Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Measuring fluctuations of earth's magnetic fields inside a pc ?



Archimedes' Lever said:
I have always found that fantasy of yours that has you thinking that I
push a mop quite hilarious.

You see... you need that to feel superior, when it in fact, ensures
that you are not in way, any such thing.

I have one question ?

When you look up, what do you see?

Archimedes' Lever

I have one question ?

When you look up, what do you see?

Inside. My ceiling.

Outside, the universe at night, the atmosphere (sky) by day.

On the net, any Hubble or other image I may wish to gander at.

When dopes like you look up, all you see is more descending colon.


On Sun, 25 Oct 2009 15:45:03 -0700 (PDT), Tim Williams

On Oct 25, 3:28 pm, CellShocked
Your CRT.

He said "inside a pc [sic]". So that only works if he's got an iMac.
Anything else and he's SOL.


XTs had integrated monitors, and an XT is even past this dope's speed.

The distinguishing characteristic of XTs was an internal fixed disk,
all of some 5 or 10 MB.
You're a goddamned total retard.

When the IBM XT PC came out, there were NO clones, you dumbfuck.

Wrong again AlwaysWrong.
Also, IBM most certainly had models with integrated monitors. The
clone began with the 286 class.

Wrong again AlwaysWrong.
If you are going to selectively participate, remove your retarded
filters., and at least attempt to be fucking civil, jackass.

Otherwise, shut the **** up, and keep your retarded, know nothing
horseshit out of my thread branches, you retarded little piece of shit.

Pretty goddamned funny, you coming in here with your hate, declaring
how wrong I am, when it is you that is fucking wrong.
Projecting a bit?
Wrong again, dipshit.

IBM had a $2000 XT that had an integrated monitor, and no hard drive.
The distinguishing characteristic of XTs was an internal fixed disk,
all of some 5 or 10 MB.
I played nethack for a couple years on one.

Your hatred has clouded your mind, and it has been showing for a
plurality of years now, Mikey. You should seek help for that.

Hell, my "dim bulb" is brighter than your best shot, you hatred filled,
fucked in the head dolt.

You have a garage full of them, and you STILL can't get it right.

My "Fog-O-Graphic memory does a better job than you, even if you had
written it down somewhere.

Clone that, you stupid asswipe.

Shut up and quit lying AlwaysWrong.

Archimedes' Lever

The distinguishing characteristic of XTs was an internal fixed disk,
all of some 5 or 10 MB.

Absolutely not. There were diskless IBM PCs that were of the XT family.

The XT with the 10MB Tandon Hard drive (no 5MB that I recall) was the
$5000.00 animal.

The diskless versions were only $2000.00 each.

Archimedes' Lever

Wrong again AlwaysWrong.

Clones did not begin until the PC AT class machine arrived.

Remember Heathkit? Keep using the KRW retard's nickname and see how
little respect you ever get from me, you retarded, know nothing little


Clones did not begin until the PC AT class machine arrived.

And again, wrong.
Remember Heathkit? Keep using the KRW retard's nickname and see how
little respect you ever get from me, you retarded, know nothing little

Who wants respect from someone who is always wrong, AlwaysWrong?


Heath/Zenith sold a XT clone with a passive back plane, and the 8088
'motherboard' function as a plug in card. I've seen several, including
one that was 'Tempest' rated. That thing had well over 100 screws to
hold the shielding in place. The power supply was inside another shield
with feedthrough capacitors for every lead entering or leaving the box.

Compaq had 8086 clones.

Archimedes' Lever

Heath/Zenith sold a XT clone with a passive back plane, and the 8088
'motherboard' function as a plug in card. I've seen several, including
one that was 'Tempest' rated. That thing had well over 100 screws to
hold the shielding in place. The power supply was inside another shield
with feedthrough capacitors for every lead entering or leaving the box.

The TEMPEST rated PCs from Heath did NOT happen until 1987.

That was LONG AFTER the XT hit the streets. SO there were clones, but
only after a couple years had passed since the XT was released.

A couple years equates to the timeline of the release cycle of the AT,
just like I said.

Archimedes' Lever

I think one of the Compaq portables I have is 8 bit.

The fact that you do not KNOW is a tell.

It tells me that you are indeed heading into your senile time.


But not at the same time as the IBM XT. The clones were made in 1984.

How can you ALWAYS be so WRONG, AlwaysWrong?

Nymbecile, the Compaq portable came out in 1982, *long* before the


Shut the **** up, retard boy. You know nothing of facts.

Wrong again, AlwaysWrong.

That you have to snip the facts proves what a dim bulb you really are,

Archimedes' Lever

How can you ALWAYS be so WRONG, AlwaysWrong?

Nymbecile, the Compaq portable came out in 1982, *long* before the

WRONG, you retarded ****!

The COMPANY was founded in '82. They had NO products that year other
than in design.

The Compaq Portable came out in 1983. It *was* that 1982 design,
dipshit. It had the reverse engineered BIOS. It was ANNOUNCED in
November '82, but it was not released until March of '83.

Essentially, you are a fucking retard, just like I said.


WRONG, you retarded ****!

Wrong, Nymbecile.
The COMPANY was founded in '82. They had NO products that year other
than in design.

DO yourself a favor and look it up.
The Compaq Portable came out in 1983. It *was* that 1982 design,
dipshit. It had the reverse engineered BIOS. It was ANNOUNCED in
November '82, but it was not released until March of '83.

It was available in November of '82, AlwaysWrong.
Essentially, you are a fucking retard, just like I said.

AlwaysLiar, you just said that there were no clones before '84. No do
all of us a favor and commit suicide.

Archimedes' Lever

Wrong again, AlwaysWrong.

That you have to snip the facts proves what a dim bulb you really are,

You know nothing of facts, retard boy.