Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Measuring fluctuations of earth's magnetic fields inside a pc ?



Oh, go find a place to stand. You know, that one well outside the Earth...

Just killfile DimBulb, if you can (else ignore). He goes by something
now approaching 100 nyms (hence SED's nickname "nymbecile"). He's
SED's resident idiot and is always wrong (hence his third pet name,

Archimedes' Lever

CellShocked said:
He is a festering pustule on the face of the group.

[x] Learn to use your killfile.

**** you. Like I need a primer from a twit that has likely been in
Usenet for less than a year.

{X} Learn to **** off and die.

Archimedes' Lever

Oh, go find a place to stand. You know, that one well outside the Earth...

I'd go to Mars in a heartbeat, considering that the world is filled up
with totally retarded twits like you.

Archimedes' Lever

There is enough of a clear threat of violence in this post to warrant
a call to the police, and I have been reporting your posts.

WRONG. I said that is "what you need". That is not a threat, merely a
declaration that you have invaded the gene pool, DUMBFUCKTARD!

You should seriously consider learning the difference, because it will
get your ass in a sling in short order, motherfucker.

So, give it your best shot, asswipe. They will laugh at you, just as I
laugh at you.
The group that I post to is not about computer programming.

Then you are a cross-posting retard as well, CHUMP.
The appropriate way to address me formally is Dr. Myers.

That will happen WHEN you deserve ANY respect, Mr. Asswipe!
Thus far, you have garnered no such occasion. So **** off.

Archimedes' Lever

I the world I come from, you'd have to make some numbers to show that
the Hall effect could never matter in the semiconductor devices now in

CHRIST! YOU ARE an IDIOT, Myers! Figures... the dope is on gmail.
Most folks here filter dopes like you.
You'd also have to rule out statistical biases in the errors
that hard disks make. There are people who worry about this sort of
far-fetched scenario and make numbers if such an issue ever comes

In the early years of hard drive technology, sure. But now? No fucking
way. They are as reliable as it gets, and are STILL the de facto
standard for reliable high speed access data storage.

There are certain undergraduate institutions where I can easily
imagine this problem being posed, with the challenge being not so much
the yes or no answer, but how you explored the conceivable effects and
ruled them out. Proving a negative is tough.

Mil products prove it every day. So do the test regimens that they

Some fucking doc you are. Bwuahahahaha!

"He threatened me..." "Waaaaaaah".

Nice try, Chump.

What is your doctorate in, total pussification of the masses?

Archimedes' Lever

Just killfile DimBulb, if you can (else ignore). He goes by something
now approaching 100 nyms

Wrong. An absolute lie.
(hence SED's nickname "nymbecile"). He's
SED's resident idiot and is always wrong (hence his third pet name,

KRW has had a burr under his saddle for me for over 5 years now. He is
even more pathetic that the fucktard Myers jackass is.

Ralf Kaiser

Archimedes' Lever said:
**** you. Like I need a primer from a twit that has likely been in
Usenet for less than a year.

{X} Learn to **** off and die.

Welcome to my killfile!!

I will never see your nasty wording (like "f*** off and die") again!


What you just said is not only ungrammatical,

You're a goddamned retard.
I also have no idea what
it means.

Likely because you are a brainless twit that should not even be in
My credentials, unlike your grammar, are in order.

Yes, but the PhD in mass pussification is an order nobody wants input
Don't play games with me. Any reasonable judge or jury would make
exactly the same interpretation as I did of the words you used.

Wh"What you need..." and "I am going to come down there and..." are
two entirely different things. Note that my remark made absolute no
declaration of anything that I intend to do, you stupid ****. It merely,
just as stated, declares what I think you need. For you to convolute
that into "a threat" is, as I previously stated, quite a tell about you.

No, it will not even make to a judge., and a judge is REQUIRED before
your stupid complaint would ever get any action on.
You can be certain that I personally will never come near you by my
own choice.

So, you have a security clearance?

Absolutely, dumbass. That is one reason that retards like you cannot
directly ID me.
If you don't, you don't know
anything worth knowing.

I think all your hype is baseless, and all MY HAIPE is being used on a
daily basis.

If you do, it should be reviewed with
prejudice, based only on what you have displayed in this conversation.

I think you are a total dolt.

Whatever the actual facts are, your claims are either fabricated or

Dumb fucktards like you that spend your time going after the folks that
piss you off in Usenet are the real bane to society. You are in
infection of the gene pool.
How would you characterize using the term "black" in a derogatory

You ain't real bright, are ya, boy?
You'd be fired by any employer with a non-discrimination policy for
such speech.

This is not a workplace, idiot. I doubt, however, that you will ever
get a clue.


Welcome to my killfile!!

I will never see your nasty wording (like "f*** off and die") again!

You **** off and die too!

Goddamned Dutch retards are what fucked up the world last century. You
won't get to do so this century.


Then you better killfile all of his sock puppets. Here is a partial
list to get you started:

By your retard buddy KRW's counting aptitude, that is over 100 entries.

I think he too is going senile.

Dr J R Stockton

In alt.comp.lang.borland-delphi message <e2fcb433-5201-4a0d-8a62-51fb637
[email protected]>, Thu, 29 Oct 2009 18:39:46, Robert
Myers said:
I've politely suggested to him that too many of his posts are too far
off-topic and that he has really worn out the patience of comp.arch,
but I was told by a fellow comp.arch poster that I shouldn't
discourage him.

You are wasting your time by responding in News : and, more importantly,
you are wasting that of others.

Get yourself a well-designed, standards-compliant newsreader, and kill-
file SF and all responses.

Kill-filing everything from @gmail will also greatly reduce the amount
of dross that you see.


Wrong. An absolute lie.

Well over 60 - fact. Haven't counted this week.
KRW has had a burr under his saddle for me for over 5 years now. He is
even more pathetic that the fucktard Myers jackass is.

DimBulb infests the EE groups. As long as he's here, I'll call him
what he is.

Archimedes' Lever

I have, unfortunately, known others with claimed knowledge of just how
threateningly they can behave without legal consequences.

Look, you retarded ****. IF you formally accuse me of having made a
threat, it will be YOU that suffers they silver hammer of the law.
Your language is violent and angry.

Which is NOT illegal, you retarded little piece of shit. Dumbfucks
like you NEED a drill Sgt. in your face.
You display other characteristics
that indicate a complete lack of concern for others.

Rest assured that I have no concern for you and a great many "others".
My concerns are for civil, right minded Americans and other free peoples
around the world. Manipulative little bastards like you are nothing more
than peanut gallery jerks that only want-to-be a part of the bigger
You have a
security clearance, if your claims are correct.

Which is none of your goddamned business, so YOU should get railed for
bringing it up over and over again, dipshit.
No DA is going to spend his time on this kind of situation based on
that one statement alone. The aggregate of your presentation,
however, is worth someone's attention.

You had better watch your act, boy. Your threats are blatantly
obvious, and you fucking with MY livelyhood would be a very big mistake
to make. The law would come down on my side, considering the blatant
stalking behavior you have clearly demonstrated in the last couple days.
If your claims are correct, it
shouldn't be too difficult to find you.

If your Usenet behavior is evidence of your intent, you should not be
very hard to call out as a stalking, retarded bastard. Are you sure you
want to go down this path, little boy?
That you are simply a delusional fantasist seems as likely an
explanation as any other for your behavior. Even if that is the case,
your behavior is very disturbing.

You *SHOULD* be disturbed... Ooops... too late.

You are so full of shit, your eyes are brown, and there is a foul
stench emanating from your ears.

Your mother should be jailed as a felon for not flushing your retarded
ass the moment she shat you out of her retarded ass. THAT is what I think
of you.

Want to attack my vocabulary or my brain capacity again, dumbfuck?
That's a claim that's worth taking seriously.

You keep hunting, pussy boy, and your stalking behavior will be the
very axe that falls on *your* head.
You haven't come close to pissing me off. You have frightened me.

Be afraid, dumbfuck. Be VERY afraid.

I have done more to make the world a better place in the last week than
you have in your entire, pathetic life.
You engage in notorious behavior for which you regard it as necessary
or desirable to conceal your identity.

I have committed no crime, and I have breeched no security protocol.
You had better get your shit right when you try to **** with me, you
stalking, retarded bastard. I post anonymously specifically so that
goddamned utter idiots like you can simply **** off and die.
You shouldn't have a security

That is not your call, fucktard. If you like, I can drive that point
home a LOT better than you can your stupidity. So BACK OFF, JACKOFF!
and there is no way you should be involved in anything with
such serious security implications.

Another "not your call" realm, you retarded little piece of shit.
The question was whether your language would be deemed to be
discriminatory by a reasonable person, not whether this is a workplace
from which you could be fired.

You are one of those "modern" dumbfucks that voted for the Obama retard
aren't you?

Your best move would be to drop participation in the thread, which YOU
skewed into this bullshit, and to drop any plans to **** with my
livelihood. You will get *your* ass in a sling otherwise.

Dr. Emilio Lazardo

Archimedes' Lever said:
That is not your call, fucktard.

But it probably is the call of Colonel Nicholas Marano,
Commanding Officer of Marine base Camp Pendleton
located in Oceanside, California (south of L.A.),
whose equipment you are using.
You are one of those "modern" dumbfucks that voted for the Obama retard
aren't you?

Base Sgt. Maj. Ramona Cook probably should
also review your public statements.

Coincidentally enough, she's an electronics
specialist and a black woman.

Aaaawwww.... did someone get passed over for promotion?

Archimedes' Lever

But it probably is the call of Colonel Nicholas Marano,
Commanding Officer of Marine base Camp Pendleton
located in Oceanside, California (south of L.A.),
whose equipment you are using.

I am not USING any equipment, idiot.
Base Sgt. Maj. Ramona Cook probably should
also review your public statements.

You seem to think I am in the service.

You guys need to stop making things up.
Coincidentally enough, she's an electronics
specialist and a black woman.


I think you are about as far "off base" as it can get.

I hope you paid for your info, because you deserve to be ripped off.

You are, however, displaying severe stalking behavior.
Keep it up. It only enforces MY case against you.
Aaaawwww.... did someone get passed over for promotion?

I have done more in the past week to make the world a better place than
you have or ever will, in your entire, pathetic life.

Give it up, boys.


If people aren't interested in what I have to say, that's fine with
me. Some people are. I have no interest in rearranging my life to
suit the prejudices of others.

I've been through this snotty Usenet discussion before. You are
wasting my time by repeating it. The problem is the cross-posting.
Without it, our paths never would have crossed.

The whole idea of kill-filing people, of suggesting that others should
be kill-filed, of publicly announcing that you have kill-filed someone
or other, or suggesting that I should kill-file someone repels me.
What is there about using the word "kill" to refer to a human being
that you don't understand, your doctorate notwithstanding?


KILL, as in KILL all Unamerican gang boy retards, all unamerican white
supremacist Nazi retard trash, kill ALL Mexican drug cartel gang member,
and KILL ANY border crossers using a two fence system where the second
fence is electrified, and selectively mined in a similar manner as that
of unmanned vehicles. A nice remotely pointed and fired sniper rifle
would be fine as well.

The idiots that announce their filter file edit sessions are even more
retarded than the dopes that filter at all.

Apparently, there are SEVERAL things that YOU, your doctorate
notwithstanding, fail to understand about the world. It is not the civil
place you seem to think it is.

Assholes that spend their lives never having seen tragedy or pain will
never know what anything other than a pampered, clueless life is.

I strive to CRUSH tragedy and pain, even if that requires KILLING any
responsible parties.

If you did not react to seeing the Katrina looting videos in the same
manner as I did, then you have no business claiming a doctorate in

Archimedes' Lever

He's angry because they wouldn't buy him a new mop.


I have always found that fantasy of yours that has you thinking that I
push a mop quite hilarious.

You see... you need that to feel superior, when it in fact, ensures
that you are not in way, any such thing.


I'm well aware of how ugly, uncivil, and violent the world can be,
which is one reason why I reacted to you as I did.

Don't start making excuses, fuckhead. You were stalking, and may well
still be.


You'll never get it straight, though, by threatening people,

There were no threats, you goddamned retarded, convoluted bastard!

You fucking deserve it.
calling people names,

Grow the **** up, Chuck, You make me want to upchuck.
or similarly trying to frighten or
diminish others.

You diminish yourself, dipshit.
The world will give your hostility back to you, no
matter the origin of your hostility.

Yet another fucking threat.

You should consider yourself lucky that I am a nice guy.