Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Marks dog door

Probably 2-3 minutes
The timer states a 1 to 300 second delay...
If you turned that screw enough it could take 5 minutes xD
I think you are incredibly close as well.
Give it another try and give it some more time to return on it's own.

It sounds like it's working...
Pressing NO once should start extending... and pressing NC should interrupt the process and make it start retracting. You should not need to hold either button... a single momentary press is all that is needed.
It's working - great job buddy thanks for your patients / feels good inside / the magic happened in the end by turning the blue screw and experimenting - although I'm still not sure of how I did it
It's working - great job buddy thanks for your patients / feels good inside / the magic happened in the end by turning the blue screw and experimenting - although I'm still not sure of how I did it
Ok stop rejoicing it's not working again
It's working perfect
Sorry, I was away for a bit working on fixing a gamepad for my brother.
So... it's working now? Or not working? Or working sometimes?
Glad you had the patients to wait for the timer to expire. I'm not sure how the device is actually wired. There may actually be an adjustment on the blue potentiometer that may prevent it from actually expiring... but that would be pretty close to the end of it's travel if my assumption is correct about how it's wired.
Keep an eye on it and experiment to determine how that adjustment should be made. I can't tell you if clock-wise or counter-clockwise will make the time shorter or longer, but you can find out with some patients.
As far as that cap is concerned, that would be to shorten or lengthen the time if the blue component does not adjust that far. I would encourage you to leave the cap alone and trying to get the ideal time. If you can't get the ideal time, you can put the cap on and try again.
Ok great thanks again - just to be clear the blue time adjustment lengthens or shortens the amount of time there is after the actuator fully extends - then the timer count starts and then reverses the current to make the actuator retract
Ok great thanks again - just to be clear the blue time adjustment lengthens or shortens the amount of time there is after the actuator fully extends - then the timer count starts and then reverses the current to make the actuator retract
not quite... The Time/Relay does not know when the actuator moves... We are relying on the built-in limit switches for the actuator so everything behind it is operating blind.
The Timer starts 'immediately' when you first push the NO button.
The goal here is to set the Timer long enough for the actuator to fully extend, then stay open for the duration you want.
If the timer is too short, the actuator will begin to extend... then reverse direction and close before it has had a chance to open all the way.