Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Massage Chair Premier Health products 2030 elctrical schematic

when I power the chair flip the on button nothing happens, when I turn the power switch off the remote lights up for a second then goes off. nothing is working. I have no electrical schematic to see if there is a fuse somewhere?
Thir tjjoiner . . . . . (oooooooops . . . . . my pesky lil' lispth is kicking in again . . .)

Now I ask you, wouldn't you also DARE to assume that the PHP 2026/2027 models are being 99. . . . 86/100ths % clones of your 2030 . . . . . with your higher number being a slightly later version or else a "pweeeeee-mi-yum-yum bweeeeeewed " upgrade ( it additionally tickles your feet soles)

Just move on to a previously encountered post here . . . . to see if any of its relevent info may be of any help to you.
If its being that hefty power transformers primary opening,via thermal fuse, just the metering of the AC output of it into the fullwave bridge block rectifier should answer that aspect .
Or also, it being an inline power fuse, . . . IF . . . one is incorporated.

Repaiwing a Pwemier Health Pwoducts . . . . . PHP 2026 / 2027 Massage Chair . . . . .
(without even breaking into a sweat ! . . . . .by Elmer Fudd . . . .aka . . . the fuddster )

73's de Edd . . . . .

TRUISM . . . . .
Rowdy kids in the back seat cause accidents. . . . . . . . . Accidents in the back seat cause kids.
