Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Measuring fluctuations of earth's magnetic fields inside a pc ?



On Sun, 25 Oct 2009 15:45:03 -0700 (PDT), Tim Williams

On Oct 25, 3:28 pm, CellShocked
Your CRT.

He said "inside a pc [sic]". So that only works if he's got an iMac.
Anything else and he's SOL.


XTs had integrated monitors, and an XT is even past this dope's speed.

More dimbulb bullshit.

What do you expect from ALwaysWrong?
The only ones that did were a few clones,
where everything but the keyboard was in one case like the early Compaq.

The IBM "Luggable" was also in a case much like that early Compaq. It
looked a lot like it, in fact.

And NEITHER are the IBM XT to which I refer.

You are both fucking lost.

Archimedes' Lever

Could you diagram that and describe the theory of operation?

It's kind of like optical interferometry. The angled hole in the
rotating shaft causes an observable perturbation.

That takes place in the current flux orientation. That becomes your
baseline. Now move the device and observe slight differences in the
baseline observed 'waveform(s)'. The is due to the device now being in a
different place, with respect to Earth's field.

One could use it to locate flux line positions, and it can be used for
orientation and alignment along those lines.

I am sure there are other things which can be observed, and things which
can be quantified as well.

That's my guess.

They guy that proposed it would surely know the real operating model and


On Sun, 25 Oct 2009 15:45:03 -0700 (PDT), Tim Williams

On Oct 25, 3:28 pm, CellShocked
Your CRT.

He said "inside a pc [sic]". So that only works if he's got an iMac.
Anything else and he's SOL.


XTs had integrated monitors, and an XT is even past this dope's speed.

More dimbulb bullshit. The only ones that did were a few clones,

You're a goddamned total retard.

He's not always wrong, AlwaysWrong.
When the IBM XT PC came out, there were NO clones, you dumbfuck.

Compaq came out the same year, 1983.
Also, IBM most certainly had models with integrated monitors. The
clone began with the 286 class.

Wrong, other than the "luggable". That's not what you said anyway,
If you are going to selectively participate, remove your retarded
filters., and at least attempt to be fucking civil, jackass.

Wow, DimBulb want civility? That's just precious.
Otherwise, shut the **** up, and keep your retarded, know nothing
horseshit out of my thread branches, you retarded little piece of shit.

AlwaysWrong talks about others being know nothings. You're just too
much today, DimBulb.
Pretty goddamned funny, you coming in here with your hate, declaring
how wrong I am, when it is you that is fucking wrong.

Hardly, AlwaysWrong.
Wrong again, dipshit.
IBM had a $2000 XT that had an integrated monitor, and no hard drive.

Wrong. The XT (5160) came with a disk drive. The PC or 5150, both
first and second generation, did come without hard drives. ...and *NO*
integrated monitor, Dimmie.
I played nethack for a couple years on one.

Sorry to say, but you were playing with yourself.
Your hatred has clouded your mind, and it has been showing for a
plurality of years now, Mikey. You should seek help for that.

Hell, my "dim bulb" is brighter than your best shot, you hatred filled,
fucked in the head dolt.

You have a garage full of them, and you STILL can't get it right.

Michael has it right, AlwaysWrong.
My "Fog-O-Graphic memory does a better job than you, even if you had
written it down somewhere.

About your speed, Dimmie.
Clone that, you stupid asswipe.

Try harder DimBulb. You're still AlwaysWrong.


On Mon, 26 Oct 2009 12:51:17 -0400, "Michael A. Terrell"

CellShocked wrote:

On Sun, 25 Oct 2009 15:45:03 -0700 (PDT), Tim Williams

On Oct 25, 3:28 pm, CellShocked
Your CRT.

He said "inside a pc [sic]". So that only works if he's got an iMac.
Anything else and he's SOL.


XTs had integrated monitors, and an XT is even past this dope's speed.

More dimbulb bullshit. The only ones that did were a few clones,

You're a goddamned total retard.

He's not always wrong, AlwaysWrong.
When the IBM XT PC came out, there were NO clones, you dumbfuck.

Compaq came out the same year, 1983.
Also, IBM most certainly had models with integrated monitors. The
clone began with the 286 class.

Wrong, other than the "luggable". That's not what you said anyway,
If you are going to selectively participate, remove your retarded
filters., and at least attempt to be fucking civil, jackass.

Wow, DimBulb want civility? That's just precious.
Otherwise, shut the **** up, and keep your retarded, know nothing
horseshit out of my thread branches, you retarded little piece of shit.

AlwaysWrong talks about others being know nothings. You're just too
much today, DimBulb.
Pretty goddamned funny, you coming in here with your hate, declaring
how wrong I am, when it is you that is fucking wrong.

Hardly, AlwaysWrong.
where everything but the keyboard was in one case like the early Compaq.

Wrong again, dipshit.
IBM had a $2000 XT that had an integrated monitor, and no hard drive.

Wrong. The XT (5160) came with a disk drive. The PC or 5150, both
first and second generation, did come without hard drives. ...and *NO*
integrated monitor, Dimmie.
I played nethack for a couple years on one.

Sorry to say, but you were playing with yourself.
Your hatred has clouded your mind, and it has been showing for a
plurality of years now, Mikey. You should seek help for that.

Hell, my "dim bulb" is brighter than your best shot, you hatred filled,
fucked in the head dolt.

You have a garage full of them, and you STILL can't get it right.

Michael has it right, AlwaysWrong.
My "Fog-O-Graphic memory does a better job than you, even if you had
written it down somewhere.

About your speed, Dimmie.
Clone that, you stupid asswipe.

Try harder DimBulb. You're still AlwaysWrong.

Also, the "XT' followed the 'PC' The PC only had five slots, with a
max of 256 KB of RAM on the motherboard and a casstte tape port. The
'XT' had eight slots, and a max of 640 KB RAM on the motherboard.

Leave it to a pair of total retards to declare that they knew every
model that IBM ever sold.

You guys are both absolute dumbfucks.

The machine I had was an XT. It was an IBM product, and it had an
integrated monitor, and it was $2000 new.

So **** off, as usual, you know NOTHING, gang boy retard twits.

Dr J R Stockton

In alt.comp.lang.borland-delphi message <f72cfd1f-a4d8-476d-9edf-
[email protected]>, Mon, 26 Oct 2009 17:02:23,
Greegor said:
Could you diagram that and describe the theory of operation?

The conducting outside of the hole is equivalent to a one-turn coil with
a horizontal axis connected with a one-turn coil with a vertical axis.
The latter couples by transformer action with the fixed coil.

If the hole were removed, there would clearly by symmetry be no net
effect remaining on the fixed coil.

Therefore, if the rotating holeless conductor were to be removed and the
ex-hole replaced by a corresponding amount of conductor, there should be
an equivalent effect of the opposite instantaneous sign. That I did not

The conductivity of the material, in either case, should be such that
the skin depth at the frequency of rotation is significantly less than
the thickness of the conductor. For copper, the skin depth at 1 kHz is
I believe about 2 mm; it goes inversely as the square toot of the


On Mon, 26 Oct 2009 12:51:17 -0400, "Michael A. Terrell"

CellShocked wrote:

On Sun, 25 Oct 2009 15:45:03 -0700 (PDT), Tim Williams

On Oct 25, 3:28 pm, CellShocked
Your CRT.

He said "inside a pc [sic]". So that only works if he's got an iMac.
Anything else and he's SOL.


XTs had integrated monitors, and an XT is even past this dope's speed.

More dimbulb bullshit. The only ones that did were a few clones,

You're a goddamned total retard.

He's not always wrong, AlwaysWrong.
When the IBM XT PC came out, there were NO clones, you dumbfuck.

Compaq came out the same year, 1983.
Also, IBM most certainly had models with integrated monitors. The
clone began with the 286 class.

Wrong, other than the "luggable". That's not what you said anyway,
If you are going to selectively participate, remove your retarded
filters., and at least attempt to be fucking civil, jackass.

Wow, DimBulb want civility? That's just precious.
Otherwise, shut the **** up, and keep your retarded, know nothing
horseshit out of my thread branches, you retarded little piece of shit.

AlwaysWrong talks about others being know nothings. You're just too
much today, DimBulb.
Pretty goddamned funny, you coming in here with your hate, declaring
how wrong I am, when it is you that is fucking wrong.

Hardly, AlwaysWrong.
where everything but the keyboard was in one case like the early Compaq.

Wrong again, dipshit.
IBM had a $2000 XT that had an integrated monitor, and no hard drive.

Wrong. The XT (5160) came with a disk drive. The PC or 5150, both
first and second generation, did come without hard drives. ...and *NO*
integrated monitor, Dimmie.
I played nethack for a couple years on one.

Sorry to say, but you were playing with yourself.
Your hatred has clouded your mind, and it has been showing for a
plurality of years now, Mikey. You should seek help for that.

Hell, my "dim bulb" is brighter than your best shot, you hatred filled,
fucked in the head dolt.

You have a garage full of them, and you STILL can't get it right.

Michael has it right, AlwaysWrong.
My "Fog-O-Graphic memory does a better job than you, even if you had
written it down somewhere.

About your speed, Dimmie.
Clone that, you stupid asswipe.

Try harder DimBulb. You're still AlwaysWrong.

Also, the "XT' followed the 'PC' The PC only had five slots, with a
max of 256 KB of RAM on the motherboard and a casstte tape port. The
'XT' had eight slots, and a max of 640 KB RAM on the motherboard.

Only the second incarnation of the PC allowed 256K on the motherboard.
The first was limited to 64K and came with as little as 16K.


On Mon, 26 Oct 2009 16:38:17 -0700, CellShocked

On Mon, 26 Oct 2009 12:51:17 -0400, "Michael A. Terrell"

CellShocked wrote:

On Sun, 25 Oct 2009 15:45:03 -0700 (PDT), Tim Williams

On Oct 25, 3:28 pm, CellShocked
Your CRT.

He said "inside a pc [sic]". So that only works if he's got an iMac.
Anything else and he's SOL.


XTs had integrated monitors, and an XT is even past this dope's speed.

More dimbulb bullshit. The only ones that did were a few clones,

You're a goddamned total retard.

He's not always wrong, AlwaysWrong.

When the IBM XT PC came out, there were NO clones, you dumbfuck.

Compaq came out the same year, 1983.

Also, IBM most certainly had models with integrated monitors. The
clone began with the 286 class.

Wrong, other than the "luggable". That's not what you said anyway,

If you are going to selectively participate, remove your retarded
filters., and at least attempt to be fucking civil, jackass.

Wow, DimBulb want civility? That's just precious.

Otherwise, shut the **** up, and keep your retarded, know nothing
horseshit out of my thread branches, you retarded little piece of shit.

AlwaysWrong talks about others being know nothings. You're just too
much today, DimBulb.

Pretty goddamned funny, you coming in here with your hate, declaring
how wrong I am, when it is you that is fucking wrong.

Hardly, AlwaysWrong.

where everything but the keyboard was in one case like the early Compaq.

Wrong again, dipshit.

IBM had a $2000 XT that had an integrated monitor, and no hard drive.

Wrong. The XT (5160) came with a disk drive. The PC or 5150, both
first and second generation, did come without hard drives. ...and *NO*
integrated monitor, Dimmie.

I played nethack for a couple years on one.

Sorry to say, but you were playing with yourself.

Your hatred has clouded your mind, and it has been showing for a
plurality of years now, Mikey. You should seek help for that.

Hell, my "dim bulb" is brighter than your best shot, you hatred filled,
fucked in the head dolt.


You have a garage full of them, and you STILL can't get it right.

Michael has it right, AlwaysWrong.

My "Fog-O-Graphic memory does a better job than you, even if you had
written it down somewhere.

About your speed, Dimmie.

Clone that, you stupid asswipe.

Try harder DimBulb. You're still AlwaysWrong.

Also, the "XT' followed the 'PC' The PC only had five slots, with a
max of 256 KB of RAM on the motherboard and a casstte tape port. The
'XT' had eight slots, and a max of 640 KB RAM on the motherboard.

Leave it to a pair of total retards to declare that they knew every
model that IBM ever sold.

I sure know the 5150s and 5160s.
You guys are both absolute dumbfucks.

You're projecting again, DimBulb.
The machine I had was an XT. It was an IBM product, and it had an
integrated monitor, and it was $2000 new.

Leave it to AlwaysWrong to be, um, wrong again.
So **** off, as usual, you know NOTHING, gang boy retard twits.

AlwaysWrong, always *so* wrong.

Archimedes' Lever

Crikey! Another pompous ass. Trying to pick off Larkin from the top
spot ?:)

...Jim Thompson

Is there ever a day when you are not acting like a total retard?

Oh, wait! It's not an act! Bwuahahahahahaha!

Archimedes' Lever

Only the second incarnation of the PC allowed 256K on the motherboard.
The first was limited to 64K and came with as little as 16K.

And the KRW asswipe had to research that to get it right too.


And the KRW asswipe had to research that to get it right too.

Always so wrong, AlwaysWrong. I owned an original 5150 and had
several of all varieties of 5150s, '60s, and '70s at work.


You're right, but I only saw one with that motherboard. it belonged
to one of the IBM engineers involved in the design. It was a prototype,
and they gave it to him when he retired. I repaired it for him, and
converted it to 64 KB so I could remove the three 16 KB memory cards.
the old man had tears of joy when I showed him the computer. He needed a
replacement floppy drive controller and no other shop had any. One told
him to toss the piece of shit in the dumpster and spend $1400 on a new

I think I still have two PC series in storage, along with a few
untouched XTs. Most of the XTs are IBM, but there is one clone.

I still have my original (March '82) model of the PC with the original
MB. I bought it with 48KB (the minimum "first-day" employee system).
With one single-sided floppy, both display cards and a monochrome
monitor the employee price was $2500.
I converted a lot of the 256 KB XT motherboards to 640 KB by adding
the missing IC, and soldering across the missing two pin header.

I converted a pile of 'em at work. We used 64K memory that had come
off "life" test so it was free, and well burned in. ;-)


I was using 256 KB pulls from scrapped Unisys memory cards.

I meant 256K. We were getting the ones the mainframe guys were using
(mostly Hitachi, IIRC).
We were
processing hundreds of them, with 144 64 KB or 256 KB DRAM to prepare
them for recovery of the precious metals. This was during the 256 KB RAM
shortage, so I sold thousands of good used 256 KB RAM ICs for $2.75
each, by the tube. I removed them with a six inch solder pot & a small
pair of 'Channel Locks'. I would skim the pot and dip the leads back in
clean solder, then tap the 'Channel Locks' on the edge of the solder
pot, leaving the leads freshly tinned. I could do about 400 41256 RAM
chips in eight hours. :)

We got them by the hundreds. Free and no work at all. ;-)



We had to do certified destruction on these boards, and were paid to
do it. :)

These were scrap too. I'm sure some bean counter somewhere lost a lot
of sleep. They're funny that way.


Without really intending to, you have performed a gruesome experiment
on Usenet, and I conclude that enough data are available to draw a
tentative conclusion.

Your reckless cross-posts to comp.arch invariably resurrect the flood
of spam. If you really want to post to comp.arch, please don't cross-


He is an idiot, and since YOU comp.arch IDIOTS did not complain about
his stupidity at the get go, he is now entrenched into thinking his
retarded behavior is acceptable. That, and YOU are at fault for his
invasion of your group. Don't be like the black retards of the world and
blame everything on the rest of the world. Clean up YOUR OWN act, and
your own group. Organize your group members and complain about the
retarded ****.

But your logic is also flawed. The spam is not the result of his added
groups, dipshit. Your group gets spammed, because the retarded spammers
hunt up groups that get daily activity. D'OH!


Michael A. Terrell wrote:

I removed them with a six inch solder pot & a small
pair of 'Channel Locks'. I would skim the pot and dip the leads back in
clean solder, then tap the 'Channel Locks' on the edge of the solder
pot, leaving the leads freshly tinned. I could do about 400 41256 RAM
chips in eight hours. :)

Wow! That's cookin'! :) I would have enjoyed watching
that, then would have become a pita with "Let me try! Let
me try!"


Archimedes' Lever

Thanks for offering your considered and carefully-worded opinion.

Since the spamming had disappeared and reappeared only when skybuck
reappeared, I inferred a causal connection.

I've politely suggested to him that too many of his posts are too far
off-topic and that he has really worn out the patience of comp.arch,
but I was told by a fellow comp.arch poster that I shouldn't
discourage him.

As to many of the abusive and defamatory statements you have made,
they are evidence that neither skybuck nor anyone else has a monopoly
on many of the undesirable qualities you complain about.

As to lodging complaints, I generally save that for abusive posts like


Oh, so let's see if I get this stupid, fucked in the head logic

Because I cuss, I am abusive?

No. I am abusive to retarded dipshits that deserve to be abused.

You are one such dumbfuck. Why? I tried to tell you how to deal with
the adolescent twit. Instead, you decided to attack me. That was a
mistake. I think your life is peppered with them though.

You came back and attempted to blame me, simply because I jump on the
dopes that invade our groups.

**** you for being too stupid to be able to discern the situation for
what it is.

My complaints and abuse OF SKYTARD began when the skytard started with
his cross-posted, childish horseshit in our groups, and that doesn't even
address the content.

You're a pussy, and a retard, and there is no hope for holier than
though chumps like you ever having enough common sense to see things for
what they are. Essentially, you're a goddamned idiot. Almost a bigger
idiot than the SKYTARD that you are "worried" about. Yes, it must merely
be worry, because you are too pussified to do anything about it.

The summary? YOU are INEFFECTUAL.

You are apparently hard wired that way, so there is no hope either.
Probably had a wife once too.

Archimedes' Lever

Thank you for demonstrating your consummate mastery of the English
language, your sarcastic wit, your knowledge of the world, and, most
of all, your penetrating analytical capabilities.


You're an idiot, Myers. You are worse than the bad lead guitarist that
think he is on top of the world.

You are truly pathetic. What you need to be penetrated with is fast
moving heavy masses. Got your physics down, failed programmer?


He does have idiotic opinions, occaisionally, sure. However, in his
defense, I've found that he does seem to provide useful information once
in a while (well, links to useful information).

And then there is amusement value of the reactions his postings provoke....

He is a festering pustule on the face of the group.

Ken Hagan

You're an idiot, Myers. You are worse than the bad lead guitarist that
think he is on top of the world.

You are truly pathetic. What you need to be penetrated with is fast
moving heavy masses. Got your physics down, failed programmer?

Oh, go find a place to stand. You know, that one well outside the Earth...