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Please Assist: Help Requested for EDTN

  • Thread starter Green Xenon [Radium]
  • Start date

Jerry Avins

Green said:
That's the EDTN personnels' faults for not making new web pages and
describing what EDTN stands for.


There are no EDTN people because there is no EDTN. You're pissing on our
shoes again. <punt> Given your prescription, if I ever came across you
in person, I'd be in fear for my life. That's not good for you.


Green Xenon [Radium]

Jerry said:

There are no EDTN people because there is no EDTN. You're pissing on our
shoes again. <punt> Given your prescription, if I ever came across you
in person, I'd be in fear for my life. That's not good for you.


Why would you be scared? First of all, I am simply exaggerating
expressions of how I wish I could take revenge. Second, and more
importantly, the way I would like to torture those sickos is impossible
given the state of today's technology, and will probably always be
impossible. Any biologist/neurologist will tell you that. If an
individual did not have inflammatory reactions to foreign bodies [such
as the dead tissue in burn wounds], he/she would've died long ago from
infection. My revenge fantasy is full of science fiction so you have
nothing to fear.

Jerry Avins

Green said:
Jerry said:

There are no EDTN people because there is no EDTN. You're pissing on
our shoes again. <punt> Given your prescription, if I ever came across
you in person, I'd be in fear for my life. That's not good for you.


Why would you be scared? First of all, I am simply exaggerating
expressions of how I wish I could take revenge. Second, and more
importantly, the way I would like to torture those sickos is impossible
given the state of today's technology, and will probably always be
impossible. Any biologist/neurologist will tell you that. If an
individual did not have inflammatory reactions to foreign bodies [such
as the dead tissue in burn wounds], he/she would've died long ago from
infection. My revenge fantasy is full of science fiction so you have
nothing to fear.

Anyone with fantasies like yours is seen as likely to turn to more
practical schemes eventually. If something untoward happens you are
remotely connected to, your public viciousness will make you a serious
suspect. As for me, I'll take no chances with a close encounter.


Green Xenon [Radium]

Jerry said:
Anyone with fantasies like yours is seen as likely to turn to more
practical schemes eventually.

Nope. Not in my case. I like the impossible. I want things I know can't

Richard Dobson

Green Xenon [Radium] wrote:
Yes. You're talking about edtn as an abbrreviation, in which it stands
for edition. I am talking about the acronym EDTN. There is a world of
difference. Please consider that.

Yes OF COURSE - it was a little piece of humour. If you don't "get"
that, there really is no hope. And if you treat everyone here as
idiots, they will surely treat you likewise! "EDTN" is an ERROR
committed by that manufacturer. It ~does not exist~ anywhere else. Do
you not get that?

Richard Dobson

Paul Hovnanian P.E.

Green Xenon said:

Will someone please assist me in answering my questions in the below thread?


Paul Hovnanian mailto:p[email protected]
It's easier said than done.
.... and if you don't believe it, try proving that it's easier done than
said, and you'll see that it's easier said that `it's easier done than
said' than it is done, which really proves that it's easier said than

Paul Hovnanian P.E.

Ivor said:
message : : Paul Hovnanian P.E. wrote:
: : : "Green Xenon [Radium]" wrote:
: : :
: : : : Hi:
: : : :
: : : : Will someone please assist me in answering my
: : : : questions in the below thread?
: : : :
: : : :
: : :
: : :
: : : 42
: : :
: :
: : What do you mean by "42"?

It's the Ultimate Answer to Life, the Universe and Everything.

Isn't it..?

Right. And now that the OP has it, we shouldn't be getting any more
questions from him.

Jeff Liebermann

Green Xenon said:
Words can't describe how releived I am!

That's the problem. You use too many words and too often.
I am so happy now! Nothing feels more excellent than revenge! And I got
exactly that!!!!

Great. Now, will you go away?

Jerry Avins

Green said:
Green said:

Will someone please assist me in answering my questions in the below

Thanks for your cooperation and understanding,


I just contacted and they
told me EDTN does indeed stand for "European Deaf Telephone Network"

Words can't describe how releived I am!


As for those EDTN personnel [assuming they even exist] wishing to keep
their details a secret, you've lost your battle against me! I won you!
Yes, oh yes! I won! You secretive wimps are now losers!!!!


I kicked your @$$ without even making the slightest physical contact
with you!

I am so happy now! Nothing feels more excellent than revenge! And I got
exactly that!!!!

-;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;)
-;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;)
-;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;)
-;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;)

You really are nuts!

Green Xenon [Radium]

Green said:

Will someone please assist me in answering my questions in the below

Thanks for your cooperation and understanding,


I just contacted and they
told me EDTN does indeed stand for "European Deaf Telephone Network"

Words can't describe how releived I am!


As for those EDTN personnel [assuming they even exist] wishing to keep
their details a secret, you've lost your battle against me! I won you!
Yes, oh yes! I won! You secretive wimps are now losers!!!!


I kicked your @$$ without even making the slightest physical contact
with you!

I am so happy now! Nothing feels more excellent than revenge! And I got
exactly that!!!!

-;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;)
-;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;)
-;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;)
-;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;)

Richard Crowley

Green Xenon said:
Green said:

Will someone please assist me in answering my questions in the below
Thanks for your cooperation and understanding,


I just contacted and they
told me EDTN does indeed stand for "European Deaf Telephone Network"

Words can't describe how releived I am!


As for those EDTN personnel [assuming they even exist] wishing to keep
their details a secret, you've lost your battle against me! I won you!
Yes, oh yes! I won! You secretive wimps are now losers!!!!


I kicked your @$$ without even making the slightest physical contact with

I am so happy now! Nothing feels more excellent than revenge! And I got
exactly that!!!!

We tried our best to keep this top-secret information away from
you. We had secret meetings to try to coordinate everyone with
the arcane knowledge, but those guys from just
wouldn't play ball. They felt sorry for you, and in the end, they
just folded under your relentless research.

The rest of the EDTN community is now suffering from over-
whelming anxiety waiting to see what you are going to do them
now that you know the truth. It wouldn't surprise me if they were
developing a replacement product that they can better keep
hidden from you.

Don Bowey

Green said:

Will someone please assist me in answering my questions in the below

Thanks for your cooperation and understanding,


I just contacted and they
told me EDTN does indeed stand for "European Deaf Telephone Network"

Words can't describe how releived I am!


As for those EDTN personnel [assuming they even exist] wishing to keep
their details a secret, you've lost your battle against me! I won you!
Yes, oh yes! I won! You secretive wimps are now losers!!!!


I kicked your @$$ without even making the slightest physical contact
with you!

I am so happy now! Nothing feels more excellent than revenge! And I got
exactly that!!!!

-;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;)
-;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;)
-;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;)
-;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;) -;)

They lied to get you off their back.