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Please Assist: Help Requested for EDTN

  • Thread starter Green Xenon [Radium]
  • Start date

Green Xenon [Radium]

Richard said:
Using *_ONLY_* information from his "Fri, 28 Sep 2007 11:04:03 -0700"
post and spending approximately 10 minutes with Google I came up with 10
URL's of agencies/firms which would be able to answer ANY legitimate
question or be willing/able to "tell him where to go"

Will you please show examples of those “10 URL's of agencies/firms”?

Richard Owlett

Green said:
Will you please show examples of those “10 URL's of agencies/firms”?

If I could do it on *ONE* try using _ONLY_ info from *YOUR* post,

WHY CAN'T YOU???????????????????????????????????????
Will you please show examples of those "10 URL's of agencies/firms"?

No. Do it yourself, for once.

Time and again people have tried to help you and you have
abjectly refused to then do the work you want done. You're a lazy,
annoying, stubborn pain in the ass.

Many participate in forums like this because they want
to help others purely out of a sense of altruism. You, Radium,
have a unique ability of squandering any sense of altruism
that people may have had towards you because of your
continued selfish, self-centered, rude demanding, whining

People give you directions on how to do things and you
out and out refuse to follow them. Is it any wonder why people
lose patience with you? Do you REALLY not understand
why, when you act like a complete ass, you are treated like
a complete ass?

You claimed at one point to have Asberger's syndrom.
Find, sorry to hear that. But that's YOUR problem, and
you've made it ours. As far as any of us are concerned,
you are simply using AN as an excuse for your continued
bad behavior and to get out of the responsibility for its

If you do indeed have AS, then it's your responsibility to
get treated for it and not spread your misery on the rest
of humanity. Until such time as you are ready to take
the responsibility and the action needed, go away,
or be prepared to be dealt with as you have.

Basically, you have problems and questions. You have
demonstrated that NONE of your problems and
questions have technical solutions or answers. Thus,
it would be a wise course for you to stop posting in technical
forums. It's a complete waste of everyone's time trying
to decode your nonsense and see if there is any real
content to your blithering. And, incidently, it seems to be
a waste of your effort as well, not that anyone cares.

You are, regrettably, a model of the old teaching-a-pig-
to-sing metaphor:

"Teaching a pig to sing is a doubly frustrating
pursuit: it's a huge amount of effort with no
possible reward, and it only succeeds in pissing
off the pig."

Now, go away, get medicated, get counseling, whatever.
Just go away.


Richard said:
If I could do it on *ONE* try using _ONLY_ info from *YOUR* post,

WHY CAN'T YOU???????????????????????????????????????

Because then he wouldn't be able to play this game with you.


Jerry Avins

Richard said:
Jerry said:

Where did you hear of your particular combination of letters? Isn't
that a good place to start if you want to track down its meaning? You
seem to have an idea that it's a kind of telephone service for people
with a particular disability. That's pretty specific. What makes you
think so?


Using *_ONLY_* information from his "Fri, 28 Sep 2007 11:04:03 -0700"
post and spending approximately 10 minutes with Google I came up with 10
URL's of agencies/firms which would be able to answer ANY legitimate
question or be willing/able to "tell him where to go" [intentional
double entendre]. The majority of sources are either commercial or
governmental sites. Remainder appear to be charitable sites.

All he would probably need would be a cogent reason for asking.

My grandson has (had?) Asperger's. His mother, a neatnik, did for him
everything that might be messy. When he was ten years old, She dropped
dead while preparing supper as he watched. His grandmother -- we weren't
yet married -- rushed to help pick up the pieces, and made him pancakes
for breakfast at his request. He just sat and looked at them. It turned
out that he was waiting for her to cut them up. She handed him a knife
and his education began. I first met him when she brought him to our
house a week later for a brief stay. His first act on walking through
the door was to yank my beard and announce "It's real". He had a lot of
things to learn.

He's a senior in college now, and has been living on his own for over
three years. He's learned a lot. There's hope for Radium too if he
doesn't get his pancaked cut up for him.


Green Xenon [Radium]

Don said:
You should not have stopped.

Google "tte directive""tte+directive"+&btnG=Google+Search

Checked the 1st 10 pages. Absolutely nothing about EDTN!!!!

Checked EDTN with "tte directive" below

Absolutely nothing at all!!!!

I hate to be so rude and demanding but WTF is going on

WTF don’t the websites about
Telecommunications-Terminal-Equipment-Directive say
anything about

Before I actually did a search on "tte directive", I was extremely
optimistic and had a positive attitude that the search would tell me
what EDTN stands for [in relation to TTYs], the technical specs about
EDTN, and perhaps some EDTN numbers I could dial to listen to the
desirable tones. I was so f---------------king wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now I am extremely upset and

None of those sites told me what EDTN stands

I wish EDTN stood for “European Deaf Telephone Network” but it doesn’t.
My wish is way way way too good to ever be true. If EDTN stood for
“European Deaf Telephone Network”, then that would make life way too

If EDTN stood for “European Deaf Telephone Network”, then my search"European+Deaf+Telephone+Network"&btnG=Google+Search
would have yielded the results I am looking for.

If EDTN stood for “European Deaf Telephone Network”, then my search"European+Deaf+Telephone+Network"&btnG=Google+Search
would show a lot more information than just my previous posts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If EDTN stood for “European Deaf Telephone Network”, then my search"European+Deaf+Telephone+Network"&btnG=Google+Search
would describe how EDTN works and provide me with EDTN numbers which I
could dial so I could listen to EDTN tones from Switzerland!!!!!!!!!!

Unfortunately, reality -- being the sick sadistic f--k it is -- decides
otherwise. Sadly, EDTN does not stand for “European Deaf Telephone
Network” when relating to textphone terminology.

So just WTF does EDTN stand for?

Also, WTF can I find EDTN phone numbers so I can dial them and listen to
those frightening-yet-enjoyable EDTN tones from

I've never actually listened to EDTN tones but I'm 100% sure I'll enjoy
it. I've listened to American TDD tones by dialing local TDD numbers.

Dial 1-800-543-1586 and you'll hear the American TDD tones I am talking
about. This is an example of a TDD number used in the United States. I
want to hear the Swiss-equivalent of TDD.

What modulation scheme does EDTN use? FSK? QAM? Something else? What?

nobody >

Green said:
I've never actually listened to EDTN tones but I'm 100% sure I'll enjoy
it. I've listened to American TDD tones by dialing local TDD numbers.

I'll bet the National Federation for the Blind (or some other agency )
is just thrilled by your tying up a line while you get your tonal rocks

Why don't you get a pair of function generators and beat them together?
Who just might find your personal nirvana noise.

Now go back in your k00klair and leave us alone.

Don Bowey

IanB said:
On Fri, 28 Sep 2007 12:26:29 -0700, "Green Xenon [Radium]"
Specifically, where did you find
that EDTN is ³European Deaf Telephone Network²?
I didn't. The "Network" bit was in brackets because I meant, but
forgot, to put a question mark in there as well.

So, IOW, you don't know for sure that EDTN equates to ³European Deaf
Telephone Network²? I was afraid that would happen.

Whenever I've asked about EDTN [in relation to TDD], anyone who does
give an answer does not seem to know whether it is 100% correct. So my
suspicion was confirmed. !#%!$

Not trying to be a nuisance but I¹m going crazy because of the
difficulty in answering my question.

Anyways, I am going to read the "TTE directive" and hopefully it will
answer my question.

And you need to know that not all terms are common to an industry, and may
be used by a single company in their literature..

Green Xenon [Radium]

Don Bowey wrote :
Google "tte directive"

The TTED is a piece of stinky human kakaa which stinks like the stinky
thick, foamy, tickly, itchy, hissy, sticky, terrifying, disgusting,
annoying diarrhea kakaa foam of a human who eats stale, fat-free cheddar
cheese, rotten lentils, fig newtons, and farty cauliflower along with
his/her kakaa."tte+directive"+&btnG=Google+Search

Checked the 1st 10 pages. Absolutely nothing about EDTN!!!!

Checked EDTN with "tte directive" below

Absolutely nothing at all!!!!

I hate to be so rude and demanding but WTF is going on

WTF don’t the websites about
Telecommunications-Terminal-Equipment-Directive say
anything about

Before I actually did a search on "tte directive", I was extremely
optimistic and had a positive attitude that the search would tell me
what EDTN stands for [in relation to TTYs], the technical specs about
EDTN, and perhaps some EDTN numbers I could dial to listen to the
desirable tones. I was so f---------------king wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now I am extremely upset and

None of those sites told me what EDTN stands

I wish EDTN stood for “European Deaf Telephone Network” but it doesn’t.
My wish is way way way too good to ever be true. If EDTN stood for
“European Deaf Telephone Network”, then that would make life way too

If EDTN stood for “European Deaf Telephone Network”, then my search"European+Deaf+Telephone+Network"&btnG=Google+Search
would have yielded the results I am looking for.

If EDTN stood for “European Deaf Telephone Network”, then my search"European+Deaf+Telephone+Network"&btnG=Google+Search
would show a lot more information than just my previous posts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If EDTN stood for “European Deaf Telephone Network”, then my search"European+Deaf+Telephone+Network"&btnG=Google+Search
would describe how EDTN works and provide me with EDTN numbers which I
could dial so I could listen to EDTN tones from Switzerland!!!!!!!!!!

Unfortunately, reality -- being the sick sadistic f--k it is -- decides
otherwise. Sadly, EDTN does not stand for “European Deaf Telephone
Network” when relating to textphone terminology.

So just WTF does EDTN stand for?

Also, WTF can I find EDTN phone numbers so I can dial them and listen to
those frightening-yet-enjoyable EDTN tones from

I've never actually listened to EDTN tones but I'm 100% sure I'll enjoy
it. I've listened to American TDD tones by dialing local TDD numbers.

Dial 1-800-543-1586 and you'll hear the American TDD tones I am talking
about. This is an example of a TDD number used in the United States. I
want to hear the Swiss-equivalent of TDD.

What modulation scheme does EDTN use? FSK? QAM? Something else? What?

Jerry Avins

Green Xenon [Radium] wrote:

The TTED is a piece of stinky human ...

You need to get those tantrums under control if you want to converse
with adults.


Green Xenon [Radium]

Don said:
IanB wrote:

Specifically, where did you find
that EDTN is ³European Deaf Telephone Network²?
I didn't. The "Network" bit was in brackets because I meant, but
forgot, to put a question mark in there as well.

So, IOW, you don't know for sure that EDTN equates to ³European Deaf
Telephone Network²? I was afraid that would happen.

Whenever I've asked about EDTN [in relation to TDD], anyone who does
give an answer does not seem to know whether it is 100% correct. So my
suspicion was confirmed. !#%!$

Not trying to be a nuisance but I¹m going crazy because of the
difficulty in answering my question.

Anyways, I am going to read the "TTE directive" and hopefully it will
answer my question.

And you need to know that not all terms are common to an industry, and may
be used by a single company in their literature..

Dude. I still haven't found out what EDTN means in terms of

Okay. I still haven't found out what EDTN means in terms of

The TTED is a piece of stinky human kakaa which stinks like the stinky
thick, foamy, tickly, itchy, hissy, sticky, terrifying, disgusting,
annoying diarrhea kakaa foam of a human who eats stale, fat-free cheddar
cheese, rotten lentils, fig newtons, and farty cauliflower along with
his/her kakaa."tte+directive"+&btnG=Google+Search

Checked the 1st 10 pages. Absolutely nothing about EDTN!!!!

Checked EDTN with "tte directive" below

Absolutely nothing at all!!!!

I hate to be so rude and demanding but WTF is going on

WTF don’t the websites about
Telecommunications-Terminal-Equipment-Directive say
anything about

Before I actually did a search on "tte directive", I was extremely
optimistic and had a positive attitude that the search would tell me
what EDTN stands for [in relation to TTYs], the technical specs about
EDTN, and perhaps some EDTN numbers I could dial to listen to the
desirable tones. I was so f---------------king wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now I am extremely upset and

None of those sites told me what EDTN stands

I wish EDTN stood for “European Deaf Telephone Network” but it doesn’t.
My wish is way way way too good to ever be true. If EDTN stood for
“European Deaf Telephone Network”, then that would make life way too

If EDTN stood for “European Deaf Telephone Network”, then my search"European+Deaf+Telephone+Network"&btnG=Google+Search
would have yielded the results I am looking for.

If EDTN stood for “European Deaf Telephone Network”, then my search"European+Deaf+Telephone+Network"&btnG=Google+Search
would show a lot more information than just my previous posts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If EDTN stood for “European Deaf Telephone Network”, then my search"European+Deaf+Telephone+Network"&btnG=Google+Search
would describe how EDTN works and provide me with EDTN numbers which I
could dial so I could listen to EDTN tones from Switzerland!!!!!!!!!!

Unfortunately, reality -- being the sick sadistic f--k it is -- decides
otherwise. Sadly, EDTN does not stand for “European Deaf Telephone
Network” when relating to textphone terminology.

So just WTF does EDTN stand for?

Also, WTF can I find EDTN phone numbers so I can dial them and listen to
those frightening-yet-enjoyable EDTN tones from

I've never actually listened to EDTN tones but I'm 100% sure I'll enjoy
it. I've listened to American TDD tones by dialing local TDD numbers.

Dial 1-800-543-1586 and you'll hear the American TDD tones I am talking
about. This is an example of a TDD number used in the United States. I
want to hear the Swiss-equivalent of TDD.

What modulation scheme does EDTN use? FSK? QAM? Something else? What?

Don Bowey

If EDTN stood for ³European Deaf Telephone Network², then my search"European+Deaf+Telephone+Network"&btn
would describe how EDTN works and provide me with EDTN numbers which I
could dial so I could listen to EDTN tones from Switzerland!!!!!!!!!!

Why do you think that? Just because you WANT it to do that for you, doesn't
mean it MUST or WILL. If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.

Unfortunately, reality -- being the sick sadistic f--k it is -- decides

Reality is merely what it is where you recognize it. It is neither good nor
bad, but may be perceived as either.
Sadly, EDTN does not stand for ³European Deaf Telephone
Network² when relating to textphone terminology.

No, but I found a good reference to European Deaf Telephone (EDT).
So just WTF does EDTN stand for?

Also, WTF can I find EDTN phone numbers so I can dial them and listen to
those frightening-yet-enjoyable EDTN tones from

I've never actually listened to EDTN tones but I'm 100% sure I'll enjoy
it. I've listened to American TDD tones by dialing local TDD numbers.

Perhaps they are similar, or identical.

I hope you do not find any numbers. You would be an insufferable pest.
Dial 1-800-543-1586 and you'll hear the American TDD tones I am talking
about. This is an example of a TDD number used in the United States. I
want to hear the Swiss-equivalent of TDD.

According to what I found, the Swiss use the ETN protocol of V.18. Here is
a list you might want:

€ Baudot @ 45.45 baud (U.S. TTYs)
€ Baudot @ 50 baud (used in England, Australia, and some other
countries; also known as "international" Baudot)
€ V.21/text telephone version (used in Sweden, Norway, and Finland).
€ DTMF (used in Denmark, Holland, and some other countries)
€ EDT ("European Deaf Telephone," used in Germany, Austria,
Switzerland, and several other countries)
What modulation scheme does EDTN use? FSK? QAM? Something else? What?

If you would apply yourself, you could know all.......

Maybe you should look for a terminal program that is compatible with the
protocols in the list. Then you could listen to them all you wish. Just
don't come back here asking us to find it for you.

Green Xenon [Radium]

Jerry said:
You need to get those tantrums under control if you want to converse
with adults.

Easy for you to say when you’re not frustrated and desperate for the
correct answer.

Don Bowey

Don Bowey wrote:

And then you had a fit or three.......


I don't respond well to tantrums. If you won't help yourself, I won't do it
for you.

Shape-up or get lost.