Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Old-fart electronics quiz


Peter Bennett

[2004 aside, for any who haven't heard this: European engineers have
quipped for decades that TV signal format acronyms stood in the US for
"Never The Same Color" and in France for "Système Envelloper Contre
les AMéricains."]

Does anyone actually know what else NTSC stands for?

National Television System Committee

Peter Bennett, VE7CEI
peterbb (at)
new newsgroup users info :
GPS and NMEA info:
Vancouver Power Squadron:

Ben Bradley

I already read Jan's answers, I'll make note of when that's
noteworthy. :)

Max Hauser said:
1. Assuming that you are acquainted with the "cascode" configuration, do
you know where the term came from?

I have no idea (should I add an x-no-archive header?), but my
SWAG/folk etymology answer is that it's a combination of the words
"cascade" where the output of one amplifier stage goes to the input of
the next, NOT where there are multiply quoted lines in long Usenet
threads :), and "cathode" which is the element (in a tube circuit)
used as the signal input in "grounded grid" amplifier configuration.
As with many of these things, the name was surely carried over to
transistor circuits.
[Note! My 1988 answers had this wrong, reflecting a popular myth of which I
was later disabused, but a myth that also made it into the current revision
of a venerable analog-IC text, despite my efforts by sending the accurate
reference to those revising the text, upon their request to me at the time
for historical information. Enough About That.]

2. What is a reflex amplifier?

I remember reading about this 30-odd years ago (it was only of
historic interest even then), had forgotten what it was, then Jan's
answer reminded me.
3. What is the basic principle of a superhet receiver?

As Jan said, but specifically: a local oscillator and mixer stage
that generates an IF frequency that's above human hearing (as
constrasted to a hetrodyne receiver). Or did I just describe the
origins of the name?
Of a regenerative

One where the RF input stage (generally the only stage) uses a
variable amount of feedback, controllable by the user on the front
panel, set to just below oscillation at the reception frequency. This
is a high Q active filter, and it has a large amount of amplification
of the signal with just one stage. It can directly drive headphones.
Difference between a mixer and a converter (in RF)?

No wait, it's coming back to me (I never got a ham license but I've
read the ARRL books and stuff, and been to many hamfests)...a mixer is
internal and gives the IF frequency (with a variable LO).
A converter is an external box containing both a fixed LO and a
mixer stage that converts from one RF band (that a receiver does not
receive) to another RF band (that a receiver DOES receive), and which
sits between the antenna and receiver.
4. Who developed the op amp, and when?

[2004 Note: Question 4 preceded George Rostky's excellent recent historical
articles in the trade press, which I recommend, and which themselves have
now achieved misquotation elsewhere. That and plagiarism may be today's
"sincerest form of flattery."]

I recall reading some of Rotsky's writings but not that. Most of
what I know about early op-amps is what Pease has written.
I want to say Philbrick (Pease wrote about working for him) but I
think he was the first to make an op-amp as a solid-state (transistors
instead of tubes) device circa 1960, and not the first op-amp. They
were implemented using vacuum tubes for years before then, perhaps
back to WWII, and used for calculating ballistics.
5. What is the "purple plague?"

6. What is a class-C amplifier and where is it typically used?

Active/amplifying device conducts for less than 180 degrees of the
cycle, used in RF amplifiers, especially high-power (anything over
100mW or so) amplifiers in radio transmitters.
7. Can you describe a tunnel diode?

It has negative resistance over a section of its characteristic
curve (is this forward, or reverse? I forget, or never learned) of I
vs. V. There's a section of the curve where the current goes DOWN as
the voltage goes up. It works (oscillates) up to the microwave range,
and was popular for that band many decades ago, because it was the
only solid-state device that did anything at such a high frequency.
A unijunction transistor?

I recall that it was used in relaxation-type oscillators.

Silicon Controlled Switch, and there must be a difference between
that and an SCR, but I don't know what it is.
(What is the basic principle of each and what are they used for?)

I already told you all I know about them.
8. Traditional op-amp ICs were made whenever possible to run on +- 15
volts. Why that voltage?

Hmm... you could power each rail with ten common "carbon-zinc" 1.5V
flashlight cells in series...
9. What do the following acronyms stand for: PDP,

Programmed Data Processor. The story behind the name is told in a
Creative Computing magazine circa 1977.

Didn't know that was an acronym. I know the plural is Vaxen.

American Standard Code for Information Interchange. (it describes a
7-bit code).

Extended Binary-Coded Decimal Information(?) Code(?). ISTR (perhaps
wrongly) that Hollerith punched-cards used this code.

Never heard of it...

Beat Frequency Oscillator. It oscillates in the IF frequency range,
and is adjustable over that range, injected between IF stage and the
(AM) detector, and converts CW signals into audible tones.


Continuous Wave. Used to describe unmodulated carrier or
transmission of Morse Code or International Morse Code or whatever
it's called.
VSB, VOR, Conelrad?

10. What was revolutionary about the 741 op amp?

That it worked. :)

Jan said that it had internal compensation. I was thinking that it
was unity-gain stable without external compensation (not quite the
same thing), but also, it didn't have the latchup problems that the
earlier 709 had. In other words, it worked. :)
11. Can you specifically describe the US semiconductor products known by
the following terms: 1N34,

Germanium signal diode, good as RF detector.

The first commercial transistor (or one of the first), but only
because I've read about it here in recent years when its
characteristics and availablility, originally ('50's magazine ads) and
recently (on ebay), was discussed.
2N107, 2N998, 2N1304, 2N2222, 2N3055,

2N2222 was/is the ubiquitous NPN signal transistor, and 2N3055 was
the ubiquitous NPN power transistor. I'm sure there's much more to the
U222, uL900, uL958, uA703, uA709, SN7300 series, SUHL, CCSL, HTL, ECCSL,
Utilogic, COSMOS,

COmplementary Symmetry Metal Oxide Semiconductor. Now just called
Intel 1101, Intel 1702.

12. Identify the following trademarks: Nixie, Pixie, Numitron?

They're apparently all trademarks for numeric indicator tubes that
use a separate element for each number, where a high [compared to
nowadays] voltage activates the neon gas around the element, thus a
number is displayed. Nixie is obviously the one that stuck and became
generic (are any of these trademarks still in force? When did such
tubes cease production? They're NOT still made, are they....).
13. What is a thyratron?

Some sort of microwave tube...
A magic-eye tube?

This is an indicator tube that was commonly used as a tuning
indicator in radios. It has a fouorescent screen and 'shadow' area
that varies in size with an applied voltage.
A compactron?

Jan missed this one. This was the last line of standard "receiving
tubes" developed and manufactured. They were about the same height as
the "miniature" tubes used in "All-American Five" five-tube AM
tabletop radios, but Compactrons were larger in diameter, had 12 or 15
or so (I forget) pins, and had several active elements in each tube,
such as "triple triode." These were the last-ditch effort to extend
the market lifetime for tubes in the 60's when transistors were making
headway in the consumer market. I've got a smallish (about 12-inch
screen) '60's "portable" (has a handle on top) color TV with
compactrons in it. (sorry, more than you wanted to know)
14. What magnitudes of voltages are required for operating the following
devices: Neon bulb,

about 90V
Xenon flashtube, Geiger-Mueller tube, Esaki diode.

15. What IF frequencies are traditional in the US for AM broadcast, FM
broadcast, TV sound, TV picture?

455kHz, 10.7MHz, dunno, dunno but I recall the IF bandwidth is
about 5MHz. Do I get partial credit? ;)
[2004 aside, for any who haven't heard this: European engineers have
quipped for decades that TV signal format acronyms stood in the US for
"Never The Same Color" and in France for "Système Envelloper Contre les

16. What is a Hartley oscillator? A Colpitts oscillator? A Pierce
oscillator? A Wien-bridge oscillator? A blocking oscillator?

17. Quick, without calculation: What voltage corresponds to zero dBm in a
600-ohm circuit?

About 0.7V, because I actually did the calculation when designing a
modem a few years back. I also hang out on where these
values are often discussed.
18. What is an Eccles-Jordan circuit? A polyflop? A switch-tail ring
counter? A Johnson counter? An AC-coupled flip-flop?

19. In the context of filters, what, formally, does "biquad" mean? (1988
note: Most engineers get this wrong.)

20. What does it mean when a resistor is marked with bands
red-yellow-green-silver? A capacitor with "104K?"

2.7 meg, 10 percent tolerance. For the cap, 104 is 10 followed by 4
zeros in picofarads, or 0.1 uF. I forget what K is.
21. If an aluminum electrolytic capacitor is rated for "working voltage" of
10 volts, in what range of voltages is it designed to operate?

Between about 5 and 10 volts. I want to see other responses to this
one. :)
22. Roughly compare ceramic, polystyrene, and polycarbonate capacitors.

I like Jan's answer, but I can tell you this, they all generally
have less capacitance than Electrolytics. :)
Actually, these are caps made of the named dielectrics, and
ceramics really suck. They're temperature-sensitive (though you can
specify which way and by how much, useful in compensating for the
temperature drift in crystal oscillators), and they're microphonic
(mechanically shock them and a voltage spike comes out). I'm sure
there's more bad stuff about them that I can't think of at the moment.
23. What is a "2 1/2 D" core memory plane? (You could not open a computer
trade magazine in, say, 1968 without seeing incessant references to them.)

24. What is a couplate? A micromodule? Difference between thin-film and
thick-film hybrid circuits?

[1988 questions 25 and 26 concerned memory of the Ovonic Devices publicity
and business acronyms and were pretty far afield even in 1988; omitted now.]

It's tempting to deja-google for the 1988 post.

Speaking of "business acronyms" what does VAR mean in electrical
engineering, and in business? (yes I know both) I recall some years
ago an editorial, possibly in EE Times, discussing both meanings and
railing against the business use.
Registered trademarks mentioned herein are identified indirectly by context,
for clarity and because this is a trivia quiz.

Copyright 1988, 2004 by Max W. Hauser. All rights reserved. Past shameless
exploitations of author's 1979 MIT "Bag of Tricks" notes and other
engineering writings do not preclude copyright enforcement for this or other

Geez, I hope it's okay to copy this back to Usenet on the followup
group, with answers/guesses interspersed. Does this fall under fair
use? :-/

John Woodgate

(in said:
(455KHz in UK)

No. 455 kHz is the US standard, but we have an important BBC station on
909 kHz, and 455 kHz gives a 'twice IF' beat note. 450 kHz works for all
of western Europe with no significant IF harmonic or image problems.


These are a few additional answers that others didn't tackle....

I think it was Harold Black in the 1930s

maybe. he did develope the feedback amp for sure. It was the
feedforward amp prior to that, but at the time, ou couldn't get
good tubes cheap enough to make the feedforward amp work right.
15. What IF frequencies are traditional in the US for AM broadcast,
FM broadcast, TV sound, TV picture?

455kHz, 10.7MHz ???, ???
[2004 aside, for any who haven't heard this: European engineers have
quipped for decades that TV signal format acronyms stood in the US for
"Never The Same Color" and in France for "Système Envelloper Contre
les AMéricains."]

Does anyone actually know what else NTSC stands for?

National Television System Committee

John Woodgate

I read in that Max Hauser <[email protected]>
wrote (in said:
No one overseas
defended NTSC or SECAM, I observe.

NTSC is indefensible, isn't it? (;-)

What was SECAM called before it was called SECAM?

John Woodgate

I read in that Spehro Pefhany <speffSNIP@interlog
What is this mnemonic designed to help you remember?

Part of 'motherhood and apple pie'.

John Woodgate

I read in that Active8 <mTHISREMOVEcolasono@earth> wrote (in said:
National Television System Committee

That was Issue 2, after someone reached for their attorney. What was
Issue 1?

Spehro Pefhany

I read in that Spehro Pefhany <speffSNIP@interlog

Part of 'motherhood and apple pie'.

Very good.

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany


1. Assuming that you are acquainted with the "cascode" configuration, do
you know where the term came from? No

[Note! My 1988 answers had this wrong, reflecting a popular myth of which I
was later disabused, but a myth that also made it into the current revision
of a venerable analog-IC text, despite my efforts by sending the accurate
reference to those revising the text, upon their request to me at the time
for historical information. Enough About That.]

2. What is a reflex amplifier? Caffeine?

3. What is the basic principle of a superhet receiver?

The nonlinear effect of a mixing device produces the products of
two input signals as well as the inputs themselves at the output.
The amplitudes of the input sigs are sometimes not very strong as
with a doubly balanced mixer - RF-IF and LO-IF isolation. The sum
and difference of the input frequencies are output as well as the
sums and differences of their harmonics. One input is various radio
carriers, hopefully modulated with info. The other input is a local
oscillator which is offset in frequency by the value of the planned
IF frequency. A bandpass (or lowpass for a direct conversion RX)
filter with center freq selected so as to pass only the info
bandwidth of the desired channel follows the mixer. The IF is
amplified and sent to a detector or another frequeny conversion
Of a regenerative

I kinda remember this as being a radio with either a tuned frontend
and positive feedback or tuned positive feedback or both. Kind of a
direct conversion receiver.
Difference between a mixer and a converter (in RF)?

Up or down converters...
Converter has optional amps, an LO and a mixer. Doesn't have to
have an IF filter. It is useful for converting a block of
frequencies down to a lower band of frequencies which can be
transported via a transmission line where lower freqs are not
attenuated as much as higher freqs. A transponder would be a loose
synonym, perhaps.

A mixer is just a mixer.
4. Who developed the op amp, and when?

You tell me.
[2004 Note: Question 4 preceded George Rostky's excellent recent historical
articles in the trade press, which I recommend, and which themselves have
now achieved misquotation elsewhere. That and plagiarism may be today's
"sincerest form of flattery."]

5. What is the "purple plague?"

6. What is a class-C amplifier and where is it typically used?

A class of operation in which the active device conducts for less
than 180 degrees of the cycle. It excites an LC tank at it's output
and produces an output voltage swing theoretically twice that of
its supply voltage but more like 2*(Vcc - Vc(sat)) or something
like that. IIRC, efficiency is around 85% or so.
7. Can you describe a tunnel diode?

It's the bugger with the -->]-- symbol whose V-I curve suggests
negative resistance somwhere on the curve, an effect of electron
transit time, ISTR.
A unijunction transistor?

One junction, like a FET. I forget the main diff, but the UJT has
an angled line drawn for the was it trigger (?) or control input(?)
as opposed to the straight line drawn for an FET gate. The UJTs
trigger(?) input conducts when it reaches a certain potential
relative to the other 2 terminals, so if a cap were charging on the
input, it would eventually discharge through the device and start
over, making a ramp oscillator or was it triangle?

I'm not *that* old.
(What is the basic principle of each and what are they used for?)

8. Traditional op-amp ICs were made whenever possible to run on +- 15
volts. Why that voltage?

I'm guessing it had something to do with +/- 12V 20mA current loop
signalling which, IIRC, was used for POTs even mefore the 20mA loop
was used for data comm. Some older Mil commo gear used +/- 12V for
logic levels.

How close to the rails did these old OA's swing?
9. What do the following acronyms stand for: PDP, VAX, ASCII, EBCDIC, PRV,
BFO, RTTY, CW, VSB, VOR, Conelrad?

PDP & VAX - I know now, but I'd be cheating if I answered.

American Standard Code for Information Exchange

Extended Binary Coded Decimal Information (or Interchange) Code?

PRV - Peak Reverse Voltage? What happened to PIV? Provincial
Republic of Vietnam. I made that up. I think there was something
like that, though.

Beat Frequency Oscillator

Radio TeleTYpe

Continuous Wave

Vestigial SideBand

Forgot VOR

Conelrad - mispelling of my elementary school principal / uncle /
cousin's last name.
10. What was revolutionary about the 741 op amp?

Internal Compensation.
11. Can you specifically describe the US semiconductor products known by
the following terms:

1N34, diode


2N107, 2N998, 2N1304, 2N2222, 2N3055, BJTs
U222, uL900, uL958, guess - regulators, if not, amps

uA703, uA709, SN7300 OpAmps

Utilogic, COSMOS, Intel 1101, Intel 1702.

12. Identify the following trademarks:

Nixie, a flourescent display tube
Pixie, a fairy
Numitron? A decompression chamber used by NUMA :)
13. What is a thyratron?
A magic-eye tube? A level indcator that looked cool. Got one on an
old HV cap tester.

A compactron? A home garbage compactor or a small subatomic
particle I'm going to discover. It will make FTL possible...
14. What magnitudes of voltages are required for operating the following
devices: Neon bulb, Xenon flashtube, Geiger-Mueller tube, Esaki diode.

15. What IF frequencies are traditional in the US for AM broadcast, FM
broadcast, TV sound, TV picture?

AM 455kHz, FM 10.7MHz, TV IF is 45MHz with the Visual carrier at
the upper end of the band and the aural carrier 4.5MHz below that I
can't remember the exact stinkin freqs but the info is within
spitting distance. Oh yeah, the color carrier is 3.58 MHz below the
video carrier. Note, the IF carrier freqs are inverted in
comparison to the RF carriers because TVs use high-side LO
[2004 aside, for any who haven't heard this: European engineers have
quipped for decades that TV signal format acronyms stood in the US for
"Never The Same Color" and in France for "Système Envelloper Contre les

16. What is a Hartley oscillator?
Tapped inductor LC freq determining components. Feedback goes to
the tap.
A Colpitts oscillator? Tapped capacitor - same idea.
A Pierce
A crystal Osc. IIRC it is series mode.
A Wien-bridge oscillator?
ISTR a wheatstone-bridge kinda feedback net with caps for phase
shift and maybe a lightbulb for current regulation.
A blocking oscillator?

17. Quick, without calculation: What voltage corresponds to zero dBm in a
600-ohm circuit?

sqrt(600*.001) Vrms -- less than .8Vrms
18. What is an Eccles-Jordan circuit?

When Moses wandered in circles around Jordan and thought he was
lost in the desert?

A polyflop? when the mail man flops your Poly-Paks shipment on your
A switch-tail ring

A Johnson counter? A decade counter. bunch of flip-flops working as
a shift-rgister rather than a counter with the 10th output used to
reset the thing.

An AC-coupled flip-flop? cheap sandals
19. In the context of filters, what, formally, does "biquad" mean? (1988
note: Most engineers get this wrong.)

And I don't think Don mentioned it, either. It can be used for
High-pass, low-pass, all-pass, and notch and as someone else
mentioned, the xfer function is a quadratic over a quatratic. It's
a Friend(ly) filter.
20. What does it mean when a resistor is marked with bands
red-yellow-green-silver? A capacitor with "104K?"

2.4 Meg 10%
100000 pF or 100nF or .1uF
21. If an aluminum electrolytic capacitor is rated for "working voltage" of
10 volts, in what range of voltages is it designed to operate?

Not sure off hand, but the capacitance spec is given for 10V
22. Roughly compare ceramic, polystyrene, and polycarbonate capacitors.
Ceramics are brown disks usually - I have some odd stuff that looks

Polystyrene - mine are green dipped looking things.
23. What is a "2 1/2 D" core memory plane? (You could not open a computer
trade magazine in, say, 1968 without seeing incessant references to them.)

24. What is a couplate? A micromodule? Difference between thin-film and
thick-film hybrid circuits?

Thick is baked on ceramic and thin is deposited.
[1988 questions 25 and 26 concerned memory of the Ovonic Devices publicity
and business acronyms and were pretty far afield even in 1988; omitted now.]

Registered trademarks mentioned herein are identified indirectly by context,
for clarity and because this is a trivia quiz.

Copyright 1988, 2004 by Max W. Hauser. All rights reserved. Past shameless
exploitations of author's 1979 MIT "Bag of Tricks" notes and other
engineering writings do not preclude copyright enforcement for this or other

Frank Bemelman

Spehro Pefhany said:
What is this mnemonic designed to help you remember?

Que j'aime à faire apprendre un nombre utile aux sages.
Immortel Archimède, artiste ingénieur,
Qui de ton jugement peut priser la valeur
Pour moi ton problème eut de féconds avantages.

22/7 is good enough for me.

Stefan Heinzmann

Stefan said:
Max Hauser wrote: [...]
5. What is the "purple plague?"

Not sure, is it the bue-ish or red-ish glow in a gassy tube/valve?

Seems I was very wrong here. Here's a few alternatives: Plague/

Pick your favorite...


James Meyer

Wow! Good crowd here these days. Remember, intrepid senior US undergrads
could not finish one question. Yes a definite regional (US) slant on the
commercial/practical language, inevitable with that. No one overseas
defended NTSC or SECAM, I observe. Also I don't know much about some of the
topics -- it was trivia quiz, just for fun. I'll post official answers in a
day or two.

Good. I'll have a chance then to correct any of the mistakes in the
official answers. If "the other Jim" doesn't beat me to it, that is.


Roger Johansson

A system for remembering the color code for resistors. Look at the first
letter of each word, Black, Brown, Red, Orange etc..

A typical example of american culture, a combination of bad taste, violence
and foul language.
A handy neumonic to remember.

And bad spelling on top of that.

Add some misdirected patriotism, megalomania and paranoia and you have the
typical american participator in usenet newsgroups.

Oliver Betz

22. Roughly compare ceramic, polystyrene, and polycarbonate capacitors.

besides the already mentioned properties, polystyrene (like
polypropylene) is a non-polar dielectric and has (therefore) very
little dielectric absorption ("soaking"). IIRC only Teflon has lower

Since neither dual slope A/D converters nor sample and hold circuits
are widespread these days, this might become old-fart knowledge, too.


Fred Bloggs

Roger said:
And bad spelling on top of that.

Right- we all know it's spelled pneumonic-)
Add some misdirected patriotism, megalomania and paranoia and you
have the typical american participator in usenet newsgroups.

Nah- it has nothing to do with that. The US was forced to train very
large numbers of maintenance technicians from all sorts of backgrounds-
usually none preparatory for technical work- so that a uniform program
of instruction must by necessity sink to the lowest common denominator-
and even then the failure rate was/is very high- something like 80%.

Fred Bloggs

Oliver said:
Since neither dual slope A/D converters nor sample and hold circuits
are widespread these days, this might become old-fart knowledge, too.


Huh? What do you think these 2000 to 4000 count multimeters are all about?