This was during December of '03. I've since been aware that it is
impossible. You can't have less than 1-bit-per-sample. In addition,
there is no such thing as a fractional bit.
He knows that there hasn't been a decent
sound card made since FM synthesis went out of style, and who hasn't yet
been trained to go out in public.

Speaking of FM synthesis and sound cards.

Check out these two messages:

Richard Dobson

Green Xenon [Radium] wrote:
Speaking of FM synthesis and sound cards.

Check out these two messages:

Well of course that's all very familiar. And it would not be regarded as
"information" by most other people. You just have to understand that no
single opinion can possibly fit the tastes and needs of everyone. And
commercial companies have to meet the needs of the majority (a primary
need of which is "novelty") or they go out of business. You have a very
minority need for a commercially obsolete product. The trick therefore
is to learn enough about the technology to engineer your own version,
hardware or emulated. People have done this for other beloved audio
chips from old 6502-based computers etc. And if your tastes and opinions
do not develop and even change over time, life for you will be very dull.

"Better to light a lamp than curse the dardkness", and all that.

Richard Dobson


Green Xenon said:
I use to believe that music can be reproduced with one sample per second
1/100th of a bit per sample until I was taught differently by experts.

If you had as little as half a clue you could have found out why for yourself by
doing some minimal 'research'. Instead you insist on asking absurd quesions in
the hope of being spoon-fed the answers.

It's tiresome in the extreme.


Green Xenon [Radium]

If you had as little as half a clue you could have found out why for yourself by
doing some minimal 'research'. Instead you insist on asking absurd quesions in
the hope of being spoon-fed the answers.

It's tiresome in the extreme.

I already found the answer to this 4 years ago. Okay, 3.5 years ago.
Bits cannot be fractional and there can't be less than 1-bit/sample.

However, this is history. Its the past and its gone. I know realize my
mistake. More importantly, its totally irrelevant to EDTN.

Don Bowey

I already found the answer to this 4 years ago. Okay, 3.5 years ago.
Bits cannot be fractional and there can't be less than 1-bit/sample.

However, this is history. Its the past and its gone. I know realize my
mistake. More importantly, its totally irrelevant to EDTN.

But you still want to be spoon-fed.

The answer is out there if you will use your head. You cannot expect to
find it by searching on "EDTN"; you, personally, have made it almost
impossible with your *very* frequent, numerous posts. You must connect some
dots and be logical, not emotional, about the answer.

Green Xenon [Radium]

Richard said:
The trick therefore
is to learn enough about the technology to engineer your own version,

Oh and just how the !$!#%$ do I learn about this technology when
Creative-Technology -- being the sick f**k it is -- is keeping the
technical info of Creative Music Synth a secret???!!!

As you might have seen in the link I posted. I describe how I politely
asked them about information on Creative Music Synth. One person named
"Catherina" responded. This was the only reply I ever got to my
question. Before I read the reply, I was jubilant. I was extremely
optimistic and thought that person would assist me and tell me how
Creative Music Synth works and other wonderful technical details. I
couldn't have been more wrong.

The message by the Cathy b!+C# read "I've removed this message and any
similar messages because you posted them to more than one forum"

I was so upset and disappointed. I just wanted to find out where that
piece of Kathy human kakaa lives and burn her alive -- along with the
rest of Creative Technology.

F--k Creative Technology. F--k them for their crappy customer service.
F--k them for not talking to me about Creative Music Synth -- despite me
politely asking them and waiting patiently several times.

I hope Creative Technology dies the slowest, most painful, yet surest
death possible. I hope they are humiliated beyond imagination prior to
their execution.

I am so enraged at them that I feel like busting into their stations
with an oxyacetylene flame-thrower and forcing them -- with threats of
extreme skin-scalding torture -- to provide me with all the info about
Creative Music Synth. If they refuse, then I would like to scorch their
skins with yellow oxyacetylene flames until they die from pain-induced
shock. OTOH, I'd rather not stoop to their sub-fecal level as I don't
want to get pregnant with bubbas' kids.

Creative Technology = scumbag excuse for a company.

Despite what I've said above, I am an extremely compassionate and caring
individual. Philosophically, I can't justify vengeance. However, I
really have a hard time not wishing harm on cold-hearted scum like
Creative Technology and its "Catherina".

Al in Dallas

If you had as little as half a clue you could have found out why for yourself by
doing some minimal 'research'. Instead you insist on asking absurd quesions in
the hope of being spoon-fed the answers.

It's tiresome in the extreme.

Amen! (Or do I mean "AOL"? :) )