Maker Pro
Maker Pro

If there's a wifi or wireless connection nearby is it moral to tap inand use it?



Unfortunately this is one area of law where the onus is on the "offender"
to prove there was no malicious intent. In other words, you are guilty
until you prove yourself innocent. That defence has been tried and
failed - a B&E on a commercial premises, person found inside (no witnesses
to say that person actually committed the B&E), person claimed they had
been walking past, saw the broken window, and entered to check if anyone
was inside. The defense failed as they were still trespassing and that
was not deemed a lawful excuse....

Yeah, commerical premises, why would anyone go inside?

Walking in into an open shop or a house saying "Anyone home" is a different

The important question is what tapping into a wifi network is analagous to.
The answer is that it is not analgous to any of them, because the network
owner is theoretically trespassing by broadcasting its signal. Hence
specific statutes such as Telecommunications and Broadcating to deal with
these issues.

Rod Speed

The original was: "wouldn't be able prove it".

Yep, you made a VERY spectacular fool
of yourself spewing that pig ignorant shit.
So you're wrong.

Lying, as always.
"Nearly all 802.11 cards in use permit their MAC address to be altered"

Separate issue entirely to what was being
discussed, you flagrantly dishonest arsehole.

No news to me, asschild.

You'll find I have said just that elsewhere if you
actually have enough of a clue to use


Yep, you made a VERY spectacular fool
of yourself spewing that pig ignorant shit.

not at all. you're getting confused again.

Lying, as always.

nope. confused? get with it.

Separate issue entirely to what was being
discussed, you flagrantly dishonest arsehole.

nope. entirley relevant. you're getting confused again.

No news to me, asschild.

not from what you said earlier.

You'll find I have said just that elsewhere if you
actually have enough of a clue to use

what, and look up your posts. no thanks.

Rod Speed

not at all. you're getting confused again.

Desperately lying, yet again.

Your original was an absolute, you're now desperately
attempting to slither off to something completely different.


get with it.

Get fucked. And stop lying.

entirley relevant.

Not to that original absolute claim you
made, you flagrantly dishonest arsehole.
you're getting confused again.

You're lying, as always.
not from what you said earlier.

Lying, again.
what, and look up your posts. no thanks.

Pathetic, really.


Rod Speed said:
Desperately lying, yet again.

Lying? Are you mad?

Your original was an absolute, you're now desperately
attempting to slither off to something completely different.

no, you're wrong. I said "they wouldn't be able to prove it"

the OP was talking about home wifi networks. perfectly reasonable statement
in the context.

it's only because you're desparate to offload profanity and abuse that you
misread the situation

you're the only liar here.

Get fucked. And stop lying.

talking to yourself again?

Not to that original absolute claim you
made, you flagrantly dishonest arsehole.

you're making it up as go along. the original OP was talking about home
wifi networks. my claim was they wouldn't be able to prove it. perfectly
reasonable statement.

you're argument and vitriol is entirely pointless and misguided.

You're lying, as always.

Lying, again.

you're doing it again. you're the one that said you can't alter the MAC
address. back up you're claims like I did.

Rod Speed

Lying? Are you mad?

Pathetic, really.
no, you're wrong.

Desperately lying, yet again.
I said "they wouldn't be able to prove it"

And that's the absolute that is a bald faced pig ignorant lie.
the OP was talking about home wifi networks.

Another lie.
perfectly reasonable statement in the context.

Desperately lying, yet again.
it's only because you're desparate to offload profanity and abuse that you
misread the situation

Desperately lying, yet again.
you're the only liar here.

Pathetic, really.
talking to yourself again?

Pathetic, really.
you're making it up as go along.

Pathetic, really.
the original OP was talking about home wifi networks.

Desperately lying, yet again.
my claim was they wouldn't be able to prove it.

Yep, you actually are that stupid.
perfectly reasonable statement.

Pathetic, really.
you're argument and vitriol is entirely pointless and misguided.

Pathetic, really.
you're doing it again.

We'll see...
you're the one that said you can't alter the MAC address.

Yet another bald faced lie. I never ever did anything of the sort.
back up you're claims like I did.

Like hell you ever did.

Back up that lie that I ever said that the MAC address cant be altered.

I never ever did, you silly little pathological liar.


Yet another bald faced lie. I never ever did anything of the sort.

Like hell you ever did.

Back up that lie that I ever said that the MAC address cant be altered.

from your earlier post:

if you are able to stop the wireless card sending its MAC address,

You cant, you pig ignorant shit asschild.

now, let me guess which line you wrote. pick the one that's the most
vile, purile, profane, and abusive, which seems to be all you can manage,
especially when you lose an argument.


Rod Speed said:
from your earlier post:
You cant, you pig ignorant shit asschild.

Nothing like the same thing. It STILL sends
the MAC address, whatever that happens to
be set to, you stupid pig ignorant fuckwit clown.

Who do you think you're fooling? You said that it couldn't be altered.

If you can spoof the MAC address then they they can't prove it was your
wireless card. It's like I'm teaching a primary school child.

Rod Speed

Who do you think you're fooling?

Pathetic, really.
You said that it couldn't be altered.

Like hell I ever did you silly little pathological liar.
If you can spoof the MAC address then they they can't prove it was your
wireless card.

Pity that that is JUST ONE POSSIBILITY, so your original absolute
claim is STILL just plain wrong, you silly little pathological liar.

Here it is again,

You cant actually be THAT think, you've got to be a pathological liar.

And so stupid that you cant even manage to work out the
difference between a normal residential house and a shop either.


Rod Speed said:
Pathetic, really.

Like hell I ever did you silly little pathological liar.

You said it you couldn't stop the wireless card sending its MAC address.

If you spoof the MAC address, you are stopping it sending its MAC address.

Stop making pointless distinctions just to give you an excuse to be profane
and abusive.

Pity that that is JUST ONE POSSIBILITY, so your original absolute
claim is STILL just plain wrong, you silly little pathological liar.

Here it is again,

You cant actually be THAT think, you've got to be a pathological liar.

the average home wifi network owner would not have logging in place to
incriminate you.

therefore it was a perfectly reasonable statement. only if you are
desparate to be profane and abusive would you try to argue otherwise.

Rod Speed

You said it you couldn't stop the wireless card sending its MAC address.

Like hell I ever did you silly little pathological liar.
If you spoof the MAC address, you are stopping it sending its MAC address.

Thanks for that completely superfluous proof
that you have never ever had a fucking clue.
Stop making pointless distinctions just to give you an excuse to be profane
and abusive.

Stop lying, asschild.
the average home wifi network owner would not have logging in place to
incriminate you.

Completely irrelevant to your original ABSOLUTE
CLAIM, you silly little terminal fuckwit.

No mention of 'the average home wifi network owner'
in your original terminal stupidity either.
therefore it was a perfectly reasonable statement.

Pathetic, really.
only if you are desparate to be profane and abusive would you try to argue

Pathetic, really.

Done like a fucking dinner, as always.

Yeah I know all it can be logged and what not but even if you find a computer name and ID how would you physically locate it in the
real world?

Sure you could try to track it with serial numbers and what not but I would imagine it might be more difficult than possible.

Hmmm anyway I could be missing something I am just curious about it that is all. As for myself I would not use another persons
network without their knowledge as I see that as a bit of an invasion of privacy.


Rod Speed said:
Like hell I ever did you silly little pathological liar.

little? What a bizarre evolution in your profane jibberish.

Looks like I'll just have to re-paste it, profanity and all:

if you are able to stop the wireless card sending its MAC address,

You cant, you pig ignorant shit asschild.

Thanks for that completely superfluous proof
that you have never ever had a fucking clue.

Err, what? looks like you're getting confused again. get with it.

Stop lying, asschild.

You're the only one lying here.

Completely irrelevant to your original ABSOLUTE
CLAIM, you silly little terminal fuckwit.

I didn't use any absolute words. you are interpreting that way in order to
explode in profanity and abuse. quite pointless really.

No mention of 'the average home wifi network owner'
in your original terminal stupidity either.

Pathetic, really.

is this a sign that you are defeated?

Pathetic, really.

Done like a fucking dinner, as always.

you were done like a dinner the moment you stepped into this debate

if you weren't desparate to be profane and abusive you wouldn't be making
such a fool of yourself.

Rod Speed

V© said:
Yeah I know all it can be logged and what not but even if you find a computer
name and ID how would you physically locate it in the real world?

Really depends on what they do over your wireless lan.
Sure you could try to track it with serial numbers and what not but I would
imagine it might be more difficult than possible.
Hmmm anyway I could be missing something I am just curious about it that is
all. As for myself I would not use another persons network
without their knowledge as I see that as a bit of an invasion of privacy.

Not really if you just use it for net access and dont perve at their system.

Rod Speed

As in what is between your ears and the size of your dick.

I didn't use any absolute words.

Never ever said you did, you silly little terminal fuckwit.
you are interpreting that way

Lying, again.
is this a sign that you are defeated?

Pathetic, really.
you were done like a dinner the moment you stepped into this debate

Pathetic, really.
if you weren't desparate to be profane and abusive you wouldn't be making such
a fool of yourself.

Pathetic, really.

Keep desperately digging, you'll be out in china any day now, asschild.


V© said:
Yeah I know all it can be logged and what not but even if you find a
computer name and ID how would you physically locate it in the real world?

Track the RADIO signal, as you have been told before....... Logging the PC
name/ID would just be further evidence for them after they had physically
located the source.

The downside of wireless LAN - anyone with a directional antenna (which
isn't hard to make for receive only) and a receiver with signal meter can
locate the source of a radio signal.

The upside - most of the morons using this stuff don't undertand one thing
about radio signals or setting up proper security settings!!!


Rod Speed said:
As in what is between your ears and the size of your dick.

<reams of your puerile shit flushed where it belongs>

You mean you deleted this:

if you are able to stop the wireless card sending its MAC address,

You cant, you pig ignorant shit asschild.

Let's see you weasel out of this one.

Never ever said you did, you silly little terminal fuckwit.

you're the one who introduced this word absolute. you're desparate to make
pointless distinctions so you can be profane and abusive.

i said they wouldn't be able to prove your identity. given they're
unlikely to have logging in place, it's a perfectly resonable statement.
only someone desparate to be profane and abusive would believe otherwise.

Rod Speed

you're the one who introduced this word absolute.

You quite sure you aint one of those rocket
scientist silly little terminal fuckwits ?

i said they wouldn't be able to prove your identity.

Lying, again. You ACTUALLY said
given they're unlikely to have logging in place, it's a perfectly resonable

Unlikely aint the same thing as the absolute you pig
ignorantly claimed, you silly little terminal fuckwit.
